Friday 10/5

Hey All!!!

Becca is going to be away this weekend and might not be able to post this weeks link so I thought I would go ahead and get it up!

Here it is!!!

Happy weigh in's! Remember to stay positive!



  • JohnMessmer
    Starting Weight (SW) : 382 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 356.4 Lbs
    Goal Weight : < 200 Lbs

    Starting BMI 51.8 - Morbid Obesity Current BMI 48.28 Morbid Obesity
    Starting RMR 3071 Current RMR 2912
    Starting BMR 3074 Current BMR 2919
    Starting TDEE 3688 Current TDEE 3497
    Starting DCC 4022 Current DCC 3748
    Starting LBM 184 Lbs Current LBM 184 Lbs
    Starting BF 198 Lbs Current BF 172 Lbs
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I had a gain this week, but that was to be expected. I returned from vacation on Saturday evening. I weighed myself just to see on Sunday morning. It was higher than when I left. HOWEVER, though I am still higher than my last weigh in, I am LESS than my Sunday weight. That's OK! Still workin' :)
  • TracyMessmer
    SW: 230
    CW: 221.8
    GW: 150

    Down 8.2 overall, and 1.6 since last Friday

    (Figured I might as well join the group, since my husband is in the group so we both weigh in on Fridays anyway.)
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    1.5 lbs down this week!!! :bigsmile:

    9/14 - 211.1
    9/21 - 209.4
    9/28 - 208.0
    10/5 - 206.5
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    LW: 282
    TW: 278

    Those water weight 4 pounds came off. Hurray!
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    down 3 this week!
    Everyone have a great weekend.:happy:
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I almost didn't weigh myself this morning b/c I ate so bad yesterday but I am glad that I did (even though it was up 2 lbs from yesterday) so that I can post it on here. I had forgot that I joined this group and need to check in for my first weigh in.

    10/05 - 171.2
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    SW 222
    CW 206.5
    GW 190

    Lost 1 lb this week!!!!! :)
  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    1.4 down from last week!!!!

    Well I weighed in this morning at 220.6. Last Friday was exactly 222. I'm happy with that. But I know that I was doing better. On Wednesday I weighed in at 219.4 which would have put me at a 2.6 loss this week. But I had two pieces of cheesecake and caramello bar ( I am a self admitting stress eater, and have had a very stressful, pre TOM week..) I know that if I hadn't had them I could very well have had a 3+ loss this week. I am not beating myself up over it, but acknowledging the places that caused my set backs. This week will be better. I am going to get on the bike here at home for a while and get some anxiety out and then Sunday I plan on spending several hours at the gym for a Yoga and a meeting with Mr. Elliptical and maybe a few laps in the pool if I'm not beat...

    Great losses and personal gains everyone! And heres to a great next week. Any one have any personal fitness challenges they want to share with the group? Maybe we can all participate?
  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    1.5 lbs down this week!!! :bigsmile:

    9/14 - 211.1
    9/21 - 209.4
    9/28 - 208.0
    10/5 - 206.5

    Awesome!!!! You beat me by .1 lb!
  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    LW: 282
    TW: 278

    Those water weight 4 pounds came off. Hurray!

  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    Ahhh!!!!!!!! I totally forgot to put my weigh in on here last Friday. The scale is finally going down...I've been eating better and really rocking my workouts (so I better stick with it because it works)

    CW: 293.5
    GW: 270

    GET IT
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I forgot to put in my CW when I posted Friday.

    CW 122.8
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