Hello? (Echo....echo...echo....)



  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Yay so glad to have everyone!!!
  • maureen7343
    maureen7343 Posts: 4 Member
    Can I join? I'm Maureen and I'm "restarting" my weight loss journey for the LAST time !

    I have about 90 lbs to lose - which is more than my 13yr old weighs!! ugghhh
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Hi Maureen, we'd love to have you join us! I have about the same to lose as you.... race you! Kidding only kidding. LOL! Glad you found us!!
  • fabulessmommy
    fabulessmommy Posts: 40 Member
    I am so excited to see all of you posting! It's great to know that we are not alone on this journey! When you get discouraged never stop posting. Come let us lift you up! When you go to my page it says I only want to lose 30 pounds. It says that because it's easier for me to see that goal than a 150 pounds. I'm learning to do this in baby steps! :) We can do this!
  • doingitforjames
    Good Morning.. Sundays are my weigh in day. So I have just weighed in after my morning walk, and have lost 600g for the week. For a grand total of 4.2kg in 3 weeks. I'm quite happy with that. Although I know I can do better.

    This coming week is going to be a hard week for me as Wednesday is the 1 year anniversary of my son's passing, I'm going to allow myself Wednesday off but try and work damn hard for the rest of the week.

    Good luck to everyone for the coming week and today.. xoxo
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    Doingitforjames (Is that what you want to be called?) If my friend Mr. Google is accurate you lost 1.3 pounds this week, that is fantastic!!! Especially with such a hard week coming up. I am so so very sorry for you loss. I have been through cancer myself and I still could never imagine how horrible it would be if it was one of my children who was sick. No parent should ever have to lose a child, it's not fair, I am sorry.

    Congrats again on the weight loss you are doing terrific!!
  • doingitforjames
    haha I forgot I don't have my name on here. So while I'm here I'll give a little about me.

    My name is Gail, I live in South Australia, and I will be turning 33 in 2 months time.

    As I said in my previous post, I lost my son to Cancer last year, he was only just 6 years of age. Through his treatment and then surgery I worked hard and lost nearly 10kg (22lbs) but once we were told that his tumour had returned and there was nothing that could be gone, my weight loss went out the window - well and truly. I ended up gaining the 10kg that I'd lost plus some. Which brings me to 3 weeks ago when I decided that enough was enough. I could no longer use his death as a reason to eat myself into the ground with him. So decided to make a change. And that change has bought me here. So far I have only lost 9lb but it's a start.

    Part of doing this is also so that I am around for my youngest son and teach him healthy and correct choices in life.