Trials and tribulations eating out with high carb friends -

Timehope Posts: 44 Member
So I was on an 11-day bicycle tour with friends and we had just ridden nearly 90 miles that day and they all wanted to eat at a Mexican restaurant... but I really really wanted a huge salad with lots of greens -- and by greens I don't mean lettuce. But I'm a moderately nice guy and wanted to go along with the group.

We pile into The Tilted Sombrero, sit down and the guys order pitchers of beer and practically fight each other over the baskets of chips and salsa... they order more baskets... more, more, more! (600 calories per basket...)

I LOVE chips and salsa after a long ride. I LOVE beer! But I sat there twiddling my thumbs, my stomach groaning with hunger, trying to be nice (I actually WAS moderately nice) but I know I made my pals a little uncomfortable. I mean, I was famished too and not exactly the life of the party at that moment, jealously watching the chips fly into my pals' mouths...

Managed to find a steak on the menu (absolutely nothing green to be had, however) and had a chilled white wine (two actually) and so everything evened out OK. Until one of my nutrition-ignorant, red-meat condemning pals looked at me over his scraped-empty platter (he'd had three chicken & cheese burritos, rice and refrieds under a layer of chocolate mole) and exclaimed, "You ate that WHOLE steak???"

Anyway, I thought I would start a discussion if anyone is interested -- have you had similar experiences? Have a favorite horror story? Have you found ways to keep situations like this from getting awkward?


  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    A lot of my friends take the piss, pretty standard I think!

    I get it a lot when I out for dinner, as ill avoid rice, potatoes etc or just leave on the plate. Then I get "dannis starving herself / watch out shes scared of carbs" etc.

    *Sigh* I just ignore it, I just think Im having the last laugh, toning up and feeling great. It can be awkward though, I really hate being centre of attention so it can make me feel pretty uncomfortable at times!
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    One time I mentioned I had two double cheeseburgers for lunch (sans-bun of course) and someone said "Oh man I can't believe that's diet food!" or something - similar to "you ate the WHOLE steak?" and I just said "Yep!"

    No need to justify yourself to anyone.

    My mom is being weird about low carb. She's trying to low carb herself but she is deeply deeply stuck on 40 years of "fat is bad." Or she doesn't understand ketosis or something.

    She made some soup and said I could have some. I asked if there was any sugar in it. She said no. I mean carbs, mom. No. Is it made with tomato paste? Yes. And there's a little flour in it. She was really upset when I was asking her what's in it, like I was being rude or mean. I just wanted to be able to make a choice!

    I also think it's really weird when grown people wonder aloud if couscous has carbs. How about beans? Corn on the cob? Are you new?
  • nicopa
    nicopa Posts: 5 Member
    "So your like..never going to eat bread again?"
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    There is this one woman at work who is about 5% positive and 95% negative. She expects the lunch time conversation to be all about her - especially when she has something to complain about.

    She saw me coming back to the table from the microwave as I just heated up my lunch.

    It was a bed of zucchini noodles, homemade marinara, mushrooms, red bell peppers and onion, gahhhhlic, butter (to make it creamy), and fresh chicken breast with a nice layer of real melty ooey mozzarella. The whole dish gave me about 25g of carbohydrates thanks to having fresh vegetables - and I couldnt wait to devour it!

    Miss Nosey-Rosey said "that doesnt look like pasta - or is it?" .. I told her 'nooo, I take fresh zucchini and spiral slice it into noodles to replace pasta - its really good and so much more filling than pasta! Would you like to try?"

    In her most disgusted, nasty voice "there is NO replacement for pasta".. without thinking, I replied saying "actually there is - especially for people like me who cant digest refined carbohydrates - it makes me very sick. Zucchini helped me to get rid of those poor carb choices rather easily. If you cook it just right it is pretty darn close to the same texture as pasta!"

    She rolled her eyes - and I wasnt going to back down. I told her "listen, in your private world, you do what you want to do but I dont want to come to the lunch table and hear you b****, piss and moan because Im not eating normal food according to your closed-minded thinking. I dont sit here and complain about all the junk food you eat, the two chocolate chip cookies you just bought from the cafeteria (We have a cafe in our workplace) or the tons of soda you drink every day. I suggest you put a lid on it if you cant say anything nice - immediately!

    Five seconds later, the billing supervisor joins us for lunch and RAVED on how good my lunch smelled and said "I DO THE SAME THING WITH ZUCCHINI!!!!"... I nearly choked on my lunch from trying to stop myself from laughing. I offered the supervisor a bite to try my lunch - she accepted and raved about my marinara being so fresh and loved the texture of the zucchini... Miss Nosey Rosey was FUMING at the table - didnt speak a word the rest of the time! LOL!...

    I wont put up with negativity in the workplace. Its one thing when you are complaining about some aspect of the job that just made you have to jump through hoops to get the task done (medical billing related)... ohhhhh we hate dealing with certain call centers for certain insurance companies.. what a pain... THAT is different. Its blowing off steam. Its the negativity that a coworker feels the need to project on to a person from a personal level.. I tend to think the employee is on the jealous side because clearly it looks like you need to spend a good deal of time preparing meals in my house - she is just not that into preparing things... and thats ok.... but dont be such a brat about it!~
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I told her "listen, ....

    I like you :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I told her "listen, ....

    I like you :)

    ROFLMAO.... with all due respect, there is no way that woman would ever survive being invited to my place for a function, a dinner party or anything that would involve providing food, appetizers and such. If it isnt fried, smothered in sugar, she aint gonna go... And, its a shame... but that just means more zucchini noodles for me and the others - I share my lunch with anyone who wants to try. I even bring in foods for everyone to try if they would like to. I once brought in 16oz of fresh smoked pulled pork....... no one ate their individual lunches and my container was damn near licked clean.... heheheh
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh yeah I've been there!!

    As I've been low carbing for quite some time now most of my friends know about it (even if they don't understand......)

    I went out for a steak restaurant recently with a friend who is 'dieting'. She ordered a teeny steak with no sauce, boiled baby potatoes (no butter) and salad (no dressing) and I ordered the T-Bone steak (500g/17oz) with rosemary butter with a wedge salad (smothered in crispy bacon & blue cheese dressing) and 2 big glasses of wine.

    Who do you recon was more satisfied ;o)
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member
    :laugh: This topic just made my morning!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Oh yeah I've been there!!

    As I've been low carbing for quite some time now most of my friends know about it (even if they don't understand......)

    I went out for a steak restaurant recently with a friend who is 'dieting'. She ordered a teeny steak with no sauce, boiled baby potatoes (no butter) and salad (no dressing) and I ordered the T-Bone steak (500g/17oz) with rosemary butter with a wedge salad (smothered in crispy bacon & blue cheese dressing) and 2 big glasses of wine.

    Who do you recon was more satisfied ;o)

    You must have a higher metabolism, there can be no other explanation ;)

    Mmmmm, steak ... Mmmmm, more, wine ...