New to MFP, from Southern Wisconsin.


I am looking into have the gastric bypass surgery done, soon. I have my WLS orientation on the 17th and my first visit with the surgeon on the 24th of this month! I am really excited! I have looked into it in the past, but was very hesitant. Recently, a couple of my friends had the surgery and it's been very successful for them! With their inspiration, I have decided to give WLS another chance! I am on disability and currently taking online college courses for web design and development. My goal was to lose weight by the time I graduate with my Bachelor's degree and re-enter the work force in my field of study. Well, it took me almost two years to finish my Associate's and still no weight loss. I don't want another two years to pass me by! I am over 400 pounds (won't know my exact weight until I see my primary care doctor on the 16th) and 5' tall. The weight affects my mobility and I am practically housebound. Anyway, I wanted to say "Hi" and that I hope to find some fellow friends that are on the same weight loss journey as I am.

Take care,

