


  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Laura. I've been bellydancing off and on for several years and am just recently furthering my instructions. My fascination began about 28 years ago - I had a boyfriend in high school whos mother was a bellydancer. She used to practice new routines for us and her transformation from sweet 40-ish mom to gorgeous sensual goddess was so breathtaking I wanted to learn ever since. 20 years later I finally started to.

    I have not performed solo or in a troupe at this point, but perhaps someday. I've taken several classes and workshops over years but have not gotten much further than what might be considered dabbling. I have now found an instructor who is wonderful. I'm currently brushing up on my collection of skills under her mentorship and am hoping to start working with zills soon. :)

    Shoot me a FR if you'd like another bellydancing friend here. I'd love to get to know any other dancers. xo
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I'm Kim. I've been bellydancing since 1999, and teaching since 2005 in the Richmond, Va. area. Bellydance discovered me by accident. A friend had a video (Katherine Ferguson-old school, yet awesome!), and I tried it and feel in love. If you would like a bellydancing friend, please feel free to add me.
  • Kep1130
    Hi all! I'm Keating, and I have been bellydancing for 10 years now (yes, I started young!) and have loved every single minute of it! I began teaching a couple of years into college, and formed a troupe there in conjunction with the troupe I learned from/ still belong to. I am fond of a strange mishmash of styles-- a little tribal, a little caberet, a little traditional gypsy, and even ballet and hip hop/ rock flare thrown in. Just me in a nutshell. :) I just joined MFP today, and hoping to get a little motivation to practice my dance more regularly (moving across the state from both my troupes has KILLED my drive to practice lately!) and lose a little for my health!
  • Nikkiash667
    Nikkiash667 Posts: 39 Member
    I have been belly dancing for almost 7 years. Egyptian, Cabaret, traditional, bollywood, Hawaiian. We use veils, circle veils, zills, cane, sword, candle, fan veils, and Isis Wings. I love props!

    My troupe is called, "The Secret Bellydancers". We started with three people (including the teacher). Now we have three different classes. When we started we only performed about 2 times a year. Now we perform at least once a month. Our next big performance we are hosting is on World Belly Dance day in May. I need to loose the 10 pounds I gained in the last three months after my hysterectomy.
    Now I am obsessed with Tribal Fusion.
    This is one of the main reasons why I want to loose weight and get fit. I need to be flexible, and have uber core, arm and leg strength.

    Who else is obsessed with the costumes! We can never have enough! I have a separate closet for them. I made my main costume last year for my self choreographed solo, (you can check it out in my pics. Its the blinged out blue one).
    This year for the (hopefully) Tribal Fusion solo I am putting together I am making this costume as well. Those Tribal fusion outfits are so insanely expensive!! The music I picked is by Korn, from their Dub step CD they collaborated.