Wk 3, ZERO results, discouraged :( Above heart rate problem?



  • lawerence5
    Thanks everyone! I have been watching what I eat/counting calories. The program actually calculated me to eat around 1900 calories, which I felt was WAY too much. I tried staying around 1600 -1700. This week I cut down to around 1200 cuz I'm still not seeing any change. I wouldn't care if I wasn't losing any weight so long as I was losing inches but I'm not. I'm still keeping with it and hopefully will see some results soon.

    u are forgetting that in the workout u burn up to 1000 calories so if u eat 1200 calories a day then u getting 200 calories a day which has a huge strain on your weight loss it can even lead to weight gain
  • curlybiker
    curlybiker Posts: 3 Member
    I am on the recovery week, have also had no visible results and have gained weight. Discouraged like quite a few other people on here but stil going to stick it out and try and finish. I'm hoping the comments that month two really starts to make a difference. I do feel that I am stronger, but that the weight is just sticking with me. Anyone who finishes all 60 days though should give themselves a pat on the back!
  • Lilone0789
    I am on my third week and I have lost 10lbs. But to be honest the only reason why I feel like I have lost that much is because I do insanity everyday and I also have yoga and run a couple of laps around the park when my husband get's off work. I don't personally see much difference in my body, but my husband say's he see's my waist a lot slimmer as well as my thighs. I'm hoping to see bigger results in the second month, but man oh man is Insanity kicking my butt!
  • Apresner
    I didn't lose any weight till the recovery week and then it started falling off
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm starting week 3 (fit test tonight) and haven't lost any weight but I definitely feel a difference in my body. My legs, which were never really a concern of mine feel like rocks when I flex them. I didn't have a lot of fat there to begin with but there must have been enough because it's different now.

    I'm also noticing a faint definition in my abs in the mirror. Its not huge, and I'm never quite sure if I'm just imagining it or not, but since that's where most of my excess weight is, it's a little nice to think something is happening there even if it might just be my imagination.

    My thinking is that it has only been 2 weeks. I don't look different, but I sure feel different. I feel stronger and way more fit than I have in a long time. If this program has made me feel this much different in such a short time, I'm pretty excited to see what'll happen by the end, even if I don't end up with a six-pack.
  • janiemckinney
    janiemckinney Posts: 1 Member
    I just started month 2 this week (thought day 1 of month 2 was going to kill me - it didn't - I'm still here Shaun T!!). I have also been discouraged by the scale. At first I gained 4 lbs. and it took another 2 weeks to come back down. I'm still seesawing up and down a little which is discouraging. I think I probably wasn't eating enough either but boy is that counter-intuitive to the brainwashing I've had my whole life. MFP has me needing 1200 calories a day and Elite Nutrition at 1900. This week, I've finally decided to compromise and see if I can get around 1500 and if I need to increase to 1700-1900 or so I will.

    Now, the good things are that I've lost about 6" in my waist, 7-1/2 in my stomach and 2 in my hips. I can see my midsection just melting away. All of my pants are becoming too big for me and the muffin top is gone. I'm seeing definition in my arms - thought that was gone forever! So, my weight is only down 2 lbs from where I started, but I'm coming up on that magical 6 week mark next week and can't wait for those pounds to melt away. Also, at the end of week 4 my teenagers and co-workers started to notice.

    Good luck and hang with it! I'm determined to make it to the end and will probably cycle through again.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    I'm on week four now, and haven't lost weight just yet, I struggle with snacking, but have cut back. I do see an improvement in my abs and feel slimmer, so I'm thinking the weight will start to come down. I believe this workout will work, just try something different with your diet and have patience, good luck!
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    I experienced the same results in my first 3 weeks. Gained 2-3 lbs. but get stronger. I actually started seeing the weight drop around week 5 which is the recovery week. Then the last 4 weeks I lost about 12-14lbs. I wouldn't change a thing though. I followed it with a P90x/Insanity hybrid workout and now i'm into my 2nd week of Insanity round 2. I have lost 5" off my waist/pants size. You can find me on team beachbody as SWREZn8 if you need a dedicated coach.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    I gained weight during Insanity and wasn't following the cal recommendation all the way. During the first month, I was starving my body, during the second month, I ate closer to the recommended amount (1800). My energy increased and I started seeing results in my clothes/measuring tape and photos.

    Remember that your body also retains water when you work out hard. I'm pretty sure that my results would have been better with the recommended intake.