I'm new-- trying progesterone for the freaking WEIGHT gain



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have a slamogram every year. And yes, every year a false positive. So then I get to go for the grind-o-gram.

    But again: if I didn't I'd be totally paranoid.

    but yeah, I read about the new gamma camera! Perhaps soon I'll be having a gammagram!
  • Skudsister
    Skudsister Posts: 26 Member
    This is all fascinating - I'm not allowed hormones and have annual mammograms following breast cancer treatment last year. The mammogram is a little uncomfortable (traditional British understatement there...) but is very good for silencing the little voice of panic (whispering 'is it back, is it back?').

    On the medical research thing - sorry to be the bearer of bad news but there has been a book out recently which shows that for every piece of published research showing that a drug is safe/effective/has limited side-effects there could be many other pieces showing the opposite WHICH NEVER GET PUBLISHED. This could well be a surprise even to doctors - although the fact that much of the research is funded by big pharmaceutical companies ought to give you a hint....Book is Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre.

  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm on progesterone and the anti-oestrogen diet. I heard oestrogen dominance can cause things like breast cancer, mym mum and her sister had it and one of my step-sisters around the same age.

    So far I have had no symptoms of any breast cancers I have been wheat free and mainly paleo for nearly a year and half. The anti-oestrogen diet I found was very similar to paleo.

    I changed to gluten free bread cos I heard people with thyroid probs often have difficulty processing too much wheat and I previously at alot daily in the form of breakfast cereals toast, sandwiches, cakes etc. I made other adjustments I don; t eat red meat alot so use veggie burgers and quorn mince for lower calorie versions of favourite meals.

    my one exception was I still allow a regular mini yorkshire pudding on sundays and still have regular gravy which says it can contain gluten but I only have a small amount once a week. I don't bother checking the labels of everything but have replaced cereals, cakes, bread with gluten free which has cut out a huge amount of wheat for me.

    I still allow a brandy and coke at weekend and not more than 3 cups of yorkshire tea a day, I don't like it strong anyway and its not as strong as coffee. I found this has helped make my diet easier to stick to. For main meals I have stuck to the basic veg or salad with white meat, fish or quorn substitute and no additional white carbs like chips or white potaoes, pasta or rice for most meals. I allow carbs with 2 meals a week as treat meals.

    My stomach has shrunk considerably from 48" (June 2011 and 12st 7) to now 32 " so thats another inch lost since starting the progesterone. I hadn't been on it a full month as my periods were due and they only ended a few days back so Day 7 (to restart) was last Thursday I also lost an extra pound in that short time after no losing anything for months, so hoping will get better results after been on it for a full month this time.

    I weighed in at 9st 2this morning which I was thrilled with!!! :happy:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Congrats on your progress!!
  • Changinghabits68
    Changinghabits68 Posts: 69 Member
    I have been struggling with everything that has been mentioned here. I had my complete hysterectomy with ovaries removed March 2011. Ever since then, I have continued to gain weight. Doctor put me on premarin, I felt it was doing nothing, saw a naturopath who took me off of it a few months ago. I have been using Bio-Identical Estrogen and am now on an increased Bio Identical Progesterone.

    I am still dealing with major hot flashes, mood swings, lots of anger issues, and I am BPD (borderline personality disorder).

    I spoke to my naturopath on Friday and she says that after consulting with her colleagues on my symptoms and how I've not been getting any improvements from the increased progesterone (I am 1ml of 50mg from 1/4 tsp of less than 50mg). She advised that because I was on Premarin, the estrone which is the main compound of Premarin has been causing my binding gobulin to cause my symptoms in extreme fashion. She also said that until we get it sorted out, I will not lose any weight and my sex drive will still not improve.

    Has anyone else experienced problems from coming off of Premarin and going on to Bio-Identicals? My estrogen is a very low dosage as I am estrogen dominant.