vitamim d3

Does anyone take vitamin d3? This month marks my 1 year Ms anniversary. I had a MRI last Friday and the nurse called me Monday to say that I had an active lesion. I may have to change meds but for now steroids it is. Any who, my sister asked me if I was still taking vitamin d3. I said no. I stopped taking itbecause it make my head hurt and I would feel pressure on my brain. Is that normal? Does anyone else take vitamin d3 over the counter or prescription? Do you have any side affects


  • CarmenLynn75
    CarmenLynn75 Posts: 118 Member
    I've been taking 1400 IU of D3 for a while now and have had no similar side effects.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    I take 7000 IU a day. No side effects. My recent blood test was 161 n mol/l. Dr Jelinek says to aim for 150 minimum, possibly up to 200. You definitely need to be taking a supplement all the time, deoending on where you live and how much sunshine you get, and get tested to get the dose right for you. 40,000 a day is the daily dose that researchers have found toxicity side effects at.

    Find out more here
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Also I'd be doubtful that the vitamin d makes you feel pressure in your head. I've felt that when I had active lesions and put it down to that. Also had it again and it made me think it was a tell tale sign of a lesion and had scan but it wasn't. Ms can make you feel very strange at times, but I'd doubt vit d would cause this. Please start it up again soon, it's so important to reduce attacks!
  • sedavis62
    I tried taking it, 1000 units a day (plus whatever's in my multi-vitamin) and had terrible side effects from it ... headache, dry-eyes (that was the worst part) and other stuff I can't remember at the moment. I looked up the symptoms of Vit D overdose and I had 18 of 20. Clearly, 1000 units isn't anywhere close to overdosing, but I am very sensitive to side-effects, regardless of the med. So, yeah, I can relate to your aching head :)
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi, I started out with 1000 IU daily when I was first diagnosed in spring 2008 - took that for 11 months and then the docs tested my levels again and I was barely reading on the chart. I upped my Vit D3 to 4000 IU daily (plus the 400 in my multivit) and have been on that ever since.

    Maybe it isn't the Vit D that is causing the side effects - or maybe you don't have a deficit to begin with. I would go ahead and have the docs test your levels for you before deciding what is best for you. Everyone's body reacts differently.

  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    Yup. I take 2000 units 2x day and have for over a year now. I also live in AZ, and I love to be outside with our horses (when it's not too hot)--so I get plenty of sunshine as well. No problems at all. I know it's really good for us MS folks, so you may want to talk to your doctor and try it again.
  • Ksc1269
    Ksc1269 Posts: 19 Member
    I take 5000 iu per day and have for about 10 years. My levels are good and are checked every year. My ND has recommended this dose and does for all of his MS patients. I also live in MT and only get about 6 months of sun!
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    2000 iu twice a day here also. No side effects for me.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I take 1000 I.u plus 800 in my multivitamin. I had my daughters tested but havent gotten the results back yet hopefully her levels are fine but figured it doesn't hurt to be proactive.

    I don't have any issues taking it.
  • unicornlady77
    I have to take 5000 a day otherwise my vit D levels are really low,havent had any side effects.
  • 23tjbk
    23tjbk Posts: 14 Member
    Doc just upped me to 1,000 units twice a day because my bloodwork came back pretty low. I have to go back in a few months to have it checked again. I live in NH and have trouble getting around so I don't get much sun. I try to sit in sunny windows during the day but don't know if that does anything to help.
  • rachelroma
    rachelroma Posts: 22 Member
    Everything I've read about vitamin D says it's important to take it with calcium and magnesium. This from Managing Multiple Sclerosis Naturally which is one of many such sources (you can ask your doctor about this too):

    Importance of Combining (D3) with Calcium and Magnesium
    Vitamin D controls the level of calcium in the blood. If there is not enough calcium in the diet, calcium will be leached from the bone, creating risk for osteoporosis. High levels of vitamin D from the diet and/or from sunshine will actually demineralize bone if there isn't enough calcium. Vitamin D supplements should never be taken without simultaneously taking calcium and magnesium.
    Also, absorption of all three improves when they are taken together. Cantorna, et al., demonstrated that calcium levels strongly affect the action of vitamin D for suppressing EAE in mice.* Calcium intake should be in the range of 600-900 mg daily, with magnesium intake roughly comparable.

    *there's a big long paragraph of references here, but the main list of studies are "1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Reversibly Blocks the Progression of Relapsing Encephalomyelitis", "Vitamin D: It's Role and Uses in Immunology", and "Vitamin D and Its Rold in Immunology: Multiple Sclerosis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease"

    Probably TMI here, but I'd talk to your doctor about taking calcium and magnesium too.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks for the additional info, I had never heard about combining the vit d with calcium and magnesium. At my age I definitely need to look into this.
  • headyo
    headyo Posts: 11 Member
    I take 4400 IU per day and have for years. I'm feeling just peachy!