General Discussion

I like cheese


  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    i love cheese my favorite is feta.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I love cheese but just gave up all dairy
  • i love cheese my favorite is feta.

    Feta. YES.
  • I love cheese but just gave up all dairy

    Oh man. That sounds difficult. Kudos to you!
  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    wow i am discovering that we are alot alike
  • MsYanaBanana
    I like chocolate and cheese....not together tho..(Or am I?)
  • lisamariepickering
    Up until a few weeks ago, I put cheese in everything - eggs, soup, tuna casserole. Way too much cheese. Cheese is so good.
  • I like chocolate and cheese....not together tho..(Or am I?)

    Spread some nutella on a slice of cheddar. YUM.
  • Up until a few weeks ago, I put cheese in everything - eggs, soup, tuna casserole. Way too much cheese. Cheese is so good.

  • ceejay1477
    ceejay1477 Posts: 10 Member
    at least it doesn't have any carbs?

    I have given up wheat. That's enough for now.

    goddamn I love cheese. Get thee back satan!!!
  • swarovski75
    swarovski75 Posts: 195 Member
    Ha!. On the three random things about me, I was going to say in the event of a natural disaster, if I could only save one thing (after the kids, pets, and hubby) I'd save the cheese drawer. I could leave on that fatty, creamy, melted ooey-gooey goodness for weeks... Cheese belly? so totally worth it....
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I love cheese but just gave up all dairy

    Oh man. That sounds difficult. Kudos to you!

    I am sorry for her loss...
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Do cheeze-its count as cheese? or goldfish? because those are reallyyyyy good with chocolate. :)
  • MrsJJUt
    MrsJJUt Posts: 36 Member
    mmm cheese.... the new three cheese egg beaters are super yummy! (I'm eating some right now ...)
  • klamarius
    Ha!. On the three random things about me, I was going to say in the event of a natural disaster, if I could only save one thing (after the kids, pets, and hubby) I'd save the cheese drawer. I could leave on that fatty, creamy, melted ooey-gooey goodness for weeks... Cheese belly? so totally worth it....
    This made me Laugh out Loud. I could totally live on cheese.......
    Long live the cheese!
  • mbcn364l.jpg

  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    The urge to post in this thread is killing me.... but I won't respond to the cheese thing....

    I like................................... a special three letter word, who'll guess it??
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm with freckles - I had to give up dairy temporarily here (currently deployed in Kuwait) and it totally blows! The eggs and dairy here was just making me absolutely nauseous! There are several To Do things on my list when I get back home for Christmas! And I'll need all the help I can get so I don't gain all the weight I've lost back too!! I'm sure I'll go looney toons like a kid in a candy store, lol!
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I'm with freckles - I had to give up dairy temporarily here (currently deployed in Kuwait) and it totally blows! The eggs and dairy here was just making me absolutely nauseous! There are several To Do things on my list when I get back home for Christmas! And I'll need all the help I can get so I don't gain all the weight I've lost back too!! I'm sure I'll go looney toons like a kid in a candy store, lol!

    Thank you for all you do! Salute! :drinker:
  • Bread and cheese seem to be my enemy.. and together they are my kryptonite. I cut out cheese and most bread but every 2-3 weeks my fiance and I go out for a date night to this AMAZING burger place. The last time we went I had a bluecheese burger and I almost melted in my seat with the gooey cheese ... I may be drooling at the moment.. oops.