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  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    Hi my name is Geri Leigh, I am currently living in Knoxville, TN moved here feb 2012 not because we wanted too hubby has a great job that is too good to turn down. We left our home in San Antonio but plan to return someday.

    I'm 41, Mother of 4, my 23 yr old is in Texas, my 17yr old is going to school in England ( Hubby is English) and my to little ones are here Stone 5 and Ava 3, they keep me on my toes so I need to stay fit for them and of course myself.

    Love to exercise, and eat healthy but love the wine also which leads to eating more than I should, I am trying to loose the 8-10 pounds I've gained since moving to Knoxville, I refuse to buy bigger jeans and winter is fast approaching, leggins are my favorite at the moment until I can comfortably wear my jeans again.

    I don't know anyone here in Knoxville, so joining this group will be my escape from my hectic life,

    Thank you ladies

  • jcpreader

    Thank you so much for the invite to this group - I am definately in the right place!

    I am 53 and divorced with two boys, 19 and 16. I would like to have a new man in my life but not sure how to find him.

    I am at the stage in life where I am really realising how short it is. On a bit of a treadmill at the moment (life treadmill not the gym), and would love to travel more, have more adventures and generally challenge myself more.

    I had always been very slim until a few years ago when I went through a bad patch in life and stopped being active, drank way too much and piled on the pounds and got pretty bloated.

    I'm here to not only lose the pounds and get fit but also enjoy myself again.

    My hobbies are going to see a good film, reading (just bought a kindle fire), travelling and seeing friends.

    Have a great week and nice to meet you all

  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi my name is Sherry,

    Thank you Alice for inviting me to your group this is my first group invite!! I am 56 yrs old soon to be 57 this thursday nov 1st. I'm happily married to my husband Andy of soon to be 22yrs, we do not have children together but a daughter 37 who is married to a wonderful man and we have three wonderful grandsons 14, 12, 9 love them to pieces, a son 31 who is still single going to back to school, lost his job during recession and is staying with us until next year after he graduates college!! I love mfp and i have lost 31 lbs and have 12 lbs to go to reach my goal weight. My husband and i love Rving, have a motorhome but don't travel to far just yet, only to local area campgrounds. I quit smoking 12 yrs ago and gained about 50lbs , tried WW and lost about 32 lbs then gained some back so this year i found MFP and started using it lost 8lbs then on july 13th I signed up with the Metabolic Research Center for Weight loss and have been following their program now for 15 wks and lost 23 lbs so far making a total of 32 lbs down.
    SW: 189
    CW: 157
    GW: 145

    goodluck to all the ladies on here and look forward to hearing from everyone!
  • Runner50266
    My name is Sandra and I'm from Iowa. I just turned 48. I'm divorced with a teenage boy (egads)! Actually he is wonderful I'm kidding!

    I have almost lost 50 pounds. I started by running in April and doing strength training and I just added to my regimine what is for sure to be a new love--yoga. I am always a go, go go type of person but my Yoga instructor is amazing and it feels SO good!

    i've struggled with binge eating for years and finally started seeing someone about it. He is amazing and has really helped me understand my emotional eating. I am no longer pre-diabetic YAY!

    I do have a toxic relationship with ice cream. :-) There are just some things that I have to stay away from. I try and eat as clean as possible and I eat 3 meals, 3 snacks to keep my blood sugar level even because when it dips and I get too hungry that is when trouble starts.

    I look forward to getting to know you. please feel free to friend me as well.

  • Aussielooser
    Aussielooser Posts: 139 Member
    Hi I am new to the group Opps I forgot to post in here first so will do it now before I head to bed. :)

    I am a mum of 2 adult children and have been divorced for 10 years- No man in my life as I have been concentrating on raising my children and one of these children my son has a couple of chronic illnesses so all my time has been either at home or in the hospital with him. I am a Civil marriage celebrant by trade and love