My Story So Far

holleysings Posts: 664 Member
I've shared this with two people already today, and I think some other EM2WL ladies need to hear this. Sometimes even though you are eating more, you are STILL not eating enough. Listen to your bodies! And do NOT be afraid to increase your calories if you aren't losing weight. When in doubt, eat at maintenance for at least 2 weeks. And quit worrying about gaining weight. It's just a number.

My EM2WL story is weird. I ate 1200 calories/day for 14 weeks as part of a weight loss study. During that time I went from 226lbs to 197lbs. When that ended in June I had already found EM2WL and started planning to EAT again. I ate at BMR (1700) plus some exercise calories for one month and maintained at 197-199lbs. I went up to what I thought my sedentary TDEE was (2200 calories) plus some exercise calories for 8 weeks in an attempt to reset. My weight went up a bit 198-202, but not enough to concern me. AND I LOST A DRESS SIZE. DURING A RESET. Crazy. Except that it wasn't a real reset...

Anyway, turns out my TDEE was way off according to my fitbit. Long story. (Basically I went by the amount of hours I exercise without factoring in my crazy crazy life.) It's actually 2700-3500 depending on the day. So I decided rather than do another reset, I would do a small cut from my correct TDEE. I ate 2500-3000 depending on the day (obviously when I burned 3500, I ate 3000.) I should have lost 1-2lb in one month according to math, but I somehow gained weight (202-205lbs) :noway: and my measurements stayed the same, though my body fat shifted around in my thighs and tummy.

Since I gained a bit, I decided my body clearly needed to continue resetting at my true TDEE that I get from my fitbit. I switched back to TDEE and my weight is already back down to 200-202lbs in the two weeks since the switch back. Very weird. I'm getting my RMR tested sometime in the next week or so and I just ordered an HRM to figure this out better.

So, I have not lost weight during EM2WL, but I've lost a pants size and a bunch of inches. Gained a tiny bit of weight, but not enough to upset me in any way since I am smaller. OH AND I LOST 5% BF. I'm not sure how I forgot that earlier, but yeah, I lost 5% BF and put on about 8lbs of muscle during my "not really a reset" reset.

I have had many NSVs from this whole journey of June to now, but the biggest thing for me is how other people think I'm STILL LOSING WEIGHT. For real. Even when the scale went up during my cut, people still complemented me on how I look and said, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight, haven't you?" These are people I see at least once a week. Some of the people I didn't see this summer and saw again this fall thought I had lost 10 lbs over the summer. HA! If only that liar of a scale would show a loss! Every time I told them I hadn't, they didn't believe me. So I stopped correcting them. :laugh:

Please stop looking at the number on the scale and do not be afraid to re-think your activity level and eat more. If something's not working, the answer may be that you need to eat more than you're already eating. I could post a whiny "why am I not losing post" (sorry ladies, but they are whiny :flowerforyou: ) since I haven't dropped below my lowest weight of 197lbs but losing weight isn't the point of EM2WL. The point is to fuel your body. Yeah, yeah, we all want to weigh less eventually, but now may not be the right time for your body. If you aren't losing, you probably aren't supposed to be or you need to do something differently. Don't get defensive when people suggest eating more or changing something. Take the advice to heart and make a change or quit complaining about not losing. There's always a reason why something isn't working. And maybe the answer is that it's not supposed to work right now. Don't be afraid to play the waiting game. Stop weighing in if you can't handle maintaining, chill out, eat at maintenance, and lift heavy! I am and I'm smaller, healthier, and happy at 5'5" and roughly 200lbs. :happy:


  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    Great story and it's awesome that you are so accepting of where you are right now. I needed to hear this, I'm struggling with where I am right now when only a couple of months ago I was completely fine with where I was. You are a great inspiration!!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I love this!!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I'm very glad you posted this. I was getting discouraged. I've been doing EM2WL for about 8 weeks now. At first I saw huge changes in my body's tone. I could feel and 'see' the muscle building under the fat. I took measurements and lost mostly in my calves (believe it or not) About 1/4"- 1/2 " in hips/ waist/ thighs. I kept going because I was excited about how I felt. I'm starting the next stage of NRL4W A lot more weight less reps and I'm exhausted all the time with my body feeling mushy and I'm unable to get the energy to do some cardio in between. (I was really getting into Yoga, HIIT training and Zumba)
    My weight went up three lbs My measurements climbed slightly (except for my calves) Am I overdoing it?? I'm not eating more.. Maybe it's what I'm eating? (I really look like a potato running around on toothpicks now)

    Could someone give me some inspiration?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I'm very glad you posted this. I was getting discouraged. I've been doing EM2WL for about 8 weeks now. At first I saw huge changes in my body's tone. I could feel and 'see' the muscle building under the fat. I took measurements and lost mostly in my calves (believe it or not) About 1/4"- 1/2 " in hips/ waist/ thighs. I kept going because I was excited about how I felt. I'm starting the next stage of NRL4W A lot more weight less reps and I'm exhausted all the time with my body feeling mushy and I'm unable to get the energy to do some cardio in between. (I was really getting into Yoga, HIIT training and Zumba)
    My weight went up three lbs My measurements climbed slightly (except for my calves) Am I overdoing it?? I'm not eating more.. Maybe it's what I'm eating? (I really look like a potato running around on toothpicks now)

    Could someone give me some inspiration?

