That 'time of the month'

blumenL Posts: 12 Member
Hey ladies! I've been having a REALLY hard time feeling like anything other than a blimp during my monthly visit and want to know if any of you change your routine during that week? I don't want to stagnate my weight loss but MAN it sucks to workout while I feel like this. Any advice/anecdotes would be great!


  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Well... not to be too "personal" but you could always consider your contraception choice to control when, or if at all ToM comes to visit.

    TOM is not visiting me this month, I have decided that in advance.
  • VegasStage
    VegasStage Posts: 17 Member
    I feel the exact same way-just yucky. I don't workout as heavily during my period. I cut out my yoga and just stick to walks and my usual rehearsals/performances. I keep my diet pretty much in order but I always feel so much hungrier which I really hate! I always feel super bloated and freak out about it. Just know that you aren't alone. One week of not working out in full force won't hinder your progress.
  • EleMeleUkulele
    EleMeleUkulele Posts: 59 Member
    In my yoga school the teachers give you less challenging poses (absolutely no sarvangasana or any other reverse poses, no twisted triangles, and so on. I tend not to work out as much during TOM, but that doesn't mean I'm cutting it off completely. On the other hand, my periods are not so bad: no swelling, scarcely any cramps, so I speak only for myself. My mom's got it worse, so most often she skips yoga during her TOMs.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    The Red Tide is in for me right now. Before it came, I immediately started retaining water. I shot up 4 lbs! I don't feel really bloaty, but I am irritable and the littlest of things get me all upset. However, I'm still working out and I'm not running for the nearest candy isle and going nuts, like I want to. I'm just trying to push through because it's a temporary discomfort that will be gone hopefully by tomorrow or saturday.
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    I just... can't. The worst day of it, I'm literally balled up on the bed cocooned in heating pads. It's the only thing that keeps my muscles from cramping bad enough to literally pull my iliosacral joints and lumbar spine out of place. So... no. I don't work out. And I allow myself a day of eating whatever makes it feel better (even though it's psychological).

    Doesn't knock anything off track, doesn't hurt much, and it's easy to pick right back up again when it passes.
  • bdufrane
    bdufrane Posts: 9 Member
    I do try to work out the same amount but it definetly does screw up w/ my schedule during the first day when the cramping is worse. For example, I usually work out in the morning, but if that's when the cramping is bad, I'll push my workout til after work. Not working out the first day is understandable though, it can be miserable, but if you do have some time in there where you're feeling better, just walking on the treadmill is good! Although it sometimes sucks, I've noticed working out just before and during that time of the month has actually made the menstraul pain more tolerable.

    The important thing is to not pay attention to the scale during this time. Everyone's different, but many people, me included, weigh more during this time b/c of water retention and it just throws you off and can be discouraging.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I make sure to drink extra water and try to force myself to work out, it usually helps. It's a bit harder to motivate myself, but it it also helps me keep away from the chocolate.
  • jenfitnessmama
    jenfitnessmama Posts: 138 Member
    Mine isn't here yet, but it's coming...I can feel it :S

    But when my ToM is here it can get preeeeeetty painful, so it all depends from month to month how much I workout, and I usually don't eat that healthy when it's here, either. However, it's not like an all-out binge-fest or anything!
  • beansNboo
    beansNboo Posts: 23 Member
    I have no guarantees about the scientific validity of this, but I once read an article about women's menstrual cycle and how we tend to burn quite a few more calories during that week (as a consequence of all the bodily changes that are taking place). When I'm feeling really crappy, I try to think about that. If it's extreme, I'll give myself a little pass and loosen up on the "rules". If it's more manageable, I try to think about all the extra calorie burning I'm doing and it helps motivate me (or at least, gets me through the week without so much damage!!) The following week, the bloating, weight, etc.. all goes back to normal (or even better some weeks) and that is so rewarding.

    Also, wine helps. :)
  • I typically go down a pound or two during my period (kinda weird?). But, also, I usually have really bad cramps so I don't work out for the first 2 days of mine. It definitely throws a wrench in my routine but hey, we're human we need some breaks sometimes. Also, I read on that there was a study of people who exercised for 6 weeks then took 1 week off compared to those who exercise without a week break. According to this study, taking a week off every 4-6 weeks helps build muscle and strength because it allows your muscles to heal and repair themselves. I don't know how accurate it was... but it's an interesting thought?

