Ready to start 5x5

stlhrs Posts: 67 Member
OK. So the wife and I are ready to start SL5x5. We aren't new to exercise/fitness. We've done the machines, dumbbells, etc. We are new to barbell training.

We've read the forums, the SL5x5 blogs and papers by Medhi, and watched Medhi's and Mark Rippetoe's form videos on YouTube. We've been working on form (squat in particular) with an empty barbell while waiting for our power rack to arrive (it came in last night!).

I've seen a lot of discussion about doing cardio while doing SL5x5. We both run (have a 4.5mi cross country run in a couple weeks). I personally plan on stopping/cutting back on it because I don't want to hamper the strength/muscle gains. The wife has a fitness class membership (1.5 years left on the membership) so she plans to continue but only doing zumba and pilates (once a week each "pays" for the membership).

We're very excited to start SL5x5. We love how simple it is.

Any advice, tips, or pointers?

Thanks in advance


  • donkraft
    donkraft Posts: 28 Member
    Stay consistent 3x a week. Dont miss workouts. Be patient. Dont go up in weight too fast. Be intense. Stay motivated.