Who's Hyper and on Methimazole?

trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
There seems to be lots of women here that are hypo, but I've been hyper for almost three months. After years of being hypo and taking Synthroid, in July I started experiencing hyper symptoms (warm, high heart rate, hands shaking, super hungry, etc.) and it was confirmed in August with my endocrinologist. After cuttiing my synthyroid dose twice and then not taking any meds, I still have high free T4 levels (2.4). Just today I started taking Methimazole to suppress my thyroid production.

Is anyone else taking this medicine? If so, what has been your experience... how long before you started feeling "normal?" Any side effects?


  • rluna2
    rluna2 Posts: 4
    I'm hyper and ive been on methimazole since April. I started feeling better almost immediately! My symptoms were pretty bad though. I have been paleo since the beginning of September and currently doing the whole30 in hopes of getting off of the medication. My six month check in is on the 16th so fingers crossed!! I never had any bad reactions to the medication I just would rather eat differently than take a medication.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in 2007 and been on Methimazole ever since. I think I started feeling better within the first month, but the dosage at that time was REALLY high. I can't remember exactly, but I think I was taking 20mg 3x every day. Even the pharmacist commented on it at that time. Never experienced any side effects.

    Right now, I am being weaned off the meds for the 2nd time. Relapsed within a month after getting off the first time. Fingers crossed that it works out this time! :)
  • I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in February 2012 (and Graves disease was confirmed a few months later) after being sick since September 2011 and never fully recovering. It was one thing after another.

    I started Methimazole at the end of February, and while I'd say that a lot of symptoms diminished after the 6-8 week time frame I was told I'd notice a difference in... a lot of things continue to bother me.

    It really is a day by day sort of thing for me, but I'd imagine your scenario might be a little different since you are fluctuating from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid.
  • nspink
    nspink Posts: 65
    Be sure to test your white blood cell count on your next lab.

    I found out I was allergic to the medicine and it literally killed all my white blood cells and I got hospitalize. Its a rare side effect but I guess I happened to be one of the less than 1% chance.

    So, I didn't really get the benefits of being on it.

    I hope all goes well for you and it helps your hyper symptoms.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    I took it when I was trying to avoid surgery or radio active iodine. I lost a lot of hair, way too much hair is gone and it does not seem to be coming back (not good). I finally gave up and had surgery where 1/2 of my thyroid was removed..I'm allergic to iodine. The best decision I ever made was to have surgery and the doc. stated he only takes out 1/2 at a time (unless it is cancer). I have not felt this good in years. Now on synthroid once a day and cytome in a.m. and at about 1 p.m.
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Thank you, thank you for all of your feedback. I'm not feeling any relief from my symptoms yet, but I'm hopeful based on the stories I've read here. Though I hope I don't lose my hair, or end up in the hospital! My doctor called yesterday and the TSI test was 450. He said the normal range is under 140! Well, I go to see him in a month. I will definitely ask to have my white blood cell count taken if it's not ordered.

    More feedback is welcome too!