very disappointed

mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
Yes......that is my title, because that's how I feel. I have just reduced my calories to 1290 for a 2 lb weekly goal. I have done Primal/Paleo for the 110 days and I feel great........I have had some sushi days.......and I made my mistakes in the beginning, but I am not losing weight. Yes, I know my Sugar is under control, but I finally today reset my weight back up instead of lying to myself and thinking it is just Water and it will come down in a couple of days......well it has not, and that is disappointing. So looking at things, I think that maybe it's my portions that are still to big, I just thought with doing paleo (very little Primal) that portions don't matter, but now I am wondering if that is another mistake that I am doing. I don't miss wheat, or sugar, or any processed food and can live without it quite well, but somewhere somehow, I am thinking that I am still doing something wrong.


  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I took a peak at your diary and you don't need to go lower in calories at all, but I definitely think you need to up your fat intake. My macros typically reflect between 60-80% fat and I'm losing just fine that way. Try it out for a few weeks and see if it helps you at all.

    My daily calorie allottment is my BMR plus 100 calories (1600) and I almost always hit under it, unintentionally.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I do think portion sizes matter when trying to lose weight. I think that once I have lost all the weight and have maintained for awhile, I will stop measuring everything. I do practice "eye-balling", ie guessing the weight or volume of something and then measuring it to be sure. I'm usually pretty close now that I am no longer trying to delude myself.

    Are you taking body measurements too? The scale isn't always the first, best tool to measure progress. Also, perhaps you need to lower your weight loss expectations? I'm down to losing about a pound a week and there is NOTHING wrong with that. Also, look at averages over time; don't be disappointed with just one or two weeks of slow, or no, weight loss. One thing I've noticed is that by focusing on a numerical goal instead of NSV goals (such as good health) leads to disappointment. For me, I'm going to eat like this for the rest of my life, losing the weight is NOT the end of this journey.

    Edit: I agree with Cerebrus, the fat is really helping me. I eat about 65% of my food from fat, and I wouldn't mind if it were even higher than that!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    take body measurements....scale weight is dependant on so many, many, many things...but body composition is HUGE...

    I have lost 30 lbs in the last year and people think i have lost upwards of 50 or more...because my body composition changed A LOT...

    you can actually gain scale weight but be a smaller size or be more "compact"
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    Same here as Twinmom. I have only lost 40 pounds, but I am the same size as I was last time I was 10 pounds less than I weigh now. My body com changes all the time, I can feel it (it's weird and itchy). I don't measure ( because I am lazy), but I know that if I did, I would see what the scale doesn't tell me. Scales are tools for monitoring, but not the be all, end all of managing how much space your body takes up on the planet.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    I took a peak at your diary and you don't need to go lower in calories at all, but I definitely think you need to up your fat intake. My macros typically reflect between 60-80% fat and I'm losing just fine that way. Try it out for a few weeks and see if it helps you at all.

    My daily calorie allottment is my BMR plus 100 calories (1600) and I almost always hit under it, unintentionally.

    ^^ This, definitely. I think you're not eating enough calories. I'm not sure of your weight/height, but the recommended calorie intake is approximately your weight in lbs X 12, especially if you are fairly active. (i.e. if you are 150 pounds then you should eat about 1800 calories to sufficiently fuel your body).
    You're much better off to eat more and exercise more than to just eat less.
    I made the same mistake early on due to the incorrect notion that lower calories= higher fat loss, and the weight simply didn't drop off until I increased my calories and good fats (coconut oil/milk, olive oil, butter/ghee, olives, avocados).
    I now eat about 1600-1900 calories a day, depending on energy and activity levels, and the fat is still coming off. Although it is not changing rapidly on the scales, my body shape, body fat % and measurements are changing due to muscle gain and toning.
    You have your fat goal set at about 90...achieve it!
    Don't be scared of fat!
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    I stopped doing Bulletproof Coffee, before it always put me over in Calories, and I guess that is why I am confused, because I have been told a Calorie is a Calorie and they do matter, but today I was also told that my Sodium Content is to with that said, I will up my Fat intake again and I'll be more careful with the hidden Salt.
  • mrsdamr
    mrsdamr Posts: 54 Member
    I was going to post the same title this morning. Now mind you - I've only been on Paleo less than a week - I think I'm doing everything okay - and I did have a sushi "cheat" meal last sunday night - but beyond it - I'm not really sure what I am doing wrong. I thought within the the last 2 weeks, i would drop a significant amount of weight - and was disappointed when I got on the scale this morning. I will admit - this past week the exercise hasn't been steady- but most weeks I exercise at least 5-6 days a week. I decided this week to try to really concentrate on just eating right. Any additional insight would be helpful. I have made my diary public. Thank you.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    One thing is that Paleo/Primal is a steady diet calling for steady macros & calories input daily. However, when you don't have much weight to lose, or you have been dieting for a long time, keeping calories low, one thing to try is to stagger calories, with a feast day thrown in once a week to shake up the body. And the feast day will be a BIG caloric day, at least 2x what you are eating on low cal days. Yeah, you WILL see an increase the next day and it WILL hang there for a couple-three days, but then the weight will drop off. It's a frightening perspective for most women to do an over-feeding day. Well, if they are dieting. So many of us are sticklers to the rules and wanting to do things 'right', that we forget that we are part of the nature, and the nature hates precise equations of math and logic. It thrives on ups and downs & extremes.

