Is it better to have more or less MFPals...

Question to the group:

Is it better to have more, or less MFPals?

I understand the social interaction aspect of the site but wonder if to many "pals" just brings noise for want of a better word.

Perhaps I am having an "adhd" moment, but for the life of me I could not reply or comment, on so many of peoples goals and victory's yesterday, that I though I was perhaps being rude (if I did not ) :/

The question stands :D

Pete aka ummmmm look shiny >>>>>>


  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I think there comes a point when you realize that you have too many. I had a very small group when I first joined and decided to add a few more and sometimes I miss the posts of my long term pals. I do go through my friends list and anyone that hasn't signed in for 3 months, I send a note to see if everything is okay and if I don't get a response after a week I delete them.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am fairly recent here [2 months] and due to time zones miss some US posts by friends but think fewer but in same time zone would be better, however some of my friends US or elsewhere do have similar outlooks to me, hence "friending" in the first place
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    I like the variety and have friends from Australia, Far East, UK of course, Ireland and USA and Canada. But it is hit and miss how often I respond - I often log on after the late news, and then after doing my diaries, if I haven't nodded off over the laptop, I scroll down through only 2 pages and work my way back up to the top, trying to give encouraging comments. But I sometimes miss out for weeks commenting on my Ozzie friends.

    I really do value the encouragement I get from people who are virtual friends only, but have been encouraging folks I meet for real to sign up,and am pleased to say that 3 have now done so. And I love the message threads and the group challenges, and through them and the comments on my own posts and blogs feel I am getting to know some fellow MFPers really well!

    A real friend of mine who I used to go to WW with said recently "We are like a different tribe... the 'thinnies' really don't understand how we tick!"

    But I do try to limit the number I have to about 75 - and rarely delete anyone, but must go and clean up my list soon, as it is clogged up with folk who have fallen by the wayside, alas.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    It's better to have the right number!

    For me that's not too many, and general people with some connection, be that location, outlook, goals etc...

    Like most things though, one size does not fit all!
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I love hearing from people from all over the world, it's so interesting, seeing what they eat etc. But, on the other hand sometimes it can take ages to comment on the status's and give all the support that I feel people should have on a site like this.
    So my answer is, as many as you can personally cope with, without frying your brain!! Just don't delete me, 'cos I think you're funny! Lol!!
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    I had a culling session yesterday. I don't see the point in keeping ones that either annoy me, haven't logged on for eons or that don't bother to interact.....guess I'm just ruthless!
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Ran to look if I was still on your list Witchmoo, happy to say I made the cut! :)