Advice for getting back on truck...

I am almost 3 years post op in December & need advice on getting back on track. I have gained back 37lbs of the 120lbs I lost.


  • tvaddict101
    tvaddict101 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi - I'm 2 1/2 years out and am starting to regain a little, which is why I am here. :) The things I have found worked the best so far are:
    1) Go back to basics. 3 meals, no snacks, protein first, don't drink 30 mins pre and post meals. Even go back to your pre-surgery liquid diet for a couple of weeks (if you did one). If necessary, re-read the info from your surgeon to remind you!
    2) This site/app has been really good at showing me that I was eating too much (snacking). I am aiming for 900 calories a day and I have stopped gaining and am slowly heading back down.
    3) Get rid of any food you can eat easily, as it probably means you'll overeat it. I have ditched all crackers and peanut putter and only get cheese every second week, as these became my default foods.

    Hope that helps.
  • kjhendrickson90
    Although I've only had my sleeve for about 2 months, I would say your strongest motivator could be remembering how it felt like BEFORE you got your sleeve. Maybe find a picture of yourself from back then and think of how far you've come! You did 120 lbs! Now go kick 37 lb's *kitten*.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    i believe its soo hard even without surgery to get back on the track for weight loss....but i agree with the sure to remember what it was like before surgery and the whole process leading up to your eating, no drinking before or after 30 mins of a meal..PROTEIN PROTEIN...and make your meals sure all will be made it 120 lbs down..37 isnt much but i know you can do it
  • skalicky3
    I am newish to this site and my surgery date was July 26th. I knew this would be hard but I have an extremely tight sleeve. When did you get more than 800 calories?
  • tvaddict101
    tvaddict101 Posts: 10 Member
    A tight sleeve is good! It will loosen a bit over time. I think my sleeve kept me under (or near) 6-700 calories most of my first year, -even a bit beyond that.