It's Cold I don't wanna workout!!!! NO Excuses! 10/17

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
OOOOOOH! If it is COOOOLD outside...think you can fink out on a work-out?!?! OH NO YOU Don't!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU can still get in a good burn.
Jump rope or jog in place or run up and down your stairs for 3-5 minutes to warm the body up. Then embark on this nice dumb-bell routine to get those muscles in shape all winter so when spring comes all does not fail! 1-2-3-4...1-2-3-4!!!!! Hop to it!

(and for you guys in sunny regions no excuse for you either! Get busy in the gym with this routine or at home!)
Wonder Woman!


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I fully intend to go to the YMCA today and test out that new connection between the Expresso cycles and MFP. My accounts are linked and I'm ready to play.
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    I'm on it after work tonight!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Done did it with my son Josh. Did three sets of 12 reps for each. We had to modify the 'Side Lunge with Triceps Extension' My knees were bending wrong and for some reason I could not keep opposite leg straight and still bend right or the reverse. Instead we just did the triceps extension.

    Thank you for the burn.
  • ceppie
    ceppie Posts: 33 Member
    went to the gym! :) was nice and warm inside...
  • kriskerans
    kriskerans Posts: 92 Member
    :explode: It's going to be another over 90's day here, plan on going to gym after work, can't wait for the Fall to kick in....