Day 8!!!

All done :) No sore at all now so im looking forward to starting level 2. Im pushing myself so so so hard and loving it :D


  • Katrina_88
    Katrina_88 Posts: 164 Member
    Woot Woot Day 8 complete!!! :)
  • Great job ladies! Can't wait for day 8 tomorrow. :)
  • womanwithamission
    womanwithamission Posts: 67 Member
    I'm done with day 8. All four are home, school holiday, and my stress level is higher than it took me longer to take care of myself. But I did it and I'm loving it. Pushing hard and getting ready for level two. Great job ladies, I'm so excited am
    Nd looking forward to my 30DS results.
  • n6435
    n6435 Posts: 17
    Day 8 done
  • day 8 done

    great job everyone
  • jessjphillips
    jessjphillips Posts: 72 Member
    day 8 complete :)
  • kaybrose730
    kaybrose730 Posts: 143 Member
    Finished with day 8. I'm debating on starting level 2 tomorrow. Using my HRM and I notice that my calories burned is going down so I think it's time.. Anyone else moving on yet?

    Didn't workout with the video yesterday but i did run/walk a few miles and burned equal calories as the video so I don't feel too bad about it :wink:
  • kgprncss01
    kgprncss01 Posts: 40 Member
    ok, so i missed day 6 and 7 do to work...:( But i am just going to keep posting as regular, and make up the workouts this week, just doubling up. I just don't want to miss posting with all you great friends! 8 done! and i also did jillian's standing ab workout...ouch!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Day 8 complete!

    I'm really disappointed by my caloric burn. It's taking a lot more for me to be able to even reach 240 - I think I'm going to skip to level two. :laugh:

    When I FIRST tried 30DS in May, I burned 284 on average doing level one and it killed me until I was capable of level two. I must still have some built strength because I'm barely burning 200 calories on average on level one now and I find myself bored.

    22 days to go! :flowerforyou: Way to go everyone!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Finished with day 8. I'm debating on starting level 2 tomorrow. Using my HRM and I notice that my calories burned is going down so I think it's time.. Anyone else moving on yet?

    Didn't workout with the video yesterday but i did run/walk a few miles and burned equal calories as the video so I don't feel too bad about it :wink:

    Right there with you! I'm beginning level two tomorrow as well! My caloric burn is much less than it should be and I'm bored. :laugh:
  • plhv19
    plhv19 Posts: 46 Member
    day 8 done!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Day 8 completed!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
  • reen24
    reen24 Posts: 9
    Day 8!!! I was sweating so much because my roommates have the heat on super high today. Phew.
  • jenbreeze72
    jenbreeze72 Posts: 23 Member
    Yay! We made it past the week mark. This is where I often lose motivation and start thinking, "Maybe I might just skip ONE day..." It's normally downhill from there. But I'm still here!

    I did take yesterday off, but I spent the day rushing through the Twin Cities watching my hubby run a marathon! The kids and I cheered him on at 5 points along the race course. That's gotta count for something, right? :)

    I'm also going to up my hand weights for some of the exercises tomorrow. Not all of them, though! I'm not that strong yet. Though I'm happy with how my pushups are improving.
  • Day 8 is done! It hasn't even been 12 hrs since I did Day 7. lol Gotta love getting up early. I am ready to move on to level two. I am pretty bored as others have mentioned. I am going to finish out level one though, since I still have to modify and rest at a couple of places. Keep it up ladies. 22 days to being Shredded! :D
  • henryandrewmom
    henryandrewmom Posts: 25 Member
    Day 8 completed. Upped my hand weights, which was fine except on the lateral raises during circuit 3 with the side lunges. My arms were on fire then! But a little pain is good, right! Excited to start level 2 and see a new routine. Keep on truckin' ladies!
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    Just finished work out number 8! So close to moving on. Going to skip Thursday probably because of work so Friday will be my day ten. I'll probably do the gym that day too. I need a few extra calories for my weekend!
  • AradiaStone
    AradiaStone Posts: 132 Member
    Day eight finished! I am still sore and exhausted after the workout so I will not be skipping to lvl two early! Congrats everyone we made it thru the first week!!!
  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    Today felt especially hard for me. My arms feel like jelly but I made it through. I feel my Abs with every breath. I won't be moving up early.