10/4/12 Weigh-In

I am so, so happy and relieved to report that the scale showed a victory for me this week!!! I haven't weighed myself in a week or so, when I discovered that I was at a new all-time high. :noway: Ironically, that is what it took for me to finally buckle down and get my determination and motivation back. It paid off this week with a 5.2 lb weight loss!!! :happy: More important than the amount of weight I lost (which, believe me, I LOVE) is the fact that the scale budged in the right direction this time! I seriously cannot remember the last time I lost ANY weight at all. It has probably been close to a year..... So I am one happy camper this morning!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

Remember that the scale is only ONE TOOL we can use to measure our progress. Also, focus on how your clothes are fitting, how you feel (physically and emotionally), and other NON-scale victories that you notice on your way to your goals!!! All of these are important indicators of how you are doing at any given time.

Hope you are all doing well. Remember that posting your weigh-in is OPTIONAL for any given week! This is meant to be motivating for one another and not punitive! :wink:


  • LisaJD
    LisaJD Posts: 3
    Way to go iamslimandfit! 5.2 lbs is an amazing weight loss for a week; especially for a woman. Keep up the great work. 5.2 will be really dificult next week so please don't get down if the number is not as high; I'm sure you know the second week is much tougher to get that scale to move. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good number this week too; I'm weighing in on Monday (which kills my weekend but keeps me inline).
  • DonnaAnn64
    DonnaAnn64 Posts: 74 Member
    whoo hoo ...way to go iamslimandfit!! Excellent start !

    I had a week of fluctuations .... up to 176 , back down to 172.5 this morning... Only down 1 lb total... ..But still down!!
    I know my prob was all portion control for a few days earlier this week, back on track now...
    Have a great day all!!
  • WOW! What great loss! So happy for you. Keep it going girlfriend......
  • So, after my first week I report that I stayed the same. This has been a learning week for me. I've been becoming more aware of my eating habits. I am actually starting to think about what I put into my mouth.

    I will be away from home for the next 2 weeks, no access to a scale. So I won't be able to weigh again for some time. I will try my best to keep track of everything I eat and enter it all to keep me honest. I just installed the app for my Blackberry so no excuses for me.

    I will still be checking in on the message boards. You all give me such great inspiration......thanks :smile:

  • DonnaAnn64
    DonnaAnn64 Posts: 74 Member
    Good Job Marianne!!
    I think we are all learning and re-learning more about ourselves in this journey... I started with mobile app on my iphone a year ago? or so. I only came on the website here a few weeks ago ...and I love it the mobile app ...It is very easy to use, and I swear every food is there...the barcode reader comes in very handy too....
  • Ldevinemk
    Ldevinemk Posts: 44 Member
    Way to go girl. That is so wonderful and encouraging!!! Congratulations and keep up the great work. I am up .8 I know that is not much to report...however....my "monthly friend" came to visit this morning ......Not too happy with that...but probably a factor. But I won't let it bring me down.....Next thursday will be better!!! Congrats to everyone....this is an awesome tool to reach out to others.
  • kriskerans
    kriskerans Posts: 92 Member
    I lost a lb this week, total 14 lbs so far, in a little over 60 days. I started with Zumba, switched days to walking, now started jogging.
    I found this cool app for I phone runtastic, free app, tracks by gps miles, calories, I used it to run this morning and when I walked around Target shoping, did I say I love it...:smile: