Can't Wait!

lioness0806 Posts: 115 Member
Today is my first day of using TDEE and BMR and I can't wait to see inches lost! Reality check: I realize this isn't going to be a fad diet.
When I first started MFP I wanted to lose weight. But, upon reflection (and advise I received in a post) I realized I didn't jut want to see the number on the scale drop, I wanted to tone up even more. So, with thi in mind I joined this group and A Challenge A Day's group.
I'm having trouble with my carb and protein intake though. Too many carbs, not enough protein. So I'm needing a little help in this area. As a newbie, any advice at this point is welcome.


  • trkinsley
    trkinsley Posts: 124 Member
    Can you do protein shakes? That can bump your protein up enormously. Also, you can eat larger portions of meat with your meals (assuming you're not a vegetarian). Greek yogurt, cottage cheese are also protein bonanzas (not the full fat greek yogurt, but 2% and 0% are very protein heavy). Nuts and nut butters can help too, but these are primarily fat so I wouldn't utilize them in any great quantity.

    HTH, and welcome!
  • 2abnorth
    2abnorth Posts: 59 Member
    Also remember milk is a good source of protein. Try skim though. As for carbs, try to ensure that only a couple of choices are coming from starchy carbs such as rice & potatoes, and the rest is coming from your veggies. Quinoa is high in protein even though is a starch. Also look at soy products and beans/lentils. HTH!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Just try to work on your macros. Enough protein is really important, especially if you want to tone up and are lifting weights.