Week One Weigh In

penith113 Posts: 113 Member
10/1/12: 179.4
week one: 178.6
End of October Goal weight: 173.4
Ultimate goal: 140

Lost almost a pound this week, I need to step it up a bit to meet this challenge. Good Luck everyone!


  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Great job!!!!
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    October 1st, 2012: 215

    week one: 210

    Loss of 5 pounds this week!

    October 31st Goal weight: 209

    Ideal weight: 155

    This was a very untypical weight loss for me. I'm sure it will take the rest of the month to lose another pound. I tend to lose a lot in a week and then nothing for long periods of time.
  • silverchick
    silverchick Posts: 42 Member
    SW: 208.8
    Week 1: 206.2

    Total loss: 2.6 pounds :happy:
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Great job!
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member

    Lost 2 lbs
    Goal weight for this challenge:209
    only 4 more lbs to go :)

    Great job everyone
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    MFP start wt was 200
    MFP goal wt is 150

    SW for October -- 170.0
    GW for October -- 164.0
    CW for October -- 167.0

    Total loss for October so far -- 3.0 lbs
    Pounds to go for October challenge -- 3.0 lbs
  • LindaZ5
    LindaZ5 Posts: 19 Member
    Im in! MFP start weight 194.
    October SW- 167.4
    October GW-161. 4
    week 1 current weight: 165.3
    2 pounds lost!
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    October lose 6lbs

    SW 207.6
    GW 201.6

    10/8 205.6

    Have a great week everyone!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    SW 173
    CW 162.4

    .6 pds down
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    SW (Oct): 259.6
    CW: 257.2
    GW (Oct): 253

    Congrats to everyone on a solid first week!
  • emangr88
    emangr88 Posts: 8 Member
    Soooo the scale said I lost four pounds this week... WHAT?

    Now... I'm not sure that I actually lost 4 pounds (more like 2 I think) because I weighed in the morning for my WI but not for my SW. Sneaky. But hey! Any loss is a good loss, so I'll take it! I was never this weight in the morning before, so I'm a little excited. If I can keep up 2 pounds a week I'll be thrilled.

    Good job everyone else!
  • b215d
    b215d Posts: 22 Member
    October Starting Weight 299
    1st week weight 296.6

    October goal 289

    Had to take a break from exercise the later part of the week, but I stayed under my calorie goal.
  • b215d
    b215d Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome! Any loss is a good loss.
  • pahsar2
    pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
    SW: 173
    CW: 172.5
    GW: 167

    On my way, but need to step it up a bit. I took the week off from logging (I was burned out from doing so for the first 10 weeks of my program). But I'm refreshed and ready to track once again. With my increased fitness regime and strict calorie goals, I should be able to meet my goal.
  • Hello, mfp starting wt. 162
    starting wt. 156.3
    todays wt. 156.6 plus .3
    Well poo, I gained a little bit. I will keep plugging along and
    hope for a loss next week. I am incorporating new activity this
    week at the gym...water aerobics. Hope everyone has a great
    week and congratulations on your losses!
  • I forgot to add, goal wt. 150
    ultimate goal 140 : )
  • SweetMe1
    SweetMe1 Posts: 73 Member
    10/1 197.2 (SW)
    10/8 195.8 (-1.4)

    10/31 GW: 191
    FGW: 145
  • txgonzo
    txgonzo Posts: 15 Member
    SW 204
    CW 204 (sad)
    GW 198

    I lose weight very sporadically. It seems I usually go a week or so with no change then suddenly drop 1-2 lbs, then go another week or two with nothing. Its very frustrating! Maybe next week will be better.

  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    SW 206.8
    CW 205.6

    Down 1.2 for the month.
  • xXxBlissxXx
    xXxBlissxXx Posts: 33 Member
    Start weight: 100 lbs
    Current weight : 96.25 lbs
    October goal weight: 94 lbs

    Total loss for 1st week = 3.75 lbs