First step... get to know each other!

Hi everyone! It's me again, my name is Brenda and I am so glad that we all have found this group! A little about me; I am 31, a wife and mother of three little kids, I am a stay at home Mom, a cancer survivor, and much to my dismay..... I am overweight! I guess that is putting it kindly. I have at least 80 pounds to lose, probably more, but hey I am not going to focus on that. Right now I am focusing on this week and trying to lose 3 pounds! :smile:

As far as what kind of support I am looking for.... anything I can get really. I believe in tough love so if I suck one week, feel free to tell me so! haha! At least slap me across the face and yell "snap out of it!" I would appreciate it! (Don't worry unless asked for I don't support with tough love, I am kinder to others then I am myself!)

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!


  • Liekel
    Liekel Posts: 16 Member
    Hello :-) I'm Liekel (Kellie) I'm 23, I work as a full time pre school assistant with children aged 2-5. In my free time I love to craft (knitting, crochet and card making) I also love to bake! I'm an animal lover with 3 fur babies at home 2 cats and 1 dog. I would reckon I have 182lbs to lose to reach my ideal weight a lot I know but I'm hoping baby steps will get me there. My focus this week would be to lose 1-3lbs as that scale has not been my friend these past few weeks.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, My name is Katie. Im 31, live alone with my cats. I started the year at about 370, im just about 330 now, my goal is 299 before 2013 gets here!
  • RoseThePenguin
    RoseThePenguin Posts: 100 Member
    Hey all :) Nice hearing your stories, I feel like I know you already :L

    I'm Rose, 20, Scotland.

    I'm a lazy and unmotivated person when it comes to losing weight and exercising. I'm not taking excuses from myself now though and it's going slow so far... but slow's better than nothing at all, right?

    I don't have a lot to lose compared to some, but I'd appreciate the motivation none-the-less :)

    A bit about me now.

    I work full time and also study literature full time through the Open Uni. I love crafts and outdoor activities and dressing up :D

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you :)
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    Hi! I'm Pamela, I live in Alberta, Canada. I'm 32 and have an 18 month old girl. I am an aircraft mechanic, but the company I was working with for the last ten years shut down, so I decided to take a break and I bought an antique store. I gained 80 pounds with my pregnancy, and i've got another 60 to go. I really want to get fit again, I have this crazy goal of climbing Everest before I'm 40. Well, I would even be happy getting to the south col at this point. Lol. My feet have even gotten so much bigger that I can't even fit into my climbing boots. :( I'm on a mission to lose this weight, and I am so glad I found you guys, everyone seems so friendly and supportive!
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    Can we see pictures of the kitties?? :D
    Hi, My name is Katie. Im 31, live alone with my cats. I started the year at about 370, im just about 330 now, my goal is 299 before 2013 gets here!
  • nkcraig
    nkcraig Posts: 16
    Hi Ladies,

    My name is Natasha and I live in Ontario, Canada. I am a first time Mom to a 10 month old son. I am currently still on maternity leave. I have 140 pounds to lose. I hope to try and lose 100 in 12 months. My first goal is to lose 20 pounds by the time i return to work on Dec 3rd.

    I have hypothyroidism so weight loss has been a struggle for me ever since my diagnosis three years ago. I gained 100 pounds the first year i was diagnosed while they tried to get my medication sorted. Now that my thyroid hormones are stable i need to get this weight off the healthy way. I am in this for a lifestyle change. I want my son to know a healthy lifestyle and i want to be around to see him grow. He is my greatest accomplishment and i want to make him proud.

    I also have the support of an amazing husband. My husband is fit and would love a fun and fit wife to do things with. He is 100% supportive and loves me no matter what but I want to be able to keep up with him and our son.

    Thank you Brenda for starting this group. Everyone seems so lovely and I can't wait to help you all along this journey and to have your support as well.
  • Hi my name is Dawn and I've just moved from wa, to California I love love it here .married kids are grown .no work out side of home but working hard on the house haven't un packed because refurnishing I have had the same 15 pounds for the last 5 or so years need to get it off once and for all can't do it on my own .well I'm so looking forword to getting to know all of the ladies.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Can we see pictures of the kitties?? :D

    Ask and you shall receive lol

    Here is the beautiful Mewme

    and Pearl
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    Aww, they are gorgeous! Thank you!
  • RoseThePenguin
    RoseThePenguin Posts: 100 Member
    Can we see pictures of the kitties?? :D

    Ask and you shall receive lol

    Here is the beautiful Mewme

    and Pearl

    They look very lion-like :O

  • Ok I'm just going to copy and paste this from the other thread I put it in..

    My name is Gail, I live in South Australia, and I will be turning 33 in 2 months time.

    As I said in my previous post, I lost my son to Cancer last year, he was only just 6 years of age. Through his treatment and then surgery I worked hard and lost nearly 10kg (22lbs) but once we were told that his tumour had returned and there was nothing that could be gone, my weight loss went out the window - well and truly. I ended up gaining the 10kg that I'd lost plus some. Which brings me to 3 weeks ago when I decided that enough was enough. I could no longer use his death as a reason to eat myself into the ground with him. So decided to make a change. And that change has bought me here. So far I have only lost 9lb but it's a start.

    Part of doing this is also so that I am around for my youngest son and teach him healthy and correct choices in life. And so that I don't look like a blob in our next lot of Family Photos in 8 weeks time..

    I also have PCOS which is making weight loss a little hard for me at times, but with perseverance and strength I know I will get through this. I have to, as my ultimate goal is to fall pregnant again, and give my Angel the little sister he so desperately wanted before he passed away.

    I love anything crafty, and am a Stampin' Up demonstrator here in Australia. I don't go out and do parties, I mainly make cards and sell them on my Facebook business page.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone a little better, and experiencing all the highs and lows with you all..

  • Shug_E
    Shug_E Posts: 25 Member
    Hi my name is Wanda and I live in Chicago. I am forty-four yrs old and have decided that its time to make a change in every aspect of my life. I have decided to challenge myself to do things that I have been afraid to do, to complete things that I have already started and to develop a closer relationship with God because in my opinion nothing happens without his knowledge and approval.

    I have been heavy all of my life but as I have gotten older I realize that age and a career that has you sitting on your "duffy" for over eight hours a day is not the best thing for me so I must do something about it. Before I signed up for MFP, I had already begun a lifestyle change with my eating habits. I cut out the soda, cut back on the sweets and fried foods and began to eat more fresh fruits and vegatables. I weighed 303 pounds and never did I think I could get so heavy because I used to be so active, outgoing and busy in my earlier years, but things change and here I am at 285 and counting. Me and that 285 keep battling it out...I get under it and then I come back up again, get under it and come back up again and we keep going back and forth until my head begins to hurt.

    So this is what I am doing so far with my lifestyle change: to over come my fear of swimming I have enrolled in a "learn to swim" class. I also hear that aquatic exercises are the best for the body so I have enrolled in a "water walking" and an "aquatic exercise" class and because I drive for a living I decided to move around by enrolling in a "cross training" class to get my body up and about so hopefully I can get under that 285 and keep it going in the right direction. I also have decided to go back to school next month so hopefully my studies will not interfere with my dietary needs and changes.

    Good luck to us all and lets try to keep one another encouraged because I definitely need it!
  • Hey, I'm Kathy. I live in Oregon with the husband, kids and menagerie of pets. I just turned 43 last week and am hoping to get back into snowboarding shape before this season ends.

    I started at 240 pounds before joining here, had lost 15 pounds when I saw a blurb about MFP somewhere and joined to help with my progress and accountability. I weigh in on Wednesdays and last week I was at 217.

    I still don't make the best food choices and I am working on kicking my soda habit. My diary is open for anyone to see, it is a work in progress for me improving my eating habits. Please ignore the chocolates this last week lol. Any time you see Kathy's _____ foods in my diary it is because I used my own recipe.

    Hope to learn more about the rest of you!
  • HI! Im Nina, and im from South Louisiana, so you know what that means? So much good food. Lol
    I started on my weight loss journey in Jan 2011, I did great lost 40 pounds by May 2011 when summer came around I quit. Ive been struggling to get restarted and motivated, and have gained the 40 back.
    I am a single mommy to the most beautiful little boy! I am going through the divorce currently (found out he was a cheater, many many times) and I have dove back into the dating pool, (and for those wondering its going pretty damn good, ive been seeing my boyfriend for almost 4 months now). He is quite fit, He has a belly (like most men down here do—I guess it’s the rice and gravy!)
    But he goes to the gym 3 times a week, just to gain muscle. And of course id like to look and feel good!
    Please motivate me, kick me in the butt. Lol I need it.
    Im so excited to get to know all of you!!!
    My SW: 234
    GW: 160
  • Shelly_gurl79
    Shelly_gurl79 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I am Michelle. I am married and 33. I work part time in the evenings 5 nights a week. I am a mommy to a 5 and 3 year old. I have battled with weight my whole life and on my last attempt I started losing weight late March of 2011. I lost around 70 pounds and since September of this year I really fell off the wagon with my diet and exercise routine. I have gained around 10-12 pounds not quite sure exactly because I refuse to get on the scale right now hahaha last time I checked I was up 7 pounds and that was 3 weeks ago. Anyway getting back on track because I don't want to go back to the old me. Its a struggle every day and there are so many times I have wanted to give up. But I am no quitter. I need to lose about 25 more pounds to hit goal. I was so hoping to have hit my goal at the 1 year mark of starting my journey and it didn't happen. I struggled with plateau after plateau and it was very disheartening. But I am here and I am still trudging along :) so nice to meet everyone.
  • Shug_E
    Shug_E Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I am Michelle. I am married and 33. I work part time in the evenings 5 nights a week. I am a mommy to a 5 and 3 year old. I have battled with weight my whole life and on my last attempt I started losing weight late March of 2011. I lost around 70 pounds and since September of this year I really fell off the wagon with my diet and exercise routine. I have gained around 10-12 pounds not quite sure exactly because I refuse to get on the scale right now hahaha last time I checked I was up 7 pounds and that was 3 weeks ago. Anyway getting back on track because I don't want to go back to the old me. Its a struggle every day and there are so many times I have wanted to give up. But I am no quitter. I need to lose about 25 more pounds to hit goal. I was so hoping to have hit my goal at the 1 year mark of starting my journey and it didn't happen. I struggled with plateau after plateau and it was very disheartening. But I am here and I am still trudging along :) so nice to meet everyone.

