New to low carb... still hungry at night! HELP!

So I have been doing low-carbs for about two weeks... I lost 10 lbs really quick, and now have slowly lost 2 more. I am eating about 1000 calories per day, staying around 20-30 carbs. I'm mostly eating chicken, a little red meat, cheese snacks, and basic salads... I'm scared to eat too much, but am pretty satisfied during the day. But then come 10 or 11 o'clock at night, especially when I a just getting home from work at a Pizza Shop (LOL), I start gettng really hungry, and don't know what would be okay for me to eat that late... I normally go to sleep around 1:00 am. Any suggestions? Thanks for any helpful info. I'm still learning and trying to educate myself on low-carb living.


  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    When I stay up really late I also get munchy. I find that hot herbal tea really helps me. My favorite right now is Cinnamon Apple Spice with 7 drops of liquid stevia. Kind of like hot cider.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You're not eating enough calories. You're hungry because your body needs more food. You do not have to be that low calorie when you are low carb. Raise your calories to at least between 1200 and 1300. (What is the calorie goal MFP set for you? Stick with that.) If you find after eating more calories that you are still hungry snack on fatty protein foods. By the way, pepperoni is a great snack. LOL!!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You are not eating enough.

    I eat very low carb (net carbs), no grains etc. I do it mostly for health, but the weight loss is a great side effect. By avoiding foods that make me sick I no longer have any need to overeat. It's quite amazing really. Among my many, many health problems were craving and binging, especially at night (because I ate too few calories during the day). Now I have to eat at night just to get in enough calories. It's wonderful to no longer struggle with hunger.

    Low carb won't give you the benefits you are looking for if you don't fully commit to it. Also, it helps if you focus more on your health, eat enough, and not be obsessed with losing weight as fast as possible.

    Eat whatever you want at night! If it's healthy and fits in your macros. Please, consider eating a little more and I'm absolutely certain that your hunger at night will be reduced (depending on WHAT you are eating too).
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    What's already been said. Eat more calories, preferably in the form of fat, it'll keep you full for longer.
  • EinTX
    EinTX Posts: 104 Member
    You are not eating enough.

    I eat very low carb (net carbs), no grains etc. I do it mostly for health, but the weight loss is a great side effect. By avoiding foods that make me sick I no longer have any need to overeat. It's quite amazing really. Among my many, many health problems were craving and binging, especially at night (because I ate too few calories during the day). Now I have to eat at night just to get in enough calories. It's wonderful to no longer struggle with hunger.

    I couldn’t agree more. It really is liberating to not feel hungry or guilty any more.

    10-12 almonds really help me if I'm feeling a little hungry before my next meal. I have to be careful though, they can also curb my appetite so well that I'm not hungry when dinner is ready.
  • StarLeopard
    StarLeopard Posts: 80 Member
    Some good answers here. Well done on the weight loss so far, especially with your job. It may not sound intuitive that more calories will help with weight loss but that's because you're probably thinking of this as a "diet". Low/reduced carb is more of a way of life and you have to commit to it and trust that it will work for you over the long haul. And that means you can't be hungry so eat, girl. Just eat the filling, nutritious foods that will keep you feeling healthy and satisfied. If you're struggling with hunger issues at any time other than right before a meal then you may not be doing it quite right.
  • SuzzetteMB
    SuzzetteMB Posts: 7 Member
    Oh that sounds really good! :-) I think I will try that!
  • SuzzetteMB
    SuzzetteMB Posts: 7 Member
    OH really? Pepperoni, huh? GOOD to know!!! Thanks! I will try uppping my calories a little.... it's so scarey! LOL! :-)
  • SuzzetteMB
    SuzzetteMB Posts: 7 Member
    Great tips and advice, everyone!! Thank you!!! :-) It is a little nerve-wrecking thinking about MORE calories, but I trust you all and can see by your weight losses that you all must know what you are talking about !Thanks for taking the time to reply! :-)
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    OH really? Pepperoni, huh? GOOD to know!!! Thanks! I will try upping my calories a little.... it's so scarey! LOL! :-)
    I know it's scary because it goes against everything you've been indoctrinated into believing about weight loss. Keep your calorie goal at the amount that MFP chose for you. Try not to go under.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    Yep, sorry, just noticed the calorie allowance. That is too low in general and I agree, eat more, especially fat! But I get munchies at night anyway, almost regardless of what I eat and focused on that.
  • zynx1234
    zynx1234 Posts: 73 Member
    your calories are an issue. you may lose weight but then it will come back with force when you are "done" dieting. because eating that few calories is not really sustainable. and I would be careful saying on MFP how few calories you are eating or the calorie police will getcha.....
  • Tobethin608
    Tobethin608 Posts: 47 Member
    I too was having the same problem and asked the same question. The MFP's are right eat more! I did and the problem was solved! Good job considering where you work! I am impressed!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I am usually not hungry unless it is meal time. But, sometimes I just have a hungry day. When that happens I throw the calorie goal out the window and eat more food -- low carb of course. I'll make bacon and eggs, eat some left over meat, pepperoni (LOL), whatever.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    +1 for more calories and more fat.

