HELP! :)

24yrs 5,3 146... I want to lose 22pounds and need all the help i can get. I was alway fit in high school and now i can never get my butt up after work to work out... any advise will help :) thanks guys!!:happy:


  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    Start with a walk....or join a class. I find being with other people while working out helps. Or, join a program! If you spend money you are more likely to go to the program :)
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    Maybe try working out before work? I know I have found that helped me a lot, I am more of a morning person anyway.
  • ThereOnceWasAUnionMaid
    I'm a big fan of working out before work. It sounds terrible, but you'll feel great for the whole day if you workout in the morning - it just gives you so much energy! I just try telling myself that something is better than nothing and try not to do too much if I'm not up for it. Just do what you can to start. It's making a habit of it that's important. I started aiming for a 20 minute walk everyday and once that was easy I added on time and other activities. Feel free to add me if you want - we can help keep each other accountable :)
  • seandominguez
    Agreed. Work out before work. Hard? I'm telling you, do it for a week and you'll be hooked. I have a naturally wandering mind and working out focuses the heck out of me. I typically drink less coffee, too.