


  • kyla4u
    kyla4u Posts: 15 Member
    I'm new to the group and I'm a 48 year old mom to a 5 1/2 year old. She keeps me very busy! I'm hoping to lose 20 pounds in order to improve my health and my wardrobe. I hope to meet some nice people here as well.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Jennifer and I am a 46 year old Texas girl. I am married and we have 6 children who are 5 yrs to 27 years old. I am also a grandma to 6 children who are newborn to 8 years old. Yes, I was still having children when my grandkids started coming. In our family tree, that is normal. LOL
    I have been over weight for 13 years now and major depression has kicked in. Over the years I have tried different weight loss approaches and nothing has worked yet. I "know" what I should do, I just can't get motivated. Depression is part of the problem, but pain is too. With this weight I have ankle, knee and hip pain not to mention I have chronic migraines too.
    So, here I am looking for support.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Tornado, you can do this. Just take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. It get easier, but the first couple of months were the most difficult for me. You are so worth it!
  • newme2105
    newme2105 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi - I am a married mum of 2 kids aged 14 and 9. I have yo-yo dieted with some success - last year I lost over 2.5stone only to put 3.5 stone back on after I had a hysterectomy. All in all my worst weight was 249! This last week I have decided to do something about my diet. I started taking a chromium supplement as per Patrick Holford's book - and I have found my sugar cravings have gone and I have been able to stick to my diet.... So my goal is to reduce the sugar rollercoaster I was riding and try and find physical and mental health for me and all the family... As others have commented, if we are over-weight unfortunately our kids can follow our example and that certainly has happened in our hours... Hoping they all get fit along with me.

    I have lost 5.5lbs since Saturday! So this is a good week:wink:
  • Hi! Ladies!
    I'm Frances, I am 41 and the mommmy of two boys, 6 and 4. My husband and I are always figuring out how much older we will be when our kids graduate etc. LOL We started late. That is because we me in our 30's. I had no weight issues, well, I lost the weight quickly and easily after both boys were born BUT now that I have chosen to stay home to better care for my 6 year old who is autistic I have gained 44 lbs. Anyway here I am and thanks for creating this group!!!!
  • softballmom33
    softballmom33 Posts: 128 Member
    I am 47 and have a very active 12 year old who plays a sport. Can you guess by my screen name lol. I have about 8-10 stubborn pounds that won't go away. Please add me for any support.
  • amytxgal
    amytxgal Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I am a step mom of two terrific boys and about to turn 45 next month. I am so glad to have found this site and able to connect with other 40 year old women who are batteling the bulge like me. I was in Drill team in high school where I was in the best shape of my life and since high school I have been batteling this weight issue. I am tired, depressed, about loose my husband and two great kids if I don't get this under control. I just lost my dad to obesity related health issues at 67 years old. I am in crisis mode here and could use any and all support out there. Thank you and I look foward to my chart going down in pounds.
  • Hello, my name is Lisa and I am a 45 year old mom of four children. I started gaining weight about 20 years ago but it was so gradual I never paid it any attention until it was well out of hand. I am 5'9 and my beginning weight was 323. I have tried (using that word loosely) to lose weight many times before, and as we all know, lack of effort produces minimum results. Shortly after I turned 45 (Aug/12) I decided I no longer wanted to hide from the mirrors in my house and I became very self conscience of my size. So in Septmeber I decided I was doing this for real this time, but not as just weight loss but as a lifestyle change for a better me. MFP has helped me tremendously. It allows me to see I was eating more than I thought I was and it helps keep me on track. I know it's not going to be easy, but it's a fight worth winning. Good luck to each and everyone of us.
  • sweetmama_5
    sweetmama_5 Posts: 6 Member to MFP :)

    I'm a 42 (on Nov 30th) year old stay at home Mom with 5 kids (oldest is 21 youngest is 2). I am doing low Carb as through trial and error I have learned that is what works for me. I need to lose 150 pounds. My Dr has me taking Wellbutrin due to stress and depression.

    I know what causes my stress but I am stuck and have made the decision to try my best to work around it.

    I don't get support at home and I have no family other than my kids and thanks to my depression I no longer have any friends that I can count on...then again if they were truly my friends they'd still be here.

    I am looking for friends who are also low carbing to share ideas & recipes. I am also looking for daily support and will reciprocate daily support.

