WEEK 5 WEIGH IN (10/18)

fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
Oh boy....I almost forgot about our WEEK 5 Weigh in!!! Had one of those BUSY weeks again!!! I am still working on the WEEK 6 Challenge. I promise to get that up ASAP!!! Thank you for being so patient!!! NOW...time to weigh in!!!



Good Luck to everyone!!!

Pam :)


  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    PW: 163 :)
    CW: 164.3 :(
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    PW - 219
    CW -216

    In the right direction, and a great loss, but not big enough to bring me back to where I was two weeks ago :(
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    PW: 188.4
    CW: 193.2
    So not happy but I did this to myself!
  • So excited. It wasn't another Thursday weigh-in when the scales were up from my official Monday weigh-in. Things finally balanced out and here's my report

    PW 194
    CW 190.4
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    PW 272

    CW 272

    I have been doing great with exercise, but clearly not good with my meals. Time to get that in order!
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    I stayed the same and I am happy with that , my doctor put me in a med. for my poisin ivy that when on it I normaly gain 5-7 lbs so staying the same is OK with me. Have a blessed week everyone.:happy:
  • PW: 249.5
    CW: 247.8

    -1.7 lbs! I am loosing slower than I had anticipated but with TOM I think this is a good loss. :)
  • PW - 219
    CW -216

    In the right direction, and a great loss, but not big enough to bring me back to where I was two weeks ago :(

    Great job partner!! You'll get back there! :) no worries!! We can do this together :heart:
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 647 Member
    PW: 181
    CW: 183

    I am sorry Neon7Girl....:embarassed:

    The weather has changed for the worse in rainy Vancouver and I am having problems getting motivated to go out for my walk/jog intervals... I need to suck it up and get'r dun!! (I did get out this morning at least...:wink: )

  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    PW: 134.6
    CW: 132.8
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,432 Member
    PW- 185.4
    CW- 186.2:explode:
  • PW: 217.2
    CW: 216.8

    Loss: 0.4lbs
  • PW: 134.6
    CW: 132.8

    Nice loss partner.
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    LW- 181.2
    CW- 182

    Sorry partner!

    I had a rough and stressul week. I promise to do better next time!
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    PW: 142.3
    CW: 142.5
    I went up but not by much. I have been bad at eating late at night, but also bad about eating throughout the day. I made a goal at the beginning of the week to not eat anything chocolate or pumpkin, because those are my downfalls right now. Now, I have not been good at it, but today will be the first day with no chocolate; my boyfriend had been bringing me out chocolate pieces from where he works for 3 days, although it was only piece at a time. He did tell me last night that there is no more left so YAY!!
    I am also running a little more again. I am not sure if I will run tonight, but I am sure I will run tomorrow. Hopefully next week I am down to 140 pounds again.
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    PW: 271.5
    CW: 268.6

    almost 3lbs!! Kind of excited about it^-^
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    PW = 280
    CW = 279

    Yay I lost 1 pound this week! :happy:
  • fromfat2fit2012
    fromfat2fit2012 Posts: 64 Member
    PW 166
    CW 164
  • slbauer63
    slbauer63 Posts: 92 Member
    PW: 215.4
    CW: 214.8

    Not much but it is in the right direction! I will certainly take it!
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    PW: 200.2
    CW: 199.8

    Not much but better than nothing...can't believe it's weigh in day..i forgot!!1