Doing Insanity, join me!



  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216
    Hey there!

    I'm on my second round of Insanity, although on this round I've been substituting Month 1's DVD's for Month's two, here and there to keep the intensity up.

    I FREAKING love this workout and especially Shaun T! I wish there was an Insanity 2! Maybe that will be in the works one day.

    Good luck everyone, feel free to add me if you'd like!!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Hi IowaPrincess,

    I'm not following the nutrition plan myself. I had tried to set my macros to 40/40/20 but I realized that I couldn't maintain it and was afraid I would gain the weight back afterwards. So I am just counting my calories and slowly loosing weight that way

    My husband has knee problems so stopped Insanity due to knee pain. Do you have back or knee issues or both? I'm only asking as I want to suggest your workout plan to him so he can rejoin.

    I have to modify a few exercises as well simply because I don't have the strength yet. I'm looking at you push-ups! One of these days I will complete 1 on my toes.
  • Hey everyone!! I am in my 4th week of insanity (eeek!!!) and I can't believe I have actually made it this far!! The first 4 or 5 days for me were the hardest, it hurt to move any part of my body, but after that it started to feel like a "good hurt" instead of a not being able to walk hurt! The first 2-3 weeks I was able to do it 6 days a week however this past week I've been slacking a little...I had a wedding out of town over the weekend so I missed 2 days then and I also will miss tomorrow because I am working a double shift at the hospital and there is no time for insanity after 16 hour shift! My roommate and I are doing it together and helping each other move along and eat better! I count my calories every day, even when they are bad I still put it in so that I can be honest wtih myself. The first week I actually gained 2 lbs...I tried not to be discouraged by it because I know that it is because I am gaining muscle but still, the scale is what usually motivates me to keep going! So instead of weighing myself a lot I've been taknig pictures every friday of every week and I can see the changes in my body! That is what has made me know that this is really working! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi Iowa- just be smart about how you workout and you will be fine!

    Hey there Phaty, I love your enthusiasm!!

    Michele- you sound like you have this all under control- keep inspiring us!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Back at it today after a pulled muscle (not from Insanity) and a bad cold. It was tough to get back into it! :noway:
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    How far along were you before you had to take a break?
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    How far along were you before you had to take a break?
    I'm only in the 2nd week. I decided to continue where I left off instead of starting over.
    I have to modify a few exercises as well simply because I don't have the strength yet. I'm looking at you push-ups! One of these days I will complete 1 on my toes.
    Me too! Glad I'm not alone!
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I am going to have to be much smarter in how I approach working out with this illness. I got hit hard with a flu/cold thing on Friday night that has had me practically bed ridden since Saturday. I have barely been able to eat, shower, do basic things. I had to call in the dog walker for reinforcements on the weekend. So yes I am saying I am a big mess.

    So what do I do on Monday when I feel slightly better? Full dog walk plus insanity. I made myself so much more ill. Ended up knocked out in bed all day yesterday and am just barely functioning today.

    Why did I do this? 1) I love to workout and was frustrated with not working out. I had just started a new program I was loving doing and I pushed too hard. 2) I set up the group and friended people to do insanity with- 5 days later I can’t. I was worried everyone would think I gave up.

    So now I am taking the advice pedalled on mfp so often- listen to your body. My body says no…not till you are better. So only dog walks this week, no running, no insanity. I will start insanity again next Monday assuming I am better – I better be better!!! For now I will cheer you all on until I can participate again.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am going to have to be much smarter in how I approach working out with this illness. I got hit hard with a flu/cold thing on Friday night that has had me practically bed ridden since Saturday. I have barely been able to eat, shower, do basic things. I had to call in the dog walker for reinforcements on the weekend. So yes I am saying I am a big mess.

    So what do I do on Monday when I feel slightly better? Full dog walk plus insanity. I made myself so much more ill. Ended up knocked out in bed all day yesterday and am just barely functioning today.

    Why did I do this? 1) I love to workout and was frustrated with not working out. I had just started a new program I was loving doing and I pushed too hard. 2) I set up the group and friended people to do insanity with- 5 days later I can’t. I was worried everyone would think I gave up.

    So now I am taking the advice pedalled on mfp so often- listen to your body. My body says no…not till you are better. So only dog walks this week, no running, no insanity. I will start insanity again next Monday assuming I am better – I better be better!!! For now I will cheer you all on until I can participate again.

    Oh no! Feel better soon!
  • A fellow Canuck with similar starting stats! I'm 5'6 and started at 181, now at 174. I got dedicated to using MFP to get the calories under control and start walking more at the end of July through to mid August. Didn't see much of a change size-wise but did see a general health improvement. Then I got going with Insanity doing it every other day for the first two weeks. On the in between days I did Pilates - which I love and did several years before when I lost weight and toned up. It is all on your back or side so it really gives your joints a break if necessary (my knees and shins can get pretty sore when doing Insanity). I had a contract job for 2.5 weeks starting on Sept 6th so Insanity was not an option - literally did not have any time in between two jobs (but I was on my feet a lot so calories worked out). Did Insanity in full swing September 25th-October 2, and started again last night.

    All in all, even when not doing Insanity making sure I walk more or do Pilates (which is amazing for the core) and stay within my net calorie limit of 1220 and have lost 7 lbs since I started really tracking my progress at the beginning of September. Lost this in fat I'm assuming as I've gained muscle and still lost that much. Love it! Just did my second fit test on Oct 1 and did not have to do any modified versions of the exercises (changed up the push up jacks to regular ones from the knee and did the oblique ab one from the knee) AND I improved on all of my numbers almost doubling a few.

