
b215d Posts: 22 Member
I have pain in my lower legs. The muscles on the front of lower legs on the outside of my shins. The muscle runs from below my knee down to my ankle. It gets extremely tight and painful when I jog. Any ideas to help releive the pain?


  • The first thing I'd check is your shoes. Have found that not having the right shoes will make the difference between extreme pain in the shins/calves, etc. and no pain.
    The other big factor is stretching well before running. I personally don't stretch, other than whatever stretching occurs during warm-up walk prior to running, but I know that for a lot of people that will make a huge difference.
    For me, it was the shoes. As soon as I got a good pair of shoes, all the pain in my knees/shins/ankles, stopped.
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    I had terrible pain in my shins when I first started. I found some great stretches on, and on youtube, which helped so much. Also Natasha is right, do make sure you have the right running shoes!

    The other thing I have done which helped is look up pose running, so your foot lands under your hip rather than out in front which creates impact from your heel up through your joints. Pose Running or Chi running is a matter of preference and everyone has their own style, but it has reduced my discomfort so much even though I am only on week 7 so a relative beginner. It might be worth a look.

    Once I overcame the shin pain I really have become addicted to going out running. I am very slow, overweight, and unfit, but I am getting fitter all the time. Hope you manage to recover soon. Good luck!
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    My soreness is in the front leg muscles above the knee (rectus femoris) and surrounding muscles.
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    You need new shoes. Running shoes. It's a great investment if you are serious about this. Go to a running shoe store and get fitted. Best thing I ever did.
  • b215d
    b215d Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the tips. My shoes are 4 days old. Nike Pegasus 28 running shoes. I think I will check the stretching out. I don't do that before I run. I also will check where my heel lands. I really want thistle work!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    It does not matter much how old your shoes are or from which brand, the question is, do they fit and support your feet...
    I was in the understanding, that buying some expensive shoes will pay the bill, but far from it.
    I needed a different support in the shoes, then the one I had.

    Both pairs where around the same price btw, but I wished someone had told me the difference between a good shoe on the shelf and a good shoe for MY feet before.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    I had this happen around week 3-4. It's where your calf muscle meets your shin bone. For me, it went away after about a week. C25k is just as much muscle strengthening as it is endurance. Ice and an antiinflammatory (ibprofen or aleve) should do the trick. Some extra stretching wouldn't hurt, especially after your run.

    The new shoes could partially be to blame.