    Michelle honey, I commend you on losing the seventy pounds! I only wish I could say that (but with time it will come). You shouldn't worry about the few you have gained backed because weight fluctuates and you may look up tomorrow and it could be gone. You are young and have two small children to inspire you and keep you moving so kudos to you, keep up the good work and tell me what you did so I can do it to lol!
  • Shug_E
    Shug_E Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, I'm Kathy. I live in Oregon with the husband, kids and menagerie of pets. I just turned 43 last week and am hoping to get back into snowboarding shape before this season ends.

    I started at 240 pounds before joining here, had lost 15 pounds when I saw a blurb about MFP somewhere and joined to help with my progress and accountability. I weigh in on Wednesdays and last week I was at 217.

    I still don't make the best food choices and I am working on kicking my soda habit. My diary is open for anyone to see, it is a work in progress for me improving my eating habits. Please ignore the chocolates this last week lol. Any time you see Kathy's _____ foods in my diary it is because I used my own recipe.

    Hope to learn more about the rest of you!

    Personally Kathy, I don't think you have far to go and you have done a good job all by yourself and believe me when I tell you those chocolates are something else aren't they, I ate a Twix yesterday and felt so ashamed :-(
  • Personally Kathy, I don't think you have far to go and you have done a good job all by yourself and believe me when I tell you those chocolates are something else aren't they, I ate a Twix yesterday and felt so ashamed :-(

    Thanks Wanda. I wouldn't let a Twix get to you like that. Plan for a little treat every day and tell yourself you'll stick to only the planned treat. when it comes time where you feel like you could gnaw off your own arm for junk food remind yourself that you can wait for tomorrow's treat and then give yourself a treat worth waiting for.

    I am still working on this but it really is getting better if I say I can wait until tomorrow when I am allowing myself to have a full sized whatever it is. When tomorrow comes I try to think if I really want that treat or if I can save it for another day. I have surprised myself...NEVER lol. I have been able to wait until tomorrow though. If I planned that treat so far I have said hell yeah and eaten it. Maybe I'll pass it up one day but I might have to tell myself the treat is something I don't like like Oreos or Butterfingers. I could have a pantry full of those and not touch a one.

    I definitely have a lot to go, at 5'4" I should probably weigh closer to 140 than 240. I think with size 9.5 feet, my broad shoulders and big ole man hands I am not one of those tiny 5'4 women hiding under all my extra me. I know the closer I get to healthy BMI that I will change to a realistic goal.
  • Shelly_gurl79
    Shelly_gurl79 Posts: 18 Member
    Ok I'm just going to copy and paste this from the other thread I put it in..

    My name is Gail, I live in South Australia, and I will be turning 33 in 2 months time.

    As I said in my previous post, I lost my son to Cancer last year, he was only just 6 years of age. Through his treatment and then surgery I worked hard and lost nearly 10kg (22lbs) but once we were told that his tumour had returned and there was nothing that could be gone, my weight loss went out the window - well and truly. I ended up gaining the 10kg that I'd lost plus some. Which brings me to 3 weeks ago when I decided that enough was enough. I could no longer use his death as a reason to eat myself into the ground with him. So decided to make a change. And that change has bought me here. So far I have only lost 9lb but it's a start.

    Part of doing this is also so that I am around for my youngest son and teach him healthy and correct choices in life. And so that I don't look like a blob in our next lot of Family Photos in 8 weeks time..

    I also have PCOS which is making weight loss a little hard for me at times, but with perseverance and strength I know I will get through this. I have to, as my ultimate goal is to fall pregnant again, and give my Angel the little sister he so desperately wanted before he passed away.

    I love anything crafty, and am a Stampin' Up demonstrator here in Australia. I don't go out and do parties, I mainly make cards and sell them on my Facebook business page.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone a little better, and experiencing all the highs and lows with you all..

    I am so sorry for the loss of your son
  • Shelly_gurl79
    Shelly_gurl79 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I am Michelle. I am married and 33. I work part time in the evenings 5 nights a week. I am a mommy to a 5 and 3 year old. I

    Michelle honey, I commend you on losing the seventy pounds! I only wish I could say that (but with time it will come). You shouldn't worry about the few you have gained backed because weight fluctuates and you may look up tomorrow and it could be gone. You are young and have two small children to inspire you and keep you moving so kudos to you, keep up the good work and tell me what you did so I can do it to lol!

    Thanks lots of exercise and portion control and not denying myself a chance to live a little and always get back on track even if it takes days or weeks to get there. It has not been easy probably the second hardest thing I have done in my life...U can do this!