    Now that I've seen the progress I am definitely continuing in full force. My slacking from the 3rd-9th was really due to not eating as well as I had been. Got a little too caught up with eating less calories but I shouldn't go under 1700 of good solid food if I'm burning 575 calories a workout on average! Need to really make sure I take the time to eat the good stuff, especially during the day before I work out (I am NOT a morning person so cannot do it before work) as I feel too sluggish and tired otherwise - usually too physically tired to even do the workout!
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi Kelso, great to hear that you are getting back into the insanity. I love that you are noticing more than just weight loss success from the working out. So many people complain that they didn't lose that week...but they can walk faster, their heart rate is lower, their blood pressure is coming down, it is easier to get up and down stairs and fit in chairs- so what is all the complaining about? The weight will come too.

    Welcome to our group. A few of us are out sick this week- mega flu/cold is going around. So a bunch of us will be back at it on Monday!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Well, I'm back at it today after a nasty cold. I'm restarting week 3 today. Hopefully it won't be too difficult although I'm not looking forward to it.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    hey Canadian, I'm back at it today too. Going to start over since I only got 5 workouts in before the killer cold. Fit test it is!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    hey Canadian, I'm back at it today too. Going to start over since I only got 5 workouts in before the killer cold. Fit test it is!

    Nice. I just did the fit test as well but I didn't record the scores today due to my starting over. I might go for a run as it feels like I didn't really get a proper workout today.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    hey Canadian, I'm back at it today too. Going to start over since I only got 5 workouts in before the killer cold. Fit test it is!

    Nice. I just did the fit test as well but I didn't record the scores today due to my starting over. I might go for a run as it feels like I didn't really get a proper workout today.

    Don't over-do it. You don't want to get sick again. Just be careful.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    It was only a 10 minute run, nothing too stressful. I'm trying to lose a couple extra pounds for a wedding Dec 1st, otherwise I would take it a little slower.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Do you ever wonder if maybe you are too competitive? I did the fit test again today. I told myself do not look at the numbers from two weeks ago. I thought I would never make them again now. I mean 10+ days of couch and bed and little more should probably mean a decrease in performance. But there were my numbers from last time on a piece of paper staring at me. So what happens...I get all crazed about beating them inside me. Saying things like I am going to cream that chick from last time!

    Switch Kicks - 101 to 107
    Power Jacks - 48 to 56
    Power Knees - 83 to 88
    Power Jumps - 32 to 30 :grumble: Have I mentioned how much I HATE these!
    Globe Jumps - 8 to 9
    Suicide Jumps - 13 to 14
    Push-ups Jacks - 19 both times
    Low Plank Oblique - 54 to 63
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Do you ever wonder if maybe you are too competitive? I did the fit test again today. I told myself do not look at the numbers from two weeks ago. I thought I would never make them again now. I mean 10+ days of couch and bed and little more should probably mean a decrease in performance. But there were my numbers from last time on a piece of paper staring at me. So what happens...I get all crazed about beating them inside me. Saying things like I am going to cream that chick from last time!

    Switch Kicks - 101 to 107
    Power Jacks - 48 to 56
    Power Knees - 83 to 88
    Power Jumps - 32 to 30 :grumble: Have I mentioned how much I HATE these!
    Globe Jumps - 8 to 9
    Suicide Jumps - 13 to 14
    Push-ups Jacks - 19 both times
    Low Plank Oblique - 54 to 63

    Wowzas those are some impressive numbers.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Do you ever wonder if maybe you are too competitive? I did the fit test again today. I told myself do not look at the numbers from two weeks ago. I thought I would never make them again now. I mean 10+ days of couch and bed and little more should probably mean a decrease in performance. But there were my numbers from last time on a piece of paper staring at me. So what happens...I get all crazed about beating them inside me. Saying things like I am going to cream that chick from last time!

    Switch Kicks - 101 to 107
    Power Jacks - 48 to 56
    Power Knees - 83 to 88
    Power Jumps - 32 to 30 :grumble: Have I mentioned how much I HATE these!
    Globe Jumps - 8 to 9
    Suicide Jumps - 13 to 14
    Push-ups Jacks - 19 both times
    Low Plank Oblique - 54 to 63

    Wowzas those are some impressive numbers.

    It took me 10 months to work myself into this shape. Insanity was the goal program. I bought Insanity last January and watched a few dvds. I realized there was no way that this should be my first program. I couldn't even do a single push-up back then....cardio- all I did was die doing that. So I learned to run. I did 30 day shred to try and get stronger. I learned to run farther. I did Body Revolution to get even stronger. Then it was time to up my intensity and game so I did half of p90x thinking that I would finally be ready for Insanity when I finished it. I couldn't finish p90x due to a car accident. So now I am finally doing Insanity. I learned that I could have done Insanity sooner than I realized. But now there is almost nothing I need to modify so I feel my focus is on keeping up. Truth is I was surprised by my numbers even with all the training.
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    I completed Insanity and it is the only workout I have ever completed in my life! I saw results quickly and it kept me motivated to finish! I mainly wanted to lose belly weight after having 4 kids!! That is where I lost most of my weight doing Insanity. I also was using MFP at the same time which really helped too. If you have any questions about my diary and the workout let me know. I am currently doing P90X ..Ive stuck with beachbody since its the only thing that has seemed to work for me. Feel free to add me :)