Week of Oct 22nd through Oct 28th

Hi all, hope you all got those exercise minutes in last week.
I was not going to post a new challenge, but then realized I need this for me, even if no one else joins in. So this week I have daily challenges for us.
Today Monday Oct 22, do 15 minutes of some type of aerobic exercise, plus 5 minutes strength training. You can use canned food for weights.
Tues, 30 minutes of movement, whatever you prefer.
Wed. same as Tues but make it 20 aerobic and 10 strength.
Thurs. 35 minutes movement.
Firday. let's do some boxing. Put your right foot out front some, bring your arms up bent in front of your face then box straight out in front. Try for 10 total, if new to this. otherwise 20
Sat. walk, walk, walk, inside, outside, in the mall where ever and for as long as you can. 5 minute increments here and there really add up.
Sunday, deep breathing exercises and a take it easier kind of day.
Can you do this?? YES you can.
Let me hear who can do it!


  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I'm in, except for today. Today is rest and a heating pad. :grumble: Tomorrow will be better. Keep those challenges coming -- I need them, too.:laugh:
  • okiememe03
    okiememe03 Posts: 5 Member
    I hope to average 30 min. daily cardio including some strength. Off to a good start. Got 40 min. cardio elliptical.
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 87 Member
    Ok, I'm going to try. I am copying and pasting to print it so I can see it daily as a reminder on my frig! Let's try for it, Bestie! Thanks.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just saw the challenge tonite but did walk yesterday and today. Will add the strength training tomorrow. Thanks for all you do!
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    We went shopping in Clermont-Ferrand yesterday, looking for a dress for Clare (my wife) to wear to the wedding next week. We succeeded.
    According to my Fitbit, during the day I did 18021 steps, covering 14.78Km and climbing the equivalent of 52 flights of stairs. 843 calories creditted to MFP.
    Today, we just spent 40 minutes cutting down (by hand) small roadside trees that were threatening the power and telephone lines and fouling my camper's roof. That involved me pulling on 2" or thereabouts trunks to create a stress bend for Clare to saw through. 93 calories added.
    Now it's time for the daily dog walk - 5.2km including about 600m of 10% gradient. We can just about do it in an hour, which I think is not bad for a 63 years old ex-office worker who last saw the inside of a gym in 1968
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    OK, aerobics and strength are out for me this week, but I am making sure that I move at least 30 minutes a day.