    I am doing this to be healthy for all my kids and I want to increase the odds that I'll be around as long as possible to watch my youngest son grow up and be here for him.
  • thelady71
    thelady71 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all,
    I am a 41 yr old mom of 6, five are adults and the youngest "surprise" is 2. I have always been thin (under 115 lbs) but I can't seem to take off the weight from the last child. My weight is currently 154, the heaviest I have ever been. Unfortunatly my youngest son's father left us right after he was born so Im tired, depessed and unmotivated. Advice is welcome

  • phxdeanna
    phxdeanna Posts: 28
    Jut found this group - Mom of 2 little girls - 8 and 5. Struggling to stay motivated and out of the goodies I have around the house for them......
    Lost 20# and have kept it off for over a year.....looking to get rid of the last of pregnancy weight that is truly just my weight after 5 years.
    Nice to meet you,
  • jane70
    jane70 Posts: 1
    HI, my name is Jane and I am a 43 year old mother of four,step mom to two. My children are 30,28,21,19,17 & 10.
    I have struggled with my weight all my life but managed to keep it at a reasonable number till I hit my 40's.
    It seems like every year,adds more pounds no matter what I do.
    I'm tired,I'm discouraged ,I'm unmotivated but I'm ready to loose this weight.
    I am looking forward to the support and encouragement that I can give and that I hope to receive.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Welcome ladies...I don't get to check in as much as I'd like. I began working full time, at the end of the summer. I work with 18 3 and 4 yr olds and am just exhausted at the end of the day. But I have returned to waking at 5am to get my excercise in. I'm two weeks into Jillian's Ripped in 30 and am loving it. I am here for you always, I am just an private message away. Please let me know how I can support you!!
  • Jenniferlynnmcc
    Jenniferlynnmcc Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Your introductions show me that I am in the right place. You are just like me. So, I know you get it. :smile: I am 46, and have two daughters, ages 15 and 17. I want to be a healthy role model for my girls, too. I invite them to take a walk or walk the dog with me each day.... Maybe they'll say, "Yes," one of these times! :laugh: I prepare them healthy meals and limit the junk food in the house. Sugary foods are the biggest problem for all three of us! One of my goals on this site is to find out about healthy desserts/treats that actually satisfy that sweet tooth! So, I'm going to start a Topic about that, called, Not-So-Evil Sweets. Best, Jennifer
  • WillieMN
    WillieMN Posts: 51 Member
    Felt just like yesterday that I was running without a hitch and a part of an elite racing team. Unfortunately I had an injury during a race and the discovery of arthritis in my feet that put a halt on my running and racing. It's a hard loss and I'm learning and figuring out what I can do.

    What I can do is start over and take each day as it comes. I have a strong back ground in bodybuilding and strength training so I am focusing on that these days. I can't run as the arthritis in my feet is causing problems in my hip, so I walk. As long as I can maintain motion and still get fresh air, I am thankful.

    - Willie
  • nors1971
    nors1971 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 42 with two, I have two sons ages 7 and 5. Been actively using MFP since January. I have lost some weight but I am finding it difficult to stay on track as I have had some success. For the most part I stay under calorie goal and I am exercising several days a week. I feel great, strong and healthier but I am not seeing the scale move the way I need/want it to. I would like to loose an additional 15 lbs but it is starting to feel impossible. I am not asking to be super skinny just fit. Looking for female friends, who are Moms in their 40s.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I am 42 with two, I have two sons ages 7 and 5. Been actively using MFP since January. I have lost some weight but I am finding it difficult to stay on track as I have had some success. For the most part I stay under calorie goal and I am exercising several days a week. I feel great, strong and healthier but I am not seeing the scale move the way I need/want it to. I would like to loose an additional 15 lbs but it is starting to feel impossible. I am not asking to be super skinny just fit. Looking for female friends, who are Moms in their 40s.

    Your diary is closed so it's hard to give advice. It could very well be because you aren't eating enough! My diary is open and on my profile I mention what works for me. Check out the group "Eat More to Weigh Less" for more info. Don't stay under your calorie goal, try to get as close to it as you can. When you exercise more you will need to eat more. Think of your body as a machine and fuel it properly!
  • ebbtime
    ebbtime Posts: 35 Member
    Hello all! I am a soon to be 40 year old on 5/30/13 & I feel I can relate better with this group than the 30's group. So....I'm a single mom of 14 yr old triplet boys and a 10 yr old daughter. I also have MS so exercising is difficult for me. My plan is to lose the weight mostly by diet & when a get 20 lbs or so off than I should be able to begin exercising. I would LOVE to be a runner! So...feel free to friend me!
  • melismoon
    melismoon Posts: 2
    Hi, I am a 40 year old mom of a 21 year old boy, 19 year old boy, 17 year old boy, 13 year old girl and 10 year old boy. I have always been athletic and my weight was never a problem until having my last son at 30. I love to exercise but have discovered that as I get older it is paying attention to my eating that is making the weight finally come off. I am 5'11 and started at 188. I am down to 162 now with 12 more pounds to go to reach my goal. I have been a MFP Member since the fall of 2012 but only recently became religious about using it. I love it and am excited to join a group, never even knew they where here.:laugh:
  • OnorahS107
    OnorahS107 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 46 and after years of taking care of everyone else and raising 3 kids I'm finally making myself a priority. I have 3 sons. My oldest two are identical twins that are 21 and my youngest will be 16 in August. I've been married to my college sweetheart for 22 years. I'm finding the weight loss slow going. I'm allowed 1200 calories a day, and I'm exercising hard 60-90 minutes a day and have only lost 5.6 lbs in the four weeks since I started. I want a permanant lifestyle change but I thought that I would see greater results at first. I'm thinking middle age female hormones are working against me. Anyone else having this issue?