Welcome one & all of MFP's semi-vertically challenged :]



  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    @ DorkothyParke. I thought that I would nose my way into the conversation regarding breastfeeding. You probably know this anyways, but since you are just getting started breastfeeding, don't go below 1700-1800 cals/day. You don't want to hurt your supply for your little one. a good website is www.kellymom.com.

    My youngest son(3) is almost weaned. I don't care if anyone wants to jibe me about extended bfing. out of my 3 wonderful sons, he is the only one I was able to breastfeed.

    I just wanted to help out.
  • Ani45
    Ani45 Posts: 47
    Hello :) Can I join you?

    I am 5'3 and around 140lbs. I want to be 110 as my frame is really small and at 140 I look like a giant :D

    So how many calories are you eating ? It seems like I cant find the "right" amount of calories for me to lose hm :/
  • jennyjenn2
    Hi ladies :).. I'm Jenn, I joined MFP awhile ago cause i was doing WW but had a hard time writing down everything and calculating my points so I found this app worked better for me. Anyway I'm married and a mother of 2 boys ..ones 4yrs and the newest addition is 3wks old.. I was doing good losing weight until I ended up pregnant and I didn't want this pregnancy to be like the last where I gained 65lbs. So I did my best to cut my cravings and only gained 13.6lbs however I'm still not happy with my weight and I don't want to use 'I just had a baby' as an excuse..which I did after my first son :/.. So I've been trying really hard to stay focused this time around so I can get to my goal weight! I wish you all luck on your weight loss journey! :)
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Squid. I'm 21, 5' 3.5" and as of putting my name on the spreadsheet, the heaviest person here. I'm California born and raised but currently on the East Coast for university. I'm an art major, which is why my icon isn't a photo. xD

    The reason I want to lose weight is mostly because I would like to avoid the diabetes that runs in my family, but also because I've been fat all my life. I want a chance to feel beautiful for once!
    Oh Squid I am sure we have seen heavier on MFP! :] Don't ever feel weird. I always say overweight is overweight, if it is 10lbs of 100lbs, it is the same issue. You are no more accountable than any other person. I seriously tried, but I have to ask, is your real name squid? lol

    Haha, nope. You got me. My real name is Shayna.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Verity1111 : Pics in brown shirt are underweight at about 97 lbs (my skin, hair, and appearance was ghastly.) I really should take those down because I am not proud of that weight. The ones with me and the cake are about 110-113 lbs. I was rather healthy at this weight. My pink hair is 41 weeks pregnant so you can see some roundness in my face and a bit of fat under my chin. I dyed my hair pink for my maternity leave as I won't have another chance until I retire! ;)

    tabbykat6802: I have my calories set to 1450 but add a -300 kcal for breastfeeding putting me up to 1750. I keep at 1700-1800 total. Fiona is primarily breastfed, but I was supplementing early and had some supply issues. Now I supplement about 3-4 oz/day to help contend with the pre-bedtime fussies. She will literally clusterfeed for 4-5 hours every night and eventually there is nothing there so I will give her 2 oz before returning her to the breast so she doesn't get frustrated. She doesn't latch well when she is frustrated so I figure it's worth it.
    I am trying to pump in the mornings when I have excess, but I am not yielding very much. I just recently started taking fenugreek so hopefully that helps.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    @ Ani welcome! Sure you can join us :] I sort of calorie cycle. I eat a bit more or less each day. My calories are currently set at 1400. I had them at 1300, but it gave me a bad feeling maybe it was too low. Try it?

    If you put in your information and scroll down it says "7 day zig-zag" OR You can figure it out yourself. You basically pick the average calories per day you want and mix them up each day, but still keep the average the same. For example, if you want 1500 calories per day, you could try:
    Sun 1800
    Mon 1300
    Tue 1500
    Wed 1300
    Thu 1400
    Fri 1500
    Sat 1700
    Total: 10,500
    Average 10,500 divided by 7 = 1500

    It may work, or it may not, but it is worth a try if you need a new approach to your diet. I also noticed I retain water sometimes and drinking more water keeps me from retaining what I have prior.

    @ jenny You sound like you went through the same as me. I was pregnant with my daughter in '09 and gained 60-70lbs, but with my son, who is 7 months old, I only gained 10-15lbs. :] I also am trying to knock off the pounds as well as tightening my skin on my tummy. Welcome!

    @ Squid That sounds more usual! I like Shayna, but I am a bit sad that I can't brag about knowing someone named Squid. lmso

    @ Dorkothy or for breast cancer awareness this month, no? Lol.
  • acrynne
    acrynne Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you so much for starting a group for shorties! I'm 5'3" (almost.) and currently weigh 195. OUCH! But, I'm better off now than when I started two months ago (at 221!)
  • MelissaSue810
    Thank you for starting this group! I love the group logo! I agree that it is hard to be "short" and keep the weight off and every extra pound shows! :( I m 5'3.5" I recently hit my highest weight of 138 and was mad at myself. I got married two years ago and I think I let myself go. I also just finished graduate school last December (2011) and I used stress from school and work as an excuse to eat anything I wanted. I learned the hard way I can't do that anymore. I am down to 130 now with a goal weight of 120 (I think).

    I couldn't get the chart/grid to open. Anyone else having trouble?
    Looking forward to this journey together.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Megan and I have a 10 year old daughter. When I got pregnant, I weighed 104 and gave birth to her at 136. The weight fell off after I had her and I was back down to 105 but I gradually gained weight over the years as my metabolism slowed down. I just got married last year and before the wedding had gotten up to 138 and managed to get down to 127.5 for the wedding. Now it's a year later and since the wedding, I had gotten back up to 136.6. We are going to Florida and on a cruise for our anniversary and I'm trying to get back down to my wedding weight before the trip. I'm 129.8 as of today so I'm very close with only 13 days left before vacation! It will be great to be able to compare with people of similar size!
  • kelewis083
    kelewis083 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Ya'll! I'm 21 years old and a fellow 5'4'er! I just got out of a 2 and a half year relationship and through out it gained about 40 lbs! I'm getting back into shape and looking to take off those pounds I've gained over the past few years. I could use all the motivation I can get as I have been on my journey for about 3 months and have hit a plateu.

    Starting weight: 151
    Current weight: 143
    Goal weight: 120
  • cklapk1
    cklapk1 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello! I am 5'4" as of now have lost 15 pounds (I started before MFP). (: I am a college freshman and just want to get in shape. Feel free to add me!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    @ acrynne Wow! nice loss :] I lost about 25lbs too, but on and off because I lost somewhere around 5 and ended up pregnant. 19 lost since. Lots of luck and thanks for joining us in our little possy. lol

    @ Melissa Sue I love the logo too LOL I was looking for one relating to height and weight forever, but when I seen that one I thought it was adorable and kept it. 138 isn't too shabby! I'm sure whatever you're comfortable with you can hit 120 with no issues, especially with only 10 left now. Were you ever able to open our worksheet?

    @ Megan I keep hearing about metabolism slowing down and I don't like it even a little. Lol. Just 2lbs left to go for you! You can make it I'm sure and we will be here every step of the way and after if you need to maintain it or drop anymore pounds. :] If you need help just ask in a discussion. Same for everyone. Please feel free to make discussions when you like. I told the system to allow all members to add discussions.

    @ kelewis083 40lbs for a relationship gain must be annoying, so we definitely need to help you work it out, or work out! lol. It seems like a lot of people gain weight in relationships. I am sure you can get out of the plateau as I have hit some (for a very short time), so if you want some help or ideas let me know.

    @ cklapk1 I'm a full-time student as well, but in my third semester. :] It is pretty awesome that other people are gaining their freshman 15 while you lose yours. Nice work.!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Megan and I have a 10 year old daughter. When I got pregnant, I weighed 104 and gave birth to her at 136. The weight fell off after I had her and I was back down to 105 but I gradually gained weight over the years as my metabolism slowed down. I just got married last year and before the wedding had gotten up to 138 and managed to get down to 127.5 for the wedding. Now it's a year later and since the wedding, I had gotten back up to 136.6. We are going to Florida and on a cruise for our anniversary and I'm trying to get back down to my wedding weight before the trip. I'm 129.8 as of today so I'm very close with only 13 days left before vacation! It will be great to be able to compare with people of similar size!

