Sunday accountability report for week 6 - Sunday 10/21

Hi Gang,

We've conquered another week in the Ultra Challenge. Hope everyone is feeling stronger! I'm still not seeing a budge on the scale (when I've peeked) but, luckily, the stupid thing has until Wednesday morning to get its act together since that's my official weigh-in day. Here's my accountability report for the week:

1. I completed my nutrition log each day and came under every day (total week's consumed calories: 9610)

2. I worked out every day this week, burning a total of 4006 calories, which is above my 3850 goal - I had intended to just reach my 3850 goal but lost my house key on my dog walk yesterday and had to do the whole long walk over again to look for it! My pups were not pleased...

I leave for Hawaii on Wednesday afternoon and am very excited. We're planning lots of activities but also lots of fun food. I am curious to see how difficult it will be to stay on a healthy/balanced path but am confident that I can do it (while still enjoying myself - lots of fruity girly drinks are definitely in my future!).



  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks, Heather, for starting this thread! And I sure hope you found your house key... that must have been beyond frustrating.

    Here's my rather less impressive report:

    1. I completed my nutrition log each day, was under my allotment 5 out of 7 days, and was 369 net calories below allotment for the week. I consumed 11,845 calories this week.

    2. I worked out 5 of the 7 days (it didn't help being at a comic book convention where I was on three panels and sat for a 90-minute video interview). My total calorie burn for the week was 3814, well under my target of 5390. :-( But I did get to go on two awesome hikes.

    I'm having some new issues with my right foot, but nothing that should interfere with my ability to work out or hike.

    Like Heather, I also head out of town on Wednesday, though to the somewhat less tropical destination of Chicago and just for a couple of days. I will make a concerted effort to use the hotel gym each day I'm there, though the workout equipment I see at most hotels really makes me appreciate what we have at Killer B! (I've never seen a hotel with a rowing machine, their ellipticals are often very clunky, and I have no use for the treadmills with which such gyms are often infested.)

  • Hi All,

    Well... I'm a bit frustrated! I've been working on eating healthfully to lose the weight over the summer and now. Unfortunately I had a gallbladder attack Saturday night and I am not going to workout this week to give myself a chance to have less stress on the old body. The last time I had an attack was probably 18 - 24 months ago. I had my first attacks after I lost my first 20+ lbs. I figured I wouldn't have the problems this time around because I was watching my foods and drinking lots of water, etc....

    I was under my calories for the week and I logged in every day but for the first time I did not meet my exercise goal. I completed 1755 and my goal is 2000. Weirdly, I got on the scale and I was at 151.5 - 2 lbs less than my first weight loss challenge and the closest to my marriage weight of 148 (1990). I don't want to lose anymore weight so I am going to look into a specific diet plan to be sure to keep the gallbladder in check as well as keep a healthy weight on myself.

    I'm glad I did both Strength Challenges last week so I might be ok for this next week.

    Y'all have fun traveling and I'll have fun recovering.... If it's not one thing it's another AND I'm 47 today! Happy Birthday to ME!

    I do treasure your friendship, accountability, encouragement and all-around awesomeness!

    God bless,
    Mary Ellen
  • airboy1952
    airboy1952 Posts: 62 Member
    Happy birthday, M.E. ... though I'm very sorry your gallbladder decided to protest the celebration weekend! Talk about poor timing.

    Have you been to see your physician? Definitely want to keep that gallbladder under control!

    Have a restful week off and enjoy your youthful status! You can tell your husband it's like being with two 23 1/2 year old women simultaneously...

  • Happy Birthday Mary Ellen! I hope your birthday celebration is as awesome as you are! I'm glad you are taking care of yourself this week.