    Another thing to try is to ajust macros to your workouts. When you have a heavy lifting day, get minimal fat (15%) and lots of carb. When you do cardio or recover, get fats up to 60-80% and keep carbs under 30 g.

    I know all these sounds like balderdash, but it is the only thing that works for me to drop weight. Otherwise I am suck or gain on the cleanest Paleo or Primal. If you want, you can check my blog, it has the record of weight and macros and calories, and shows how this huge refeed day works for me when combined with the workouts.

    The other thing is to review the exclusions you made from your diet and see if they are working for or against you. White potato is one thing that for a lot of people is a bad thing to drop in favor of the sweet potato, if you are active. Dairy is another completely wild card. Seaweed gotta be eaten at least once a week, unless you supplement iodine, or you start suppressing your thyroid. For that reason, careful of cabbages (or eat seaweed).

    Try more wild guesses. Throw in some grapefruit before meals. See if legumes are as scary to you personally as the Primal/Paleo maketh it, or your body actually wants a rice and bean break from meat proteins (or a tablespoon of peanut butter).

    Fat selection - you gotta know your enemy. While olive oil is a go to for many folks, I honestly would drop it because the quality is so dicey. Cooking fattier meats and sparingly using coconut oil and butter mo is better. Then, for women in particular, it is a good idea to experiment with the types of meat that you are eating to see if any is triggering hormonal responses. Less pork & poultry, more wild salmon, other fish and grass-fed beef seem to be better for me (I know, that sounds looney).

    Try a different eating schedule. Fast if you don't, stop fasting if you do. Eat meals at odd times. Walk after each meal or make a dozen of squats.

    Training... everyone knows what's the ebst in the gym, and all that, but OMG, try something different. If you worked for strength, do high volume workout. And vice versa. If you have never touched a weight above 15 lbs, try going under the bar. If all else fails, get a kettlebell. Kettlebells are magic when used properly. Sprint or do HIIT for cardio and cut down time, cut down time, CUT DOWN TIME.

    Remember, food is chemical, body has a mind of a psychopath that is dead sure that the world is about to get you and starve you, and we are all individual.

    Experiment, experiment and experiment.

  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I was going to post the same title this morning. Now mind you - I've only been on Paleo less than a week - I think I'm doing everything okay - and I did have a sushi "cheat" meal last sunday night - but beyond it - I'm not really sure what I am doing wrong. I thought within the the last 2 weeks, i would drop a significant amount of weight - and was disappointed when I got on the scale this morning. I will admit - this past week the exercise hasn't been steady- but most weeks I exercise at least 5-6 days a week. I decided this week to try to really concentrate on just eating right. Any additional insight would be helpful. I have made my diary public. Thank you.

    Eat More Fat!! Seriously. Primal (at least, Dr. Cordain isn't/wasn't as big on the saturated fat) isn't just about less carbs and which carbs, it's also a higher fat WOE. I don't know what your stats are, but I'd also suggest more calories. I've eaten more fat in one meal than you sometimes have all day (though usually after a big workout while fasted).

    I stopped doing Bulletproof Coffee, before it always put me over in Calories, and I guess that is why I am confused, because I have been told a Calorie is a Calorie and they do matter, but today I was also told that my Sodium Content is to with that said, I will up my Fat intake again and I'll be more careful with the hidden Salt.

    I would also suggest you take in more calories in the form of fat (saturated, not PUFAs). I don't believe a calorie is a calorie, which is why I eat more of a Paleo/Primal/lower carb diet.

    Leida's suggestions are all good. It's all about finding what works for YOUR body. But yes, one change at a time to see how your body responds.
  • mrsdamr
    mrsdamr Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you - the thought of adding more fat is very scary!!! I will go buy coconut oil this weekend - and make that change from Olive Oil. I'll keep looking for ideas, and plugging away - hopefully the lbs and inches will drop soon!!!

    As far as Stats - here is history. I started a weight loss journey 6 years ago - I had lost close to 100 following weight watchers, but in the past couple of years - have put back 30. I still had about 10 -20 to go - so now I have about 50lbs to lose. I usually exercise regularly (5-6 days a week), although this past week was the exception. I do a combination of cardio and weights. Usually the weekends are 1 day of cardio - one day of mostly weights. During the week it will be 3-4 days of weight training (with about 20-30 minutes of Cardio) and then 1 full day of weight training.

    So now I am here - and trying to go some place - DOWN.