myo inositol vs d chiro inositol - ALL LADIES PLEASE READ!!

Hey girls!!

Please take a look at the links I have provided. I have recently started researching about inositol and the effects it has on women with PCOS and the benefits of this supplement are amazing and I have been on soulcysters threads and alot of women have been having success with this supplement.

As from what I am gathering from my research, Myo inositol (which is regular inositol at the store) and D chiro inositol both have had success with helping women with pcos symptoms - mood swings, depression, anxiety, hair loss, acne, ovulation, etc. The difference between the two seems to be that the D chiro inositol (DCI) is the pure form of inositol as where the myo needs to be converted by the body to DCI. Some women's bodies do convert and some dont, so some choose the DCI form over the MYO, but others do take both supplements together or the MYO alone and still have results.

The one problem with the DCI form is that it is pricey!! For one bottle of 600MG capsules it is at least 60 bucks! Still searching around to find cheaper ones, but all I have been able to find so far is smaller doses for cheaper, but would have to buy double the amount, so technically not cheaper lol Myo inositol you can pretty much buy anywhere, the vitamin shoppe for example or other online retailers and vitamin stores. Depending on what country you are in, some of your stores may carry the DCI form, it doesn't seem like many places in the US do, so may have to order online.

If any of you ladies are TTC or get regularity with your periods, I highly suggest looking into this. I am not trying to conceive, but I would like to go off the pill eventually, and haven't yet because I am afraid my periods won't come on their own. Also because we are all on here for a healthier lifestyle, this is supposed to help aid in WEIGHT LOSS also!! Especially when you are following a healthy diet and exercising. I don't think it will do much if in this department if you are doing nothing, so maybe this is something that can help us all out!!

Also is supposed to help lower testosterone levels!!

Some sites I have found say MYO inositol is more beneficial for ovulation then the DCI form, but both have benefits for ovulation. A dose of MYO is higher then DCI form - Myo usually around 2,000-4,000MG and DCI about 1200MG

Please check the links I have provided below, just a few articles I found, and also a few sites that you can find the DCI form.
This is a PDF, let me know if any have trouble opening it!
This is a link to buy the DCI Form online, also has a video worth watching!!
Here are just a couple testimonials from women that have had success with it
Benefits with D chiro Inositol (DCI)
Benefits with Myo Inositol

Don't want to overwhelm everyone with too much info, but check out the links and see what you think. Because of the price of the DCI form, I may hold off on that one for a bit, but I am going to start the recommended dose this week (have been only doing 1000 mg a day).

Also, Myo inositol can sometimes cause nausea , where as it seems DCI does not, but the side effect seems to go away once you are taking it awhile.

I would love to hear what you all think and if you may be interested in trying it. It was it can take 4 to 6 months to see the benefits, so it definitely takes patience, but i figure us PCOS girls have quite a bit of patience already lol

Hope this helps some of you!! :)


  • tingle2
    tingle2 Posts: 28 Member
    I am glad you posted this I have been meaning to talk to to Dr. about it. He reccommends D chiro inositol, but after I found out how much it is, plus all the other stuff I am on I was like CRAP... We are TTC so I do want to get on one of them. I wanted his opinion on if one is really better for me than the other and WHY he reccommends one and not the other.

    With all the supplements and such I already feel like a pill popper as it is!!
    Oh the things we do :)

  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I did read a few articles that said the MYO is better for ovulation, so I would definitely start with that one, see how it works and not spend the extra money if not needed. I am not sure why DCI is so much more expensive, I can only guess because it isn't as widely sold as regular inositol, but if you look at the last two links it tells you what both do and it is very similar. I know some people do take it along with metformin also.

    I think many suggest the DCI because like I said, not all people can convert the MYO to DCI. The DCI is kinda like the "core" and the other inositols (i believe there are 9) all need to be converted by the body, like one converts to the next and so on till you have DCI. So I guess the DCI is the "whole" form of inositol, but not as easy to get as the myo.

    If you start let me know what you think! I am stopping to get some supplements after work and will officially start tomorrow on the correct dosage!