    Forgot to say I'm also 5'4"! :)
  • MelissaSue810
    Thanks for the welcome! I still couldn't get the grid open. Am I the only one? I tried on my iPad and now on my computer as well.

    It is great to see so many people in similar situations. :)
  • mjmbjmgjm1
    mjmbjmgjm1 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi!!! My name is Melody. I am 25yrs. 5'3 and currently 238lbs. I work full time and have 3 children (6, 3, 7mo). I have been overweight most of my life. It didn't bother me a lot until I noticed that my unhealthy habits were affecting my children. So I began this journey recently and I am determined to reach all my goals and along the way teach my children healthy habits :)
  • andrea2787
    andrea2787 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello all! Sorry for the delay in posting - things got crazy around here!

    So, my name is Andrea :) I'm 25 years old, and currently working on getting my masters degree in social work - should be graduating in May! I don't have any children, but I do live at home with my parents (my Dad is disabled and my mother is often too depressed to function - I plan to move out when I graduate though). I have an internship two days a week and I go to class two days a week.

    I've struggled with my weight for a very, very long time. As a child I was overweight. I don't want to be overweight anymore. I'm determined to become the person I need and want to be. :)
  • allgoodthings
    allgoodthings Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, all. I've hit a month-long plateau and I'm hoping that the added encouragement this group will be just the thing I need to push past it.

    I started at 160 and am striving for 130 (currently 143). I workout at least 5 days a week. I was on 1200 net calories (MFP setting), it worked for awhile (bye bye 17 pounds), but then...nada. So I read "In place of a road map" and adjusted to 1500. It's only been 2 weeks but still no budge on the scale. I have started lifting 2 days a week, so I'm going to give it another 2 weeks and pay attention to my measurements.

    Has anyone here broken their plateau?
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    Hi there!
    I'm back from traveling (12 days +1lbs) and looking forward to bring those pounds down. It's nice to be a member of a group of similar minded and vertically shaped women. Thank you!
    I'm 5'3'' (160 cm) and weigh 67 kg (147 lbs?) at the moment. And I'm used to the metric measurements as you can see, as I'm living in Europe.

    I'm 35 years old (this is going to change in a week...), single (in divorce), dancer, dance teacher and dance therapist. I'm relatively new diagnosed with pro/ir and knowing about this really helps me to understand what happens with my body and why I gain or lose weight...

    Take are everyone and enjoy your day!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Hello fellow shorties!!!!! :)

    My name is Diana, I'm 5 ft 1.5 inches (and we all know that 1/2 inch totally counts!) and I'm a single mom to an 11 yr old son. I am newly engaged (as of Christmas 2012!) and have moved in with my fiance and his twins who are 12, so needless to say my life just got much busier! But, this has been a good thing because it has made me really see how completely out of shape I let myself get and how much I let myself go! My fiance has a daughter, and being around her has brought back my love for fashion and makeup (she's just starting to want to wear makeup and starting to see things that are fashionable) and it made me realize that I can't afford much of the stuff that is fashionable for my size, and the ultimate butt-kicker for me has been going to the doctor recently and realizing that I am HYPERTENSIVE! I need to be on medication but I begged the doctor to try to let me reduce my BP with some healthier eating and exercise because and he said if I don't show a significant improvement in 4-6 weeks then I will need to be on medication... so this is what has lead me to MFP! I originally only did the free app on the phone, not realizing there was a whole community on here, I just thought it was an app to help me do my calorie count, so I've recently started exploring the web site and seeing what is here.

    I hope to find some people like me, or different with an ultimate goal of being healthy and happy! Best of luck to everyone and encouragement and advice is ALWAYS welcome in my corner of the world!!