    Basically, if you don't feel good and don't feel like working out for that week/few days (and can trust yourself to get back in the routine afterwards) then don't workout! You won't give your all and there's no point in working out it it's not quality! But, if you WANT to work out and feel alright, then go for it!
  • wine helps everything!
  • natalovesmusic
    natalovesmusic Posts: 49 Member
    I also am not bad on cramps. I just started MFP this week and TOM has now visited..yay? So I plan to do my cardio on the last days (when it's lighter). But even so, don't think you have to go out all intense, you can do a nice power walk.
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    I try to workout during that time, but I usually have difficulty because of the pain and bloating. I try to do low impact workouts and work on my strength training a little more frequently during those times. I found out the hard way that doing things that make me sweaty, like running, is not for me during that TOM. :grumble:
  • theredfro
    theredfro Posts: 59 Member
    I always have one really heavy day that I might use as a rest day or do a less intense workout. Otherwise, I pop two paracetamol and an ibuprofen half hour before working out and get on with it. Avoid certain moves and yoga poses obviously, and ease up a bit, otherwise exercise can help reduce the pain and give you an easier period. But I really think its each to their own and whatever works for you.
  • PicklePlum
    PicklePlum Posts: 192 Member
    Hey ladies! I've been having a REALLY hard time feeling like anything other than a blimp during my monthly visit and want to know if any of you change your routine during that week? I don't want to stagnate my weight loss but MAN it sucks to workout while I feel like this. Any advice/anecdotes would be great!

    On the pill so I don't get cramps and very I'm able to work out as normal and I don't get cravings or eat more than planned. If I don't feel like working out and I'm not hurting then I at least try the elliptical and see how that goes.

    However, there is a substantial amount of bloating/water retention up to 3 lbs. increase!!! It goes away a few days after tho.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm in the middle of my period right now. I don't get cramps but do tend to bloat...especially a few days before...and that weight will stick around for another few days into my period. I usually get clutsy right before and exhausted a day or two before. Then it starts flowing and then I'll have more energy again and bloat goes down. I'll probably be back to "normal" on Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm hoping that I'm retaining more than I think so that WI will be great this week. I still workout and play sports...just may not do any heavy lifting.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Seriously? How much are we talking about? Cause that would be great! I do think our body temperatures increase by 0.1 degree or something - I was in HK during SARS and they took our body temperatures via a scanner as a precaution... during the week I had my period, that temperature increased by 0.2 Celsius and stayed there until the period ended.
    I have no guarantees about the scientific validity of this, but I once read an article about women's menstrual cycle and how we tend to burn quite a few more calories during that week (as a consequence of all the bodily changes that are taking place). When I'm feeling really crappy, I try to think about that. If it's extreme, I'll give myself a little pass and loosen up on the "rules". If it's more manageable, I try to think about all the extra calorie burning I'm doing and it helps motivate me (or at least, gets me through the week without so much damage!!) The following week, the bloating, weight, etc.. all goes back to normal (or even better some weeks) and that is so rewarding.

    Also, wine helps. :)
  • jenny32373
    jenny32373 Posts: 11 Member
    The Red Tide is in for me right now. Before it came, I immediately started retaining water. I shot up 4 lbs! I don't feel really bloaty, but I am irritable and the littlest of things get me all upset. However, I'm still working out and I'm not running for the nearest candy isle and going nuts, like I want to. I'm just trying to push through because it's a temporary discomfort that will be gone hopefully by tomorrow or saturday.

    I'm always good for at least 3-4 lbs of water retention weight at that TOM.... I really should make a note to myself to stay the heck away from the scale!!! LOL
  • katieuk
    katieuk Posts: 304 Member
    Hi Girls,

    That time of the month - WE ALL HATE IT don't we??!! :-(

    I am due in a couple of weeks and I dread it so much.

    I am feeling pretty decent right now, the last two weeks I have been really good with logging my food and keeping on it witht exercise and I can definitely notice a change in body shape / tone. I just know that in a couple of weeks it will feel like the end of the world, everything will bloat, my hips will feel the size of [insert something extremely large here], and I will think that everything is ruined!!

    I think we all know deep down that eventually when that week is over, the water retention has gone, and our mood has lifted then we will feel back to our usual self.

    What we have to remember is to try not to cave in - it is harder to exercise during this time (in fact when I do I can sometimes feel quite faint and have to stop) - so I probably only exercise 3 x a week rather than 5 x a week!! Food wise I definitely crave more "naughty" foods especially chocolate !! However, if we cut back on exercise plus increase our calorie intake then unfortunately it will hinder our weight loss so we probably just have to try and stick to it as much as possible (and only cave as few times as possible)!! Also I try to drink a lot more to try which sometimes helps calm the hunger pangs!! :-)

    I suppose what I would like to know is whether our body's really do need more food? e.g. by trying not to cave is that not good for me, should I be giving my body more during this time? Or whether it is just because our hormones are all over the place that we "think" we need a lot more?

    Keep smiling girls