    I will keep you updated to any changes :)
  • thatsingergirl
    thatsingergirl Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for posting all this info Bellamarie! It's great... actually I was just at the health food store wondering what the difference was between all the kinds of inositol out now. Swanson Naturals has D-Chiro-Inositol for 9.99 for 60 caps. (It's only 90 mg per capsule, but still.... not too bad of a price.) Just wanted to share. Here's the link:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Your welcome!! I wish I would have known about this supplement a lot sooner then now!! lol
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    That's great info! I was looking into the DCI at one point a while ago, was put off by the cost at the time and somewhat forgot about it. I think it's worth the money to try (I say that now because I'm not broke, my tune may change over the next couple months), did you see in any of the research how long it typically takes to see any positive results?
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Hi beth! Yeah it said about 4 to 6 months for total benefits, might see some sooner like the skin clearing up and mood elevated. Some girls said after a week or two their mood swings subsided and they felt really good! I would think ovulation wise might take a bit more time.
  • Angieh0811
    Angieh0811 Posts: 36 Member
    I have been on myo for 5 months and have had amazing results. I take it as a powder form and put it in my protein shake unless I want something sweet than I mix it with water since it has a pleasant sweet taste. I pay 50.00 Canadian for a bottle that lasts me 4 months. I get it from my naturopath. Starting myo was the best thing I have ever done.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I have been on myo for 5 months and have had amazing results. I take it as a powder form and put it in my protein shake unless I want something sweet than I mix it with water since it has a pleasant sweet taste. I pay 50.00 Canadian for a bottle that lasts me 4 months. I get it from my naturopath. Starting myo was the best thing I have ever done.

    So great to hear first hand someone with success with this!! I just started myself today with the capsules, fingers crossed it helps do something!!
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I read a couple studies that suggested you take DCI with MI, so I think I'm going to try that. I'd love to here an update on how you're doing after a while of taking it- did you decide on the DCI or MI?

    Most of the studies were along these lines:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I ended up get the myo from the vitamin shoppe 650mg. I believe one of the links said around 2000 to 4000, so four is 2600 so thought id start there. Havent had any side effects as of yet! I also got the biotin so taking one of those a day too.

    I have high hopes that this could make a difference! I will keep everyone posted :)
  • Zanna857
    Zanna857 Posts: 11 Member
    I am thankful that you put time and consideration into postion this information!!!
    I have learned more in a few hours on the forum than on the internet trying to learn what this was. To be honest I am appald that my doctor didn't talk about a lot of these things with me. This is a reminder that it is absolutly our responcibility to become informed and act in our own behalf!
    Thank you THANK YOU! Ladies!
  • SuzumiyaKyo
    SuzumiyaKyo Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm searching for DCI online that is not 60$ a bottle. I found this :

    English is not my native language and I need some help to figure out if this is as good as this one :

    Also, if any of you lives in canada and found a place where it is the real deal and is cheaper than 60 $ a month, it would be appreciated!

    Thank you!
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm searching for DCI online that is not 60$ a bottle. I found this :

    English is not my native language and I need some help to figure out if this is as good as this one :

    Also, if any of you lives in canada and found a place where it is the real deal and is cheaper than 60 $ a month, it would be appreciated!

    Thank you!

    You want to check the MG on the pill, someone else suggested the swanson vitamins and said they were really cheap, but the dose was below 100mg per pill, which would mean you would have to take a lot and don't think they would last you very long. I think a normal dosage should be around 600mg or so, I know I have the myo inositol for 650mg a pill. I believe there is a guide in the reading about how much you should take, I think it said the average was between 2000-4000 mg a day, so you might end up spending the same amount because you would have to buy more :(
  • Angieh0811
    Angieh0811 Posts: 36 Member
    Lorna Vanderhaeghe has a website that has been super helpful to me. She has done a ton of research on pcos and hormones. I first heard about inositol a year ago and it was from listening to her on the radio. She is based in Vancouver and is so knowledgable. If you have some free time check out her website and her question answer forum. This stuff is so interesting!
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    Thanks I have some hormone issues and will check it out.
  • My PCOS Info has the best price on DCI and ship pretty much everywhere in the world. If you order in bulk, it costs as little as $1.27 per gram, but the prices start from $30 for 18 grams which is the equivalent of 30 x 600 mg capsules.
  • wowgirl30
    wowgirl30 Posts: 40 Member
    can you take this along with metformin/bcp/spironolactone or would this replace those?
  • islandchyck
    islandchyck Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for posting this. It's very informative!
  • Michelle_MyBelle
    Michelle_MyBelle Posts: 56 Member
    I know this is an old post, but has anyone tried Pregnitude? It has 2000mg of myo-inositol, as well as 200mcg of folic acid. Thinking of ordering (only available online through the pregnitude website, amazon and the walgreens site, for about $40 for a 1 month supply).
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I know this is an old post, but has anyone tried Pregnitude? It has 2000mg of myo-inositol, as well as 200mcg of folic acid. Thinking of ordering (only available online through the pregnitude website, amazon and the walgreens site, for about $40 for a 1 month supply).

    That's pretty expensive for a one month supply of two vitamins IMO. You can buy the myo-inositol off Amazon for $55 for a huge tub that lasts me almost 3 months and you can buy folic acid for dirt cheap at any drug store/walmart, etc.