It begins..

Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
Hi! My name is Jolene. This was not my idea, it was originally Hadunka's, but I started a group because I noticed there wasn't one yet. I am starting off at 170lbs (if my scale is correct sadly since it means I gained a lot! lol) and my goal for Christmas is 155lbs. I'm 5'4" and 22 years old. I was wondering if anyone else thinks it is a good idea to make separate discussions by weight or age or any other factor (height etc)? I say this because I noticed the main discussions can be a little crowded if a lot of people join. Either way good luck everyone! Maybe we will be lucky enough to fit ourselves into smaller stockings this year :] <3


  • Hi I'm Tim think this is a great idea, normally gain pounds on the lead up to Christmas! So to aim to lose 15lbs is great!
    My current weight is 214 so 15 loss would take me under the magic 200! I'm 6' 1" and 46 years old but feel 20! From Wales UK

    Good luck
  • hi i'm mel:smile: losing 15lbs would mean being at or even under my goal weight - so would love to do that for xmas! however it means losing 1.5 lbs a week which means every week will have to be a brilliant week (i'm not massively overweight just a tiny tiny bit away from the overweight category in the BMI so wanna do something to avoid that). i wanna lose weight to be stronger, fitter and healthier and also feel better about myself. but i'm gonna be careful not to become excessive and obsessive eg starvation, throwing up and hundreds of sit ups a day etc. i wanna make myself healthier and not hate myself in the process.
  • hayleyhips
    hayleyhips Posts: 6 Member
    Glad i caught this thread today im usually a month behind!
    hi im hayley, 22 from south wales. 5'6. my starting weight is 197.5.
    15lbs would be amazing by xmas. but if i could reach 17 i would break 2 stone
    brackets, lets see what happens. count me in :)
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    Sounds like a plan!
    It would be nice to have those 7kg (14 lbs) gone till christmas...
    I'm 5'3'' and 67 kg (134 lbs?) right know and I just figured out some health issues why it doesn't work losing those last pounds. But I'm confident it's gonna go now. So let's do it!!

    Altough... I have some vacation going on in two weeks. But it's a lot of dancing - so I hope it will still work ;-)

    Good luck every one and ENJOY!
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, I'm Laura - 27 from Sheffield, England.

    I would REALLY like to drop a stone before Christmas! Im currently 210.5lbs - I would like to get down to 196lbs for Christmas so thats 14.5lbs to lose.

    I start a new job in 3 weeks with an hour and a half commute, so its going to change my gym routine drastically (Im normally there every morning at 7am) so I need to keep motivated during the change!
  • Yayyy I finally caught one just starting! :D
    I'm Krissy, from Michigan :)
    5'7, 19 years old, female
    SW: 190
    CW: 188
    ChristmasW: 173-168
    GW: 155

    Seriously, down 15-20 pounds by Christmas.... That would so amazing because that would put me sooooooooo close to my Navy requirements (have to be 167 or less for my height), got too much chubs to join right now :( But! As someone who has a very hard time sticking to something, MFP and an awesome support group of family/friends have boosted my confidence higher than ever :D Plus, with the holidays coming up, I tend to pig out, so this will be my first year where I am going to be making a conscious effort to not eat everything my stomach thinks it wants. We got this :D
  • starckie17
    starckie17 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to lose 15 lbs by Christmas! Just started about 3 weeks ago and I'm down 5lbs, but now the scale is STUCK!! I would usually give up around this time, but trying to stick with it!
  • I'm Heidi. Age 44 currently 150 lbs. I've been doing good since Monday so I will say 150 is my starting weight. I joined another group a month ago called Starting Over for people unmotivated to stick with this, unfortunately everyone became unmotivated again. Having the support of like minded people does help.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Im 26 years old, female. I started at 185 and Im currently at 174.4.

    15lb would be perfect for me by xmas (159.4 is near enough my goal) BUT and heres the But.............I have an all inclusive 2 weeks carribean holiday to contend with before Xmas!!! can i do it? It will depend on how much I gain while im away.

    oh and im 5ft 9ins
  • LeeKeplar
    LeeKeplar Posts: 40 Member
    Hi my name is LeAnn from Kansas. My first goal is to get below 200 lbs. Right now I am at 220. So I would love to try to lose 20 lbs before Christmas that would be an awesome Christmas present. I am 47 years old and I have not been below 200 since I had my two kids who are 20 and 18! Think its time to lose this body weight!!!!
  • Hi my name is Laura. I would love to lose 15-20 by Christmas!! That would mean a new New Years out fit and a great start to this diet! I am just getting started so feel free to add me, I could use the inspiration and support!
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    So glad that I found this before it go to far in.

    15 lbs would be great and put me close to 185! Here are my stats:

    Age: 29
    Sex: F
    Height: 5'5.5" (yes the half inch counts :laugh:)
    Started seriously trying to lose weight 6/18/12. I've lost almost 34 lbs in 4 months!
    SW: 233 lbs (5/2012)
    CW: 201.4 lbs (almost to Onederland)
    GW: 185 ( one of my mini goals to get down to 150)
  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93

    Age: 20
    Height 5'2''
    SW 210
    CW 200.08

    Goal by Christmas is 185 (If not more)
  • Hi I am looking for some motivation and a way to get inspired to lost some of the weight I have gained over the past 4-5 years. I just set a goal for myself to lost 30 pounds by April so 15 pounds by Christmas is a perfect mid-way point.

    I am 42 yrs old, 5'3 and weighed 145 pounds this morning. I chose a goal weight of 115 because that was what I pretty much always weighed even after kids until the past few years.
  • alettep
    alettep Posts: 56 Member
    Perfect timing for me~slacked off afer vacation so starting over. Starting at 196.2, so 180 would be a fabulous goal. Just recomitted to my fitness center last night after losing momentum for a couple weeks over work/schedule changes~realised that it's a priority & I need to make the time to go. Thanks for the group~I was looking for motivation today!
  • fitnesschick0707
    fitnesschick0707 Posts: 2 Member
    i like that goal. I think that it's very attainable! I think that if you can get through the holidays that you can get through anything. I am 5'8, that would put me at 173 by Christmas. I already have lost 11.2 lbs, yay me. My goal was to get back to my 150's as I was there last year :( but life happens and with life happening so did the wait gain. I am currently working out 4-5 days a week. Add me as a friend that way we can keep track of each other :)
  • I started at 236 I'm down to 200.4. Loosing 15 lbs before Christmas would be GREAT!!! Seems like my body is at a stand still. I wonder why? I'm still doing aerobics, walking, & zumba from time to time. What are some things that would make the body stop loosing the weight?

    I'm back to getting 64 oz of water down. Staying under 1200 cal most days. Just trying to figure out how to get the body loosing again. Any tips would be appreciated.
  • fitKT2B
    fitKT2B Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I am Katie and am looking forward to this challenge. i work out 5 times a week but am trying to ramp up the intensity over the next few weeks. I have also just started trying to eat more as my weight loss has been stalled for weeks.

    SW 178
    CW 176.5
    Goal at Christmas 163
  • I can't believe I just stumbled across this. My name is Jamie and I have 15lbs to go to a 100 pound weight loss!! I kept saying that hitting it by my 30th birthday in February would be sufficient but I decided after hitting 80 pounds that one hundred pounds would be a much better Christmas present. With 15.6 pounds to go to Christmas, I'm hoping Santa brings what I want because I've definitely been on the good list this year!
  • mjmarmon
    mjmarmon Posts: 9 Member
    This is fantastic...count me in:

    CW: 173.4
    GW: 135
    Goal by Christmas: 158.4 (15 lbs)

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