The dreaded work potluck

It's a co-worker's birthday tomorrow, and we're having a bit of a potluck... Usually I'm pretty good at avoiding eating things I can't, but this time, two of my co-workers are having a bake-off, and have told me I'm the judge.
I work in a place that encourages indulgence, and I really don't want to explain the whole damn thing at the office (drinking tea when we go out for beers is bad enough). So, what do I do when the person who baked the cookies is expecting me to eat them?
Also, any idea what I should make for the potluck?


  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm sorry, that sounds difficult :( I hate being put on the spot to explain things like a dietary choice. I don't have any advice except for maybe saying that you are staying away from gluten and sugar (without explaining the Whole 30) People understand that better than no grains, etc.

    What about making a yummy "rice" pilaf with riced cauliflower? In the cookbook 'Well Fed,' there is a wonderful recipe with raisins and dried apricots and pine nuts, yummy!!!

    If you need the recipe, let me know and I will post it :)
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    Thanks for the advice. I caved. Homemade apple pie with homegrown apples just seemed so... wholesome.. with the sugar nd crust and all. It was delicious.
    But, I will bounce back. Oh, and I brought an assortment of fancy olives... no time to cook.
  • leochoco
    leochoco Posts: 23 Member
    Remember that no one can force you to eat. I think that you should politely decline to be the judge (and frankly it was kind of rude of them to assume you would be). As for the potluck, I just made an awesome broccoli salad that you could bring. Make paleo-mayo and no one will no it's Whole30 compliant!

    Edit - oh, I just realized that the potluck already happened - oh well, you'll get 'em next time! :)
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I often bring shrimps and home-made marinara for pot lucks. Sometimes I bring home-made dehydrated sweet potato chips with eggplant cavaiar or home-made salsa.

    I am working on the Primal Mummy Heads atm for Halloween party at work. Which would be the sweet potato chips with string cheese on top and olives for eyes... and maybe some drips of tomato sauce for blood. Basically a variation on nachos, lol.

    My daughter wants swamp snakes, she saw the recipe in the magazine, they are dough Swamp Snakes. I am thinking deep fried strips of zucchini might do. I saw those spiral peelers, I need to get one....
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    I figured out how to make scary Haloween 'eyes' appi! Mushroom cups staffed with ground turkey/sauce and olive/pepper for the eye or a fresh mozza 'balls' cheese with garlic paste red 'drop'