Help I'm gaining weight!!!

Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
I just started curves a week ago. I have changed my eating habits and I drink more water. Sad to say I have gained 2lbs. I'm not trying to gain weight i want to lose weight. What should I do?


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    The first thing I always tell People is to be sure you are eating ENOUGH! Eating too few calories - especially when you are working out - will most definitely sabotage your work. Then, check your Sodium in the Food you are eating. If it is High you may be retaining water. Oddly enough, part of the solution to that is to Drink More Water!!
    :heart: Finally - Be Patient and Persistent! You will see results when you make Good Choices Consistently. It may take longer than you want it to, but it WILL Happen!!
  • Aukeilagirl
    Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
    Thank you. I will definately watch my sodium. And I will stop weighting myself everyday!!!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: Especially when I first started Curves I DID NOT weigh except Once a Month. That way the fluctuations did not drive me NUTZ!!!
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    So very true - I try not to weigh myself more than once a week. Since we are in this for the long haul - be patient & good things will happen with hard work.
  • queenie09
    I have been on this diet wagon for 2 years now. One very important thing I learnt was don't weigh everyday... I was doing this and it drove me nuts.. always weigh once a week in the morning after getting out of bed and going to the toilet.once a month is better bit I can't wait that

    I also found for the past month I have been eating for the weight I want to be. I eat between 1800/2000 calories a day.
    This month I lost 2kgs... It's amazing. Go to the website fat2fit calculator. Type in your details in the bmr calculator and are how you go..

    Also if it is coming around to that TOM you might gain. I always do..
    Don't for get doing your measurements. Sometimes they move and the scales don't.

    Most of all, don't give up :)

  • stellapiano
    stellapiano Posts: 45 Member
    I know this is an old thread but I still feel the need to say this: You also have to remember that while you are losing fat, you are gaining muscle. So it's actually common and a good thing to gain instead of lose, or stay the same. Keep an eye on your inches more than the scale. You're just getting stronger. :)