


  • Can't wait to start the October challenge . I did the September one and beat the goal by 2 pds .....This is my second challenge i joined M.F.P mid August and have lost 23 pd's to date love this site..
  • pahsar2
    pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks, everyone for joining. 100+ members so far. I would expect that a few dozen more may roll in within a few days.

    Good luck and remember to submit your weekly progress -- even if the progress isn't good, it's important to stick with your personal commitments.
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Hello, I am joining because I am desperate and need some accountability. I'm only 7ish pounds about from my heaviest weight ever, and that scares me! I would love some new motivational friends. It seems most on my friends list have given up. My anniversary is the 31st, and I would love to celebrate it 6 pounds lighter+
  • b215d
    b215d Posts: 22 Member
    I did the September challenge and met my goal for the month. I hope to maybe double this months challenge. Planning on running a 5K at the end of the month. Good luck to everyone!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    This is the first time joining this challenge and I'm glad to be hear!
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    I did both the August and the September challenges. Both times I met the goal and I definitely know it's because these groups help me stay accountable. Have a great month!
  • silvaalvarez418
    silvaalvarez418 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi first time I joined a challenge and also a group! I'm really looking forward all the mental support! We all know It can be easy to lose focus but with encouraging words from each other we can keep motivated! :) let's do this!
  • txgonzo
    txgonzo Posts: 15 Member
    I am new to this group! Looking forward to a good challenge.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • AquaDITN
    AquaDITN Posts: 35 Member
    These challenges are great! I've never seen this particular group. Looking forward to this challenge with all of you.
  • Kjdecker12
    Kjdecker12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone, Im a little late joining in but I'm sure I can accomplish the 6lb loss by the end of October.
  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    ALOHA, Everyone!

    My name is Ashley, I'm 23 as of 9/11/13. I grew up in a small town, on a dairy farm and now I still live in the same area. I have a desk job in the health care field. I live with my boyfriend James of 2 years, and our dog Jack and cat Nala.

    I started with MFP on June 3rd, 2013 and weighed 195lbs. Through calorie counting, portion control, and exercising, I currently weigh 177lbs as of 9/16/13. I am very proud of myself! I can admit that I am not pushing 100% to lose weight, I would say my efforts are 70%. I have changed my meals 100%, aiming to eat healthy like fish instead of hamburger helper, rice cakes instead of cheez-its... As far as exercising, that's where I could improve on. I work out maybe 3 times a week, either running, walking, biking, or Wii for 30 minutes usually. I would like to push harder during these workouts, maybe increase to 4 workouts a week, and maybe 45 minutes a time. I would also like to start with some strength exercises this winter.

    The summertime I usually get the most out of the nice weather I can, by working out outside (bike, walk, run.) Wintertime, I have a free gym membership at my work so I am hoping to use that, plus still run, walk, maybe bike, and Wii. I have not been in this new healthy lifestyle in the wintertime, so we'll see how that goes.

    I am very excited to be in this challenge, to lose 6lbs in Oct and maybe more, and to meet new friends! :)