    If you don't have the energy the day after you lift, you may not be eating enough to maintain your workouts. Are you eating at the calories the book recommends? What are your macros? For me, I have to eat 55c/15p/30f to have the energy to exercise. That means I'm eating 85-115g of protein a day and a lot of whole grains, veggies, and fruit.

    My weight went up the first time when I started NROL4W and never really went back down. Personally, my measurements went up a bit then skyrocketed downwards and I lost a pants size overnight. Literally overnight. It was ridiculous. I've heard this "wooshing" is normal. Perhaps you're getting ready to woosh! If you're really concerned about it, take a week off from lifting and just walk. That might inspire the woosh to come! I just started Stage 2. So I know what you're talking about!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Well I'm eating between 1750-1800 cal RMR is 1400 My Macro's are set at Carbs 30% Protein 40% and Fat 30% But I have to say I'm usually over my carb's.. Maybe not enough protein to build and maybe I'll try to up the calories some. Thanks so much!!
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    Thank you for sharing!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Well I'm eating between 1750-1800 cal RMR is 1400 My Macro's are set at Carbs 30% Protein 40% and Fat 30% But I have to say I'm usually over my carb's.. Maybe not enough protein to build and maybe I'll try to up the calories some. Thanks so much!!

    That's not enough carbs! You should switch your carbs to 40% and protein to 30%. Your body NEEDS carbs for fuel to exercise. I would definitely change those macros and see if your energy increases.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Whoosh effect can happen too finally.

    Good thing to keep in mind regarding water retention for all lifters and others.

    Besides the water in muscles for healing after good lifting, another kind filling up fat cells when they are emptied, keeping size and weight about the same.

    Just need a whoosh effect.

    This might also indicate the deficit is still too much if the cortisol is really helping retain water. Or you got too much stress. Or not getting enough sleep. Or exercising too much even if eating decently.

    This is the traditionally heard, "over ate on the weekend and lost 3 lbs on Monday". It really doesn't take long to get the effect, just have to know how to kick it off.
    The alcohol comment always sounds like fun!
    Though too low carbs may be it too.
  • mon1mac2
    mon1mac2 Posts: 2 Member
    Great post, thanks for sharing! I've been upping my calories and am hoping to experience the same things you are. Today I noticed my "fat pockets" are shrinking and getting harder, lol. Screw the scale! m
  • roguestates
    fabulous progress! I think inches lost and body recomposition is so much more important than numbers on the scale. I'm really happy to hear your story, and hoping that my progress is going in the same direction :)
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    Pure and simple AWE-SOME-NESS. Fist pump! :drinker:
  • green_nurse
    green_nurse Posts: 25 Member
    i'm glad you posted this! i am losing, but i'm too afraid to eat my TDEE calories, i eat anywhere from 900-1400 and it scares me to increase that amount, because it's already quite a bit of food. so thank you, this makes me feel like i can do it!
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    Thank you for telling "OUR" story. I say "OUR" because there are so many women out there afraid to eat, and deactivate when the scale goes up or stops moving. You are amazing and are doing so great with your journey.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Fantastic-thanks for sharing!
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for sharing! This was posted at the perfect time for me!!!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Wow, our posts are so similar! Can't argue with results like that, your body loves what you are doing :smile:
    Thanks for sharing :flowerforyou:
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    LOVE this!!! :love:
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Great post. Thanks for sharing your journey :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I love your story Holley. Seeing what your BF% loss is like now you're eating properly compared to when you were on a 1200 cal plan is really eye opening. It must be so rewarding knowing that you're now treating your body so well.

    Speaking of whooshes, it's now three days since I last lifted and I'm definitely shedding water - I was up constantly in the night and my work pants are hanging off me this morning and I've still got a few more days rest to go. The body really is a weird and wonderful thing! OK so I know it'll go back up when I start lifting again but it's nice to get a glimpse of what's lying beneath the water retention.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Thanks for sharing this with me. It really makes me feel more secure in my decision to eat at TDEE for awhile, even though I'm not a goal yet. I love your attitude about the process :flowerforyou: