Does anyone else desperately miss Shane? (Jon Bernthal)

I liked the show from the beginning, but became attached to Shane when he shaved his head and officially became a lovable bad guy. He was so misunderstood, and when I knew he was gong to die, I was glad that he said such mean things to Rick that I could no longer love him (that helped me let go). Now, all these months later, watching the new season, I miss him so much but am liking Rick more and more which comforts me a little. Anyone else feel the same?


  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    I never was a Shane fan. And I'm really not sure why because I usually always have a soft spot for the bad boys. I think he had a sleazy quality about him, and I didn't trust him. How he treated Laurie at the CDC solidified that uneasy feeling a little more, and then what he did to Otis pretty much cemented it. I just didn't like him.

    Surprisingly, I don't think I really miss anyone who has left. I "mourned" them as they left (yes, even Shane a little, but it may have been more mourning what died in Rick when he had to kill Shane), but they have done a wonderful job of keeping the show going without leaving any big gaping holes where characters used to be.

    At least for me, anyway.
  • raininmyshoes
    Well said! I watched Rick in the movie 'Love Actually' yesterday and fell for his boyish face and his British accent; I know it's shallow, but now I am over Shane.
  • goddessdani
    goddessdani Posts: 12 Member
    Well said! I watched Rick in the movie 'Love Actually' yesterday and fell for his boyish face and his British accent; I know it's shallow, but now I am over Shane.

    I love that movie. It's where I first saw Andy, there he was the 1 in love with his best friend's girl.
    Thee funny thing about season 2 is Shane would actually fit in better with the group now. Rick has definitely become more Shane-like.
    I miss Dale
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Oh my gosh, I had no idea he was in that movie, and I loved his character. He was cute in that movie!! I def like the direction his character has taken, and Darryl - LOVE Darryl. Sad that they don't make T more of a main character story line. He's just kind of there in the background a lot- I swear, Carol gets more screen time than he does.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I never liked Shane and my opinion never changed.

    But I didn't like Daryl in the beginning and now I have a itty bitty crush on him.
  • uglydeuce
    uglydeuce Posts: 35 Member
    I miss Dale too :frown:

    I'm not really a fan of Shane so much. He was always too insecure in my opinion - like a dog lashing out because of fear and trying to over compensate. Initially in the beginning he was a lot more stable but obviously when Rick came into the picture he lost his grip on his confidence and reality. I also don't like the idea of a leader being so vulnerable to their relationship with another. I really did respect Rick a lot for his ability to not lose his head even when dealing with Lori's crap drama.

    And I adore Daryl. Simply adore him. I've always liked Norman Reedus and was very excited to see that they made Daryl completely for him after he interviewed for Merle. The character is superb and I feel like hes a very logical character with his back story, his development and skill set. Not to mention I'm a fan of the lone wolf - outsider types.

    And T-dog needs more time on air. I've been happy that last episode he recieved more lines than pretty much all of season 2 though! ... and they shouldn't have named him T-dog because feels just a little bit racist and hes not tough enough for it to work for him.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I always thought Shane was a bit of a Dbag..but I liked the conflict he brought to the group. I enjoyed the Shane/Rick/Lori story line.