New to Group

Hello everyone! I am new to MFP and new to 300+. I need all the support I can get. I am currently at 312 and have too much to lose to do it by myself. I usually am good for the first week and then I always fall off the wagon. Does anyone have any tips for me?


  • CloganPhoto
    It's all about committing to yourself, also have an accountability partner that you trust!

    If you mess up once don't keep messing up, log your food everyday no matter what.

    Overall just don't give up! I am on the same journey, and I know how hard it is. We can do this!
  • Contentinmyskin
    Thank you so much! WE can do this!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Don't make the changes so severe that you give up----eat the foods that you like, just modify (buy low-fat) and reduce portions! What we are doing now, realistically we will need to do forever----so make it livable!

    Welcome! We can do this together!
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    Hi and welcome. I have found what has worked for me is don't make all changes at once. I agree with alanakerr01 find something that is viable and not so impossible. My biggest struggle when I first started was trying to eat clean 100% of the time. Know that you can eat whatever you want really as long as you learn portion control. And for those trigger foods that you just know you can't have because it will sabatoge your efforts try to find a more healthy substitute for it. Make sure you drink lots of water. Water has been my saving grace throughout my journey so far. One last bit of advice, exercise generally sucks but find some kind of physical activity that you enjoy. Do that often. Not everything works for everyone. Good luck to you in finding what works best for you. Feel free to add me. I'm always open to new friends and will offer advice if I can or just be an ear when you need someone to listen. Remember you didn't get 312 overnight. This isn't a diet it's a lifestyle change. When you get down on it all just remember you are important and you deserve better than being miserable.
  • Contentinmyskin
    Thank you EVERYONE for your support!!!! It's going to be long hard journey but I am sick and tired of being this size. I have to change, there are no options!
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member

    My advice: Calculate your BMR and always eat at or slightly above it, move your body for half an hour each day in whatever way is comfortable for you, eat foods not just for taste but for how they make you feel afterwards, and allow yourself plenty of space for grace in this weight loss game. It's a rollercoaster, so just ride it and enjoy :wink: