Started Running, Stopped Loosing


Over the past two weeks I have been losing an average of 4lbs a week. Last Sunday I started the Couch to 5K program and since then I have not lost any weight.

I was looking for suggestions on what I may be doing wrong? I am not eating back my calories at this point and have been averaging 1500 calories, which is less than the 1900 suggested by MFP. Could it be I'm not eating enough?




  • sophieclarev
    Have you considered the possible muscle gain? Sorry if that isn't helpful I'm not an expert. Also have been told that the work you do this week will show up in the next two to three weeks. Good Luck
  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27
    No, honestly I didn't consider that, thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will keep going and see what turns up!


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I'd be taking measurements too, these are a better gauge of progress, weight will vary all over the place. :)
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    It may well be that you aren't eating enough and your body is retaining what it's got incase it 'doesn't get more'. 1500 seems kind low for a guy who's exercising. Is the running replacing some other type or exercise?
    Also, I saw a documentary once (not that this makes it true...) on a group of out of shape (only slightly overweight, not obese) folks that went from sedentary to a marathon- with physician and scientists testing, charting, overseeing, gathering data... And all got healthier- better heart rates, blood pressures, lab reports, ... but no one lost weight except the one gal who also added weight training to her fitness regiment. Food for thought-
  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27
    Interesting thoughts everyone.

    I went literally from couch potato losing weight to running as part of the C25K program and the weight loss stopped. My average "run" consumes 400kcal but I have not eaten more than I did before, so that tends to point to not eating enough from my perspective.

    Still trying to figure out my body and how it wants to work, lol

  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27

    I just followed this measurement process and according to it, I'm eating nearly 1000 calories less than I should.. I'm not sure what to think about that..

  • Chicagolopez
    Chicagolopez Posts: 39 Member
    Here are my two cents, I am answering because I saw your post under the low carb heading so I would suggest you go over to Mark's Daily apple web site and read about your conditions and how low carb can help you.

    My own story is that I cycled for a month and could not lose weight then when I went low cal then primal my weight came of and has stay off. I am at 216 right now and I was at 250 4 years ago.
  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27
    Here are my two cents, I am answering because I saw your post under the low carb heading so I would suggest you go over to Mark's Daily apple web site and read about your conditions and how low carb can help you.

    My own story is that I cycled for a month and could not lose weight then when I went low cal then primal my weight came of and has stay off. I am at 216 right now and I was at 250 4 years ago.

    Interesting that you mention that as I have been looking at the Primal information and learning more about it. I have to say that as part of the low carb eating style, I don't eat grains anymore and my stomach has become much more "stable".

    Thanks for the information!

  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    You could try eating back your extra expended calories for a week and see if it changes your weight loss. Take measurements as well though, as you may be losing fat and gaining muscle (muscle weighs more than fat).
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Chicken wings is a great fix for 1000 calories too little for the day.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I started running early this year. Did my first 5K (on the treadmill) in March and that got me serious about running as my main form of exercise. Sometime in April I hit the mid 180's and kinda got stuck there. That freaked me out because I had hit a plateau last fall and didn't lose for 3 month. The only way out of it was when I doubled my workouts. Thought I'd better hit it hard again so I started running more and more. I would be on the treadmill 2-3 hours a day 5-6 days a week. I also teach an aerobics class 3x a week. I stayed yo-yo'ing the same couple of pounds for 6 months.

    Last weekend someone sent me an article on chronic cardio and it was an eye opener. I went to the Dr Tuesday to see if he could help me target a healthy, realistic goal weight (I was aiming 130 and he said 150 till he realized fitness was my goal and he revised that to 160), and when he heard how much I was working out, he told me to cut that to an hour of running every other day.

    I haven't cut back quite that far, I'm running an hr every other day, but I've added strength training and I walk 4 miles on my strength days and I've already dropped several pounds this week. A big drop the day he gave me a water pill, but I'm still dropping daily several days later.

    I joked to someone that it's like my body is breathing a huge sigh of relief. LOL

    Anyways, I don't know if chronic cardio is your issue...are you running daily? I don't know if you've been doing it long enough that it's chronic cardio, but at the very least maybe you can avoid getting to that point.

    I'd say add strength if you aren't already.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    If you are new to working out/running, your muscles could just be holding onto a bit of water as they heal/build. It goes away.
  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27
    I have cranked up my calorie goal from 1900 to 2200 and will try harder to reach it as I think this may be my primary problem. I am also paying more attention to what I am eating. I haven't had a problem staying away from carbs, averaging 20g a day, but my protein and fat percentages have been the opposite of what they should be, much more protein than fat.

    I'll try this for a week or two and see how my body responds.

    I have just started exercising via the Couch to 5K program and I was literally on the couch before I started, so my body may be in shock trying to figure out what has happened to it.. lol

    Thank you everyone for your help!

  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Excess protein can definitely stall you.

    As the body cannot store it the liver will just turn any that you don't need for maintenance into glucose (gluconeogenesis) and you are effectively running on sugar as opposed to a fat/ketone mixture, which is the goal for most low-carbers.

    He's not to everyone's taste but Jimmy Moore has been through this, he's a dedicated low-carber but found himself gaining back on too much protein. Right now he's running at 80 to 90% calories from fat doing "nutritional ketosis" ... this I would suggest is extreme for an average guy but erring on the side of more fat can't be a bad thing. I'd aim for 65% minimum by calories initially.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    4 lbs per week is alot! if you kept losing that much month after month you'd shrivle and die. The body is smarter than that it wants to live. Relax and give the scale a break.
  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27
    Excess protein can definitely stall you.

    As the body cannot store it the liver will just turn any that you don't need for maintenance into glucose (gluconeogenesis) and you are effectively running on sugar as opposed to a fat/ketone mixture, which is the goal for most low-carbers.

    He's not to everyone's taste but Jimmy Moore has been through this, he's a dedicated low-carber but found himself gaining back on too much protein. Right now he's running at 80 to 90% calories from fat doing "nutritional ketosis" ... this I would suggest is extreme for an average guy but erring on the side of more fat can't be a bad thing. I'd aim for 65% minimum by calories initially.

    That is what I changed my fat % to and somehow managed to eat all of my calories yesterday. I am finding cheese type snacks helpful on both accounts.

  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27
    Will do, I was more curious about the correlation with running, which is why I brought the point up.. :)

  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I always retain water when I start exercising after not doing it for a while, and have a 2-3 week stall. Maybe that's it?
  • BertoJG
    BertoJG Posts: 27
    I always retain water when I start exercising after not doing it for a while, and have a 2-3 week stall. Maybe that's it?

    That could be, I will give it another week and see what happens. I have been such a sloth for so long, I'm sure my body is in shock. :)
