Day 23 of 30 :)

Katrina_88 Posts: 164 Member
My abs are throbbing today!! I am so glad I pushed myself and have done this workout every day so far, only 7 days left then I am taking the 31st off as a rest day and November 1st starts my new 30 day challenge of ripped :) I am so happy and excited. I havent lost any weight but have def. lost a couple inches and gained a lot of muscle. YAAYY!!


  • minorgal
    minorgal Posts: 41 Member
    Thank goodness you said that!! I have been getting soooo frustrated that I haven't lost any weight!! My husband says I'm firmer and losing stomach fat... but I want that number to drop sooooo bad :(

    Maybe once I build up the muscle, the pound shredding will start to occur.
  • plhv19
    plhv19 Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats on keeping on it! I've got two days to make up. Mad at myself for that, but I'm going to finish strong from here on out and get on the Ripped in 30 November train. I hear you on the lack of weightloss, but the muscles are definitely there!
  • melliebelly77
    Today is Day 25 for me. I have only lost 5 lbs, but lost inches in waist and hips:)
    Got definition in my arms and stomach now where before I had none, so thats a definite win!
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    Day 23 done :D Struggld today with them damn planks and dumbells moves. Its hurts my hands so much and i feel like my knuckles and wrists are going to snap! 4lbs down and 6 1/2 inches so far for me! Fingers crossed for another wee loss :) Keep up the awesome work everyone :D
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    day 23 completed
  • ismiseciara
    ismiseciara Posts: 211 Member
    yey :) only 7 days left woo :)
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Done...those jump squats are the devil...just bought ripped in 30.yay

    Keep it up...
  • goofy1975
    I have lost 3 pounds so far, but already a couple of inches off the waist and hips, so far so good. What next challenge are you taking? My shoulder and arms are still burning... who's the one that invented side push-ups, that's crazy!!!
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Nov. 1 we are starting Ripped in 30 by Jilian M.- I bought mine at walmart for about 10.00-( if you want to brave WalMart) or you can order it from Amazon
  • mysweetsurrender
    mysweetsurrender Posts: 57 Member
    Day 23 Workout done.

    Because I'm still modifying some of the exercises I'm thinking of doing 30DS again from the beginning on Nov 1 with no modifications. I'll miss all of you that go onto Ripped. Thank for all your support. Good luck and keep working hard.
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    I haven't done all of the days (I rest weekends and suffer random migraines that like to try and slow me down) but I really wanted to share these photos with y'all.

    I haven't lost any weight but I have lost several inches!

    EDIT: I tried re-sizing but it might take a few moments to take effect.


  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    I just finished my Day 23. WoW! Those results posted above look fantastic! Good job and keep it going!
  • amber_arend
    Yesterday was my rest day for this week. D3L3 done today. OMGosh. I ate like crap today and Jillian sure made me feel it. I was barfing my guts out by the time I finished. I have worked way too hard to start slacking now. Tomorrow is a new day and I will be back on track. I am hoping to get on the elliptical in a few after I get the kids into bed. If I don't start feeling better, I may have to forgo the elliptical though. I don't wanna puke anymore. Yuck!
  • AradiaStone
    AradiaStone Posts: 132 Member
    oh man! i will never eat right before a workout again. I felt so sick. But day three of lvl three down!! Those results look fantastic!! I can totally see a diff. in my abs. And Amber we all have our cheat days! much love to ya!! :) Good Job ppl!!! c u tomorrow.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member