what do you have your marcos set as?

aarilynn Posts: 74 Member
Scooby calculator on auto is 50 carbs 30 protein 20 fat, but do you stick with that? Lately I've been on a 40/30/30... but I try to do the 40/40/20, but find it difficult somedays.. I'm looking to lose fat and inches ... would a 50 percent carb intake still do that for me? Or actually, I'm really wondering what's working for people who have around 10 pounds or less to lose.... what are you macros like?


  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    I have mine set at 45/25/30 (c/p/f) but honestly I only really pay attention to the protein to make sure I'm getting my 1g per lb of lean body mass each day. Certain people do well on different ratios but I don't think my body gives a damn where its calories come from, and seems to function well on higher carbs.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Mine is at 35/30/35 (c/p/f) at the moment, but it's just something new I'm trying. I'm supposed to be in maintenance, but I have lost weight this week, so I may change it again in a week or two, or I may just up my calories. Again. I also most closely watch the protein, but try for more like 1.2 or 1.3 of lbm or 1g per lb of total weight since I'm not sure of the accuracy of the various body fat measures that I have taken or had taken.
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    I'm on 10/25/65 (c/p/f) but then I'm eating low carb. All the fat helps fitting in the calories without eating huge quantities of food and also helps keep hunger away.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    currently 40/40/20 (doing insanity), but I had it on 50/30/20 (pro/carb/fat) when doing more strength training oriented workouts.
  • tcat2012
    tcat2012 Posts: 60 Member
    I have less than 10 to lose (maybe 7ish). A few weeks ago after reading about fat loss online (not mfp) I decided to set my protein to 1 gram per pound of goal weight. So I set my daily calorie goal to 1800 and experimented with the mfp macro ratios until I got to 135 grams of protein per day (my goal is actually 130 but I decided to go a little over with the protein). And I decided to lower my fat a tiny bit at the same time. That came to 45% carb, 30% protein, 25% fat.

    The only number I pay 100% attention to in my food diary is the protein (try to even go over 135 grams every day, and usually succeed, except on weekends because of more family meals. Even so, the carbs and fat usually fall right about where they're supposed to be. Also, I don't eat white carbs (except on weekends) and I get at least 45 grams of fiber per day.

    This seems to be working for me, I've lost inches…and even the scale budged downward a little bit (which hasn't happened for me since Februaryish). If this keeps working, I'll gradually increase my daily calories (50 per week) until I get closer to my TDEE (which averages about 2300 according to my fitbit).

    Eating 135 grams of protein a day can be challenging...I need to pay attention at every meal to get protein in. But I do manage it--(weekdays are much easier than weekends)--kashi go-lean mixed with fiber one in the morning (with milk), greek yogurt and nature valley protein bar for snack, high protein whole wheat bread with turkey and cheese for lunch, turkey chili or some kind of lean meat for dinner, and another greek yogurt for pm snack, then a protein shake at the end of the day if I'm still short of my goal.
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    I have reduced carbs & increased protein so I'm at 30/35/35 (c/p/f). I have a feeling that I am a bit susceptible to insulin resistance due to family history and have generally found over time that less carbs work better for my body in terms of fat loss. But in no way would I ever go "low carb".