New guy - It is a lot harder after 40

Hey all. I just joined up, hoping to get back to where I was last year. I am an active duty Navy Chief petty Officer and following my deployment to Afghanistan last year I weighed 190 pounds, and I was in the best shape of my life. i chalk that up to walking everywhere, P90x, crappy food and no booze. Well, since i got home, mama's cooking, my garage kegerator, major shoulder surgey and a lack of motivation have contributed to a 25 pound weight gain. So, I sit here at 213. My goal is 190-195 again.

Even though I PT at least three times per week, I am finding that since I turned 40, losing that tire around my gut is much harder. I'm in pretty good health and my plan is to cut booze completely and focus on salads, juicing (no the roids, the fruit) and sardines as snacks.

I look forward to talking with everyone here!



  • jollyjax
    jollyjax Posts: 8 Member
    Redundancy in 93 led me down the slope of the couch potato .. having been like yourself in the RN ... was 189 when I left and now I am wanting to return to less than 200 having slobbed my way to 244 ... at 56 ... I know how hard it is ... keep the faith and keep off the pop :)

    Welcome to mfp

  • I seem to be able to drop the weight okay (not that my current stats show that), but if I can't exercise (injury-plagued 7 months) then I'm in trouble.

    I'm lucky that everything sits on the front for me and I don't have tired all the way around so it decreases pretty quick, but it's still tough. After 40 life hasn't been fun for my body!