    Dietary fat will not make you fat in the absence of excess carbohydrate nor will it cause heart issues.

    Dietary fat will not budge blood sugar and will therefore keep insulin low, this will maximise your fat-burning potential.

    Adding fat to any meal will blunt the insulin response to that meal. Keeping the carbs low too, obviously.

    Make the last meal a steak with a creamy sauce on top and enjoy :)
  • SuzzetteMB
    SuzzetteMB Posts: 7 Member
    You guys are awesome! Thank you! Gosh! I thought I was doing good with 1000 calories! LOL! I will definitely bump it up.Thanks for being supportive! I am loving this group already! .
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I totally agree- more calories, more fat!!! Don't be afraid of the fat!

    Plus, DO NOT be afraid to experiment with your food choices. You say you stick to your 'safe' options- there is a world of low carb possibilities out there. Sticking to the same old same old every day is a sure fire way to make you quit. Low carbing is a lifestyle, and if done properly a delicious and enjoyable one.

    Read all the sticky threads at the top of this forum, especially the info for newbies and the daily food thread. You will get lots of info and inspiration for meals, snacks etc to keep you interested & full.

    Try having a 'MIM' (also a sticky thread) after work. It is packed with fibre and will keep you full while satisfying your 'naughty' craving.

    Best of luck & feel free to ask questions.
  • SuzzetteMB
    SuzzetteMB Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! I will definitely che ck those out! I need ideas desperately!!!
  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    I had pepperoni chips last night at 11PM because I was hungry & wanted a snack. Put some slices of pepperoni on a paper towel/plate in the microwave & heat until crunchy. You can use them for dip but they're great on their own too!! Or top them with a little shredded cheese...yum!
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    I just learned about "fat bombs." I'd been making them when I was really trying to push keto without realizing it, but they really do kill the appetite. Just any recipe that's almost all fat. I like to make something like the inside of a mounds(?) bar. 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 4 tablespoons finely shredded unsweetened coconut, 6 drops stevia, a few drops vanilla and one teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder. Mix it up with a spoon and eat. Makes my stomach feel like lead for hours. If I'm "hungry" after a "fat bomb" it's definitely psychological.
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    Coffee with coconut oil in it is a great way to add in some more fat between meals (or whenever you're getting the munchies), it's like a mini fat bomb.

    I agree with the MIM (Muffin in a Minute) too, these are packed with fibre and you can add toppings or just eat them plain and warm.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I've been eating a chocolate MIM every morning for breakfast. It's like having chocolate cake for breakfast. Who can beat that? LOL!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I just learned about "fat bombs." I'd been making them when I was really trying to push keto without realizing it, but they really do kill the appetite. Just any recipe that's almost all fat. I like to make something like the inside of a mounds(?) bar. 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 4 tablespoons finely shredded unsweetened coconut, 6 drops stevia, a few drops vanilla and one teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder. Mix it up with a spoon and eat. Makes my stomach feel like lead for hours. If I'm "hungry" after a "fat bomb" it's definitely psychological.

    OMG, thank you for sharing that. My appetite has been so reduced that I usually need some fat at bedtime to up my calories. Fat Bomb is going to be perfect! (Going to try it without the stevia.)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You are on a diet. You need to get off the diet and just start living healthy. :smile: Up your calories, and add in some fats/non-starchy veggies. What you are doing now isn't sustainable so you will eventually end up bailing and put it all back on...try and eat more/have a bit more variety and you should be great!!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I don't have anything of value to add that hasn't been said before, but yes, fat will help! I didn't have enough at dinner last night (although I did fine getting close to my daily goal) and was ravenous this morning.

    Also, gotta try that fat bomb recipe.