Plateauing again! (vent)

I''ve been all kinds of sick and so has my husband this summer and I haven't really counted calories or exercised since June. Yes, I realize this is probably the reason I'm plateauing. I'm working on getting back on the horse and juggling a new job but I last weighed in at 300.3 with MFP (now 301.4)... I'm so close to under 300 and I've been stuck at 301.4 for a couple weeks.

Do you guys find taking progress photos help? I haven't because I'm kind of mortified but I've heard a ton of people swear by it.

PS - the new job is at a locally owned gourmet cupcake bakery. Wish me luck.


  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    I do NOT take progress photos---what a scary thought! LOL. I DO go by how things are fitting, and how I feel.
    Plateau's are so hard
    but KUDOS to you for getting back on track!

    Sometimes your body goes---whooooooa there---I better hang on to this stored fat, she is not eating like she used too!
    Amp up the exercise and water
    and keep the calories down. it has to kick in sooner or later, that is what I always tell myself.

    You got this!

    Good luck with the bakery job.
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    I take pics every month.....on the first. Not that I share them with anyone other than myself it does help to see the change. Even the small changes. Sometimes it's almost more like looking at a hidden picture or something, trying to find what looks like it has changed. Good luck to you figuring out what will help with the plateau.....I wish I could offer some advice, but I haven't hit a plateau yet, and I shutter to think about the day when I finally will.
  • Gitn_Fit
    Gitn_Fit Posts: 40 Member
    Yes, I take progress photos. They saved me a few times from falling off the wagon. Specifically when I was doing the 30 day shred and I did the work to lose a fair amount of weight but instead only lost like 4-5 pounds. The pictures showed that I looked differently even if the scale barely moved.
    I never understood people that said it would be scary to take pictures. You aren't showing anyone. It is your body. Don't you see yourself naked in the shower every day? In fact it may even give you more motivation. I typically take pics both with work out clothes on and completely nude.
    I had lost 60 pounds. That is a fair amount. I couldn't really tell until I compared my pictures.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    I take two sets of progress pics - one in my swimsuit (shows EVERYTHING) and one in my typical workday outfit. I make side-by-side photos every two weeks using both so that I can tell exactly how my body is changing as I lose weight and exercise. It has been more eye-opening and positive for me than the scale, by far!
  • Jane61849
    Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been stuck at 300 / 299 for weeks. At first the weight dropped off, now I'm doing the same things, but with no results. I decided going into this that it is a lifestyle change, not a sprint where I would end up regaining it all back.

    Are you fitting in smaller clothes? That's a motivator when the scale isn't doing squat.

    Keep at it!

  • mattnjakesmom
    I take two sets of progress pics - one in my swimsuit (shows EVERYTHING) and one in my typical workday outfit. I make side-by-side photos every two weeks using both so that I can tell exactly how my body is changing as I lose weight and exercise. It has been more eye-opening and positive for me than the scale, by far!

    I do the same. One in my swimsuit for myself to see. And then one in clothes that I can share. :)