
So, for people that have lost some weight. When did you start seeing results and what was the event?


  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Hmm.... I went from barely being able to stand for long periods or walk from room to room at my godson's birthday party on May 19th to being able to walk around a pool area, running track, and road surface to cheer on my BFF at her first triathlon on June 27th. I had only lost about 15 lbs. between the two events, but my energy level was already up and my mobility benefited greatly!
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    For me it was when I was able to get out of my tight pants. I had some from before I had my middle child and some I had purchased during the years that I kept swearing I was going to get into. The day I was able to pull my current ones down without unbuttoning them was the day I was brave enough to try on my next smaller pair. I think I was down about 20 or so.
  • asyrinsgirl
    asyrinsgirl Posts: 55 Member
    This time around has been frustrating for me. When I started to really try to lose weight for the first time four years ago, I was losing 10-20 pounds a month at first, and not working as hard as I do now. This time around, I've had to relish in small "scale" victories.

    I noticed after three or four weeks that I was able to lift more and go harder when I do cardio. It's become my personal goal to increase my weights in BodyPump class at least once a month. So far I've met it, and I can keep up with *almost* everything in that class without skipping many reps.

    I also tried on a pair of pants that was almost impossibly tight three months ago. They fit now!

    This time around, I want to be healthy and fit. The scale, she doesn't matter so much.
  • Highlanderlover
    I have some jeans in my closet that have been too tight for me to wear. But i am kind of scared to try them on. I mean i have lost 20 pounds but I really don't see a difference!
    I just don't want to be disappointed if i try them on and then they don't fit!
  • MelissaSue12
    MelissaSue12 Posts: 26 Member
    Mine was not being able to stand for long periods of time was hard as well...During Church I couldn't even stand the whole time for worship, now I am standing at events and for longer periods of time that to me is a great accomplishment!!! My energy isn't the best, but alot better than before...there was a time that I wouldn't even come out of the house to go to the store or anything. Being at 384 my heaviest ever and now down to 333.4...That's awesome to me and I know that there is a long road ahead, but I know that I will get there and when it happens it will be a great victory!
  • Highlanderlover
    Mine was not being able to stand for long periods of time was hard as well...During Church I couldn't even stand the whole time for worship, now I am standing at events and for longer periods of time that to me is a great accomplishment!!! My energy isn't the best, but alot better than before...there was a time that I wouldn't even come out of the house to go to the store or anything. Being at 384 my heaviest ever and now down to 333.4...That's awesome to me and I know that there is a long road ahead, but I know that I will get there and when it happens it will be a great victory!

    I know what you mean! 401 was my highest and i am down to 380. I can't stand for a long time cause sometimes i have nerve problems in my leg which causes me to not be able to stand or walk for a long time cause sometimes my foot goes numb! Which i hate! Cause i love to go and do everthing!
    I am hoping that with me losing more weight it will help my nerve in my leg and the numbness. Cause i am sure all of that extra weight doesn't help it!
  • melonheadPHX
    It took about three months for me to be able to see a difference, but I really took notice when I was able to mow my dinky little backyard without taking 3 or 4 rest breaks and walk up a single flight of steps without breaking into an all-out-of-breath flop-sweat...
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I started to notice my efforts around, hrm, 20 pounds when my pants fell down. As far as noticing when I could -feel- it? Was a matter of months with how I changed my diet. I started to eat clean and cut the crap.