W8D1 - DOWN!

This morning's run seemed a little tougher than past runs. My legs felt a lot 'heavier' than they have in the past. But, I did it.

I've been trying to determine whether I like having music while I run or not, and have come to the conclusion that I don't. When I run in the mornings, I'm finding that I truly enjoy the dark, the quiet, and the sound of my own breathing. I seem to do better in regulating my breathing when I can 'hear' it too.

My dilemma, is that I don't get the opportunity to run any other time besides first thing in the morning (5:30am/6:00am). I signed up for a 5K next month, and it happens at 4pm......I am going to have to figure out a way to get some afternoon runs in place before then!!


  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    My legs have been feeling heavy, too. Hate it! I usually have music, and the mapmyfitness wench comes on every mile and tells me my speed. Some songs put pep in my step, and I need every bit of help I can get! :laugh: Maybe I'll try no music next time and compare. Also, I'm trying different/hilly routes now (vs. the flat oval 1/2 mile track I did for all of C25K), so I probably do need to pay more attention than zoing out to Pandora. :ohwell:
  • NatashaRuz
    My legs have been feeling heavy, too. Hate it! I usually have music, and the mapmyfitness wench comes on every mile and tells me my speed. Some songs put pep in my step, and I need every bit of help I can get! :laugh: Maybe I'll try no music next time and compare. Also, I'm trying different/hilly routes now (vs. the flat oval 1/2 mile track I did for all of C25K), so I probably do need to pay more attention than zoing out to Pandora. :ohwell:

    If you decide to run w/out music, let me know how it goes. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the differences. :)
  • Athenry35
    Athenry35 Posts: 13 Member
    Natasha- Congrats on being so close to the end of the proram! Today is W8D3 for me! I have mapped out a 3.1 mile route and plan to tackle it right after work. My free app died at week 7 day 3 but thankfully I remember what they want me to do and just signed into runmeter so I can start tracking my pace/mileage, etc. I have my first 5k on Thanksgiving morning so a full month to get there.
    Funny you mention music - I can't run without it and found that out mid run the other day. I was at the 1 mile mark and the voice came over to tell me my pace, etc. and it turned my music off! I was scrambling with my ipone (whie running) trying to get it back on! I think music is key for me. I don't like it too loud when I do my morning runs - but the right song/beat can really push me through those tough spots on any given run.

    I am fairly new to MFP and trying to find inspiration from those with similar goals.

    Good luck this week and CONGRATS on finishing the program!

  • NatashaRuz
    Natasha- Congrats on being so close to the end of the proram! Today is W8D3 for me! I have mapped out a 3.1 mile route and plan to tackle it right after work. My free app died at week 7 day 3 but thankfully I remember what they want me to do and just signed into runmeter so I can start tracking my pace/mileage, etc. I have my first 5k on Thanksgiving morning so a full month to get there.
    Funny you mention music - I can't run without it and found that out mid run the other day. I was at the 1 mile mark and the voice came over to tell me my pace, etc. and it turned my music off! I was scrambling with my ipone (whie running) trying to get it back on! I think music is key for me. I don't like it too loud when I do my morning runs - but the right song/beat can really push me through those tough spots on any given run.

    I am fairly new to MFP and trying to find inspiration from those with similar goals.

    Good luck this week and CONGRATS on finishing the program!


    Thank you!! :) And "YAY YOU" for being so close to graduation!!!
    I signed up for a 5K the weekend before Thanksgiving....I'm dreading it!! :)
  • nicosland
    nicosland Posts: 85 Member
    I did week 8 day 1 today and I found it very hard. I have been doing well with the 25 minute runs but this 28 minute run was harder. I was running against super high winds and it just beat me out. I think I'm going to repeat a few days of week 7 again and then give week 8 another go. I do enjoy it though. I get such a feeling of accomplishment when I complete a run, and it's such a great calorie burn.
  • kmudica
    kmudica Posts: 29
    I have noticed I have some good runs and some days are just harder than others. I just keep going and look forward to the better runs...
  • nicosland
    nicosland Posts: 85 Member
    I went to repeat week 7 day 3 yesterday and felt so good while doing it that I ended up jogging for 30 minutes instead of 25 minutes. What a difference a couple of days makes! Now I can't wait for tomorrow so that I can do it again! Mind you I jog on relatively level terrain, staying away from hills for the time being. I'm very slow at it but hopefully over time that will improve as well.

    I'm thinking about entering a 5k called the Resolution Run which is held on New Years Eve. It's a nice casual untimed run that I think will keep me from being super nervous. I'm almost up to the total distance of a 5K so I think by then I should be ready!
  • NatashaRuz
    I went to repeat week 7 day 3 yesterday and felt so good while doing it that I ended up jogging for 30 minutes instead of 25 minutes. What a difference a couple of days makes! Now I can't wait for tomorrow so that I can do it again! Mind you I jog on relatively level terrain, staying away from hills for the time being. I'm very slow at it but hopefully over time that will improve as well.

    I'm thinking about entering a 5k called the Resolution Run which is held on New Years Eve. It's a nice casual untimed run that I think will keep me from being super nervous. I'm almost up to the total distance of a 5K so I think by then I should be ready!

    Awesome Nico!!

    I didn't run for a few days (due to hurricane) and did Week8D3 this morning. It was a struggle...but I finished. Slower than usual, but finished. I'm now dreading to face Week 9!! :)
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    Great Job!