Saying Hello

Hi my name is RaNae I am a Yankee that lives in Texas and proud of it!! I joined MFP 1 or two years ago but bugged out as quickly as I joined . I am now back heavier but happier and more at peace- emotional issues have been put in order, forgiveness has been given, accepted and received so now is my season to heal thyself heal myself and wallow in kindness and compassion for myself and towards myself and for me that means 3 meals a day 2 snacks a day a certain calorie, carb, and protein count for today and every day that follows= A Way of Living Change.

I am excited to be a part of this new young group and look forward to giving and receiving whatever I can in a loving and respectful manner- after all out there IRL (in real life) don't all of us who are 3-400lbs get enough disrespect and negative vibes as it is on a day to day basis..

I look forward to getting to know you all and want to encourage each of you to be open to what the universe has in store for you- be kind to yourself and tell someone today that you love them cause that love u give will bounce right back at you and we all could use a lil more love.


Luznit 1 Meal, 1 Snack, 1 Logged Calorie, 1 day at a time.


  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome to the group.
  • Hi my name is RaNae I am a Yankee that lives in Texas and proud of it!! I joined MFP 1 or two years ago but bugged out as quickly as I joined . I am now back heavier but happier and more at peace- emotional issues have been put in order, forgiveness has been given, accepted and received so now is my season to heal thyself heal myself and wallow in kindness and compassion for myself and towards myself and for me that means 3 meals a day 2 snacks a day a certain calorie, carb, and protein count for today and every day that follows= A Way of Living Change.

    I am excited to be a part of this new young group and look forward to giving and receiving whatever I can in a loving and respectful manner- after all out there IRL (in real life) don't all of us who are 3-400lbs get enough disrespect and negative vibes as it is on a day to day basis..

    I look forward to getting to know you all and want to encourage each of you to be open to what the universe has in store for you- be kind to yourself and tell someone today that you love them cause that love u give will bounce right back at you and we all could use a lil more love.


    Luznit 1 Meal, 1 Snack, 1 Logged Calorie, 1 day at a time.

    Hello from another Texan! Yea, we are bringing a Yankee over to our Rebel side! haha!
    Thanks for Joining our Group and We can lose the weight!
  • Hi, My name is Jessica and i live in Texas! I have been a member of MFP for about a year and haven't really gotten into it, til recently.
    I have tried almost every kind of thing to lose weight! But it wasn't til recently that i decided i really needed to do something about it.
    As long as we motivate each other, we can do anything!

    Add me on FB:
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    My name is Margie. I'm Mom to 3 crazy boys. They are a 15, 10, and 1 year old. My husband is supportive but is super skinny and has never had to fight this battle. I've fought weight for years and didn't realize I had reached above 300 until I fell and lost memory of everything, who I was and who everyone around me was. It breaks my heart that my 10 & 15 year olds are the ones that found me. I cann't explain how it feels to know there was a moment when I didn't know them. It's something I will never get over. While in the hospital, the Dr's realized that the fall was due to "hormonal imbalance" due to pregnancy.

    I tried loosing after the baby was born last September but got nowhere. Then on January 1 of this year, my younger brother gave my sister and I a challenge to see who could loose 100 pounds 1st. He's a super buff guy and we are short and round. At 1st, I wanted to win the $1000.00 but as I lost, I realized how much better I felt and that I was able to do things with my kids again.

    I started the year at 308 lbs and just this week dipped into the 240's (249). I cann't explain how I felt when I fell below that 250 mark. I found easy success at first, but then in June, my diet hit a glitch. My brother purchased a fitness center so I helped him get his books in order. Believe it or not, I gained weight while working there because I rarely had time to work out. I began again in September with a group here on MFP. I eat the South Beach way and actually love it. It is very occassional that I want pasta or breads. I've been successful in avoiding them. I exercise 5 days a week. I have started enjoying the gym as much as I do food and that's a good thing.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone. I'd really love for this to be an active group as most of the groups I'm in have little activity.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hello! I am Alana----I started at 336 pounds in July---got a bit more serious in August. I am getting the hang of this slowly but surely. I definitly love being able to post my menu and exercise, get and give feedback and kudos.

    I have always been overweight---this is the most I have weighed. it is affecting my ability to get around---my knees hurt, cant walk for long distances----I want to get more active.

    this has been a great year---became a grandma, turned 50, got married, bought my first home!

    Now it's me time!

    I log in every day, it is crucial for me.
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Hi Jessica Congrats on your loss. I am up North by the Texas Motor Speedway. Thanks for having me and the nice welcome.

    Hi Margie- thanks for the nice welcome Congrats on your loss what a victory... and that must have been so scary the fall and no memory thing and congrats on the new baby. It takes what it takes ya know.
    I know what you mean about enjoying the exercise- I do now too- I have been exercising regularly for two years now switching between water aerobics- water exercises - walking and bike riding but hadn't been loosing (too many carbs for my particular metabolism) I hope to see a loss soon with my new life food plan.

    Hi Alana nice to meet you and WOW what a year you have had- Congrats on your loss and new GB and first home WTG!!!

    Me time- u got that right girl u deserve it!!
  • Hi my name is Peggy and I joined MFP recently. I am in Delaware (a long way from Texas) and continuing to struggle with my weight. I too have been heavy most of my life but hit the high end this year (320 lbs). I don't log in every day but I am going to really try to do this for myself and for others that I might be able to support. All of your posts are really encouraging and I look forward to cheering all of your successes (and mine too)!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm Alicia - I'm originally from Texas, but just moved to my husband's hometown in Florida. I've always been overweight, lost a bit of weight when I was about 14, gained a bunch by senior year of high school, lost about 40 lbs in college, then gained it all plus some after I married and had kids. I reached my highest at 340 when I was pregnant with my second daughter, lost a little after I gave birth and have lost 20 more on MFP. I am currently 297, with an ultimate goal of 175 (I'm 5'11'').

    I'm really hoping for success this time around as I typically fall off the wagon after losing about 15-20 lbs. I've seriously lost these 20 lbs about 3x now in the past two years, and I could kick myself because if I had at least not gained them back by now I would be down 60 lbs!

    My favorite quote that I keep reminding myself: "A year from now you will wish you had started today!"

    Feel free to friend me - I look forward to encouraging each other and showing off after pics!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello everyone! I too am from Texas and live not too far from you RaNae. I used to live right by TMS too.

    I have had a lot of ups and down over the past few years, unfortunately mostly ups in the weight department and downs in the emotional department. I had lost 60 lbs a few years ago and was basically ok with me like that. But then I gained it back recently and about 50 more on top of that.

    I have been keeping track of my eating patterns and calories so that I can see what I'm doing that isn't helping me. Also, I have implemented a small bit of exercise. Very difficult for me at this point but at least I'm moving a little. I have horrible lower back pain that has been a problem even before I gained any weight so it's 10 times worse now. I can't even stay standing up for more than a minute or two. However, I am building my resolve to eat clean and do something. and stick to it! that's the hardest part for me. I also suffer from PCOS and am educating myself in how best to deal with those issues. It makes it harder for me to lose weight but not impossible. I just have to be more creative and more vigilant and more positive and more motivated. I can do this.
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Hi all! I'm Savage from Houston, TX. My highest weight was 400+ lbs and I am currently at 312 lbs. with a goal weight of 150 lbs. I log in to MFP daily and track my food very honestly (the good, the bad, the the downright UGLY). I love having supportive and dedicated MFP friends to go through this with, and I am having a great time with my new commitment to health and fitness.
  • Hi all! I'm Savage from Houston, TX. My highest weight was 400+ lbs and I am currently at 312 lbs. with a goal weight of 150 lbs. I log in to MFP daily and track my food very honestly (the good, the bad, the the downright UGLY). I love having supportive and dedicated MFP friends to go through this with, and I am having a great time with my new commitment to health and fitness.

    you are doing awesome! Are you following any particular plan?
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    you are doing awesome! Are you following any particular plan?

    My only hard and fast rule is "NO RULES." No diet books, point systems, food restriction, calorie-counting, workout plans, etc. I just eat and exercise intuitively (allowing myself PLENTY of space for grace along the way), and with practice and positive thinking I am currently winning the battle over my compulsive binge-eating.

    Feel free to add me and view my food diary and posts. I am very honest and accurate about everything I am doing to go from fat to fit, and I love to support my MFP friends:flowerforyou:
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Hi Lady and Savage so great to meet you and looking forward to getting to know you both. Congrats on your victories and Keep on Keepin On!!
  • TreeHugger2013
    TreeHugger2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello!!! Heather here and I also started this crazy journey at 327 lbs ... and I have lost 76 lbs. I was down 100 and then everything was just overwhelming and I fell off the wagon. I gained 30 or so back, but I'm here to finish what I started. I refuse to let myself to get where I was when I started ... I feel so much better even where I am right now ... I can't even imagine how awesome I will feel when I reach my goal!

    Feel free to add me - I am always up for new friends!!
  • lovingvampiress
    lovingvampiress Posts: 23 Member
    Hi to Everyone,
    I'm new to this whole new process and am trying to get healthier for myself. Just been threw a Huge scare with cancer and after 2 yrs of surgery and radiation Therapy I'm ready to live a healthier life style. I'm counting calories and not eating any sweets.."very hard for me" I need more exercise but feel like everyone is watching me when I go out alone to walk..:-(
    Its a pleasure to meet you all and look forward in seeing all our great success stories...Hugzzzz
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone

    I hope it's ok for me to join this group. I was 293 in the summer before I joined MFP...I lost 9lbs before I joined and the n 2lbs after I joined but since then I haven't lost a thing :(

    I find the challenge of the amount I need to lose completely overwhelming especially as I have been doing my best to limit my calorie intake and have started exercising and the weight isn't coming off. I don't feel like quitting but know I have a seriously difficult challenge ahead.

    I have an underactive thyroid and have struggled with the medication for that. Before I was diagnosed with that I was very fit and active.

    I'm looking forward to this group and hope that we can help each other along this journey.

    I'm in the UK by the way.

  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    My name is Robin and I am from Oklahoma. I started out at 388 pounds in May and am now down to 344. Slowly but surely I am getting there. I've had my ups and downs, but I have stuck with this website, and it has made the world of difference.
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Im Katie Im 26. I started my journey 100 days ago at 330. The last time I weighed in I was 304.5 as of sept 27th. My next weigh in is halloween and im hoping to be in the 200s by then. I yoyo dieted my whole life. I was always the fat kid and always felt different from everyone else. I made excuses for years about why I didnt need a diet and when I stepped on the scale and saw the highest ever at 334 I knew I had run out of excuses. Im a year and a half in to my marriage and know my husband and I definatly want children. Ive been off the pill since march and nothing. Im hoping making a lifestyle change will trigger some baby dust to come my way. I somehow have made it this fatr with not getting any of the complications that come with bieng morbidly obese but I know my luck will eventually change if I stayed on the path I was on. Noone gets what its like to be this big unless you are or have been this big. I want to get down to a healthier weight for me my husband and hopefully my childrens future. I want to ride roller coasters....I want to book a vacation on and not freik out about weather ill fit in the seats. I want to not let my size hold me back. Im always looking for new friends expecially ones with similar journeys so anyone is welcome to add me and I look forward to taking this journey with you
  • admnmtpilot
    admnmtpilot Posts: 132 Member
    Hi! My name is Angela from NC and I have just joined this group...thanks to SavageFeast (BTW, thanks for sharing :smile: ). I joined MFP last year at 330lbs and stayed faithful for a coupld of months. I have since returned (9/21/12) with a vengenace at my highest weight EVER 360.2, and have lost 16lbs so far. I love to help and encourage others as it helps me. I log daily and my food journal is open so you can look and possibly get some ideas. I like people who do the same so I can get ideas from them, so my journey doesn't get boring.

    So, feel free to add me if you need new MFP friends, but please note that I like active freinds...meaning that you continue to log on and give updates. Don't get is nothing personal, but usually if you don't log on for 2-3 get deleted. I am, now, very serious about my journey and I hope that people that ask for me to add them are also.

    G.R.I.T.S = Girls Raised In The South!!!
  • rdianemu
    rdianemu Posts: 132 Member
    Hi All,
    I am from Houston TX too. I have spent a good deal of my life at just over 300. I started my latest exercise diet kick this summer at 310 and am at 256 now with a goal of 155. I have lost over a 100 several times before but hope to make it stick this time. Too hard on me at 40 to keep cycling up and down. It can be done. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other until we reach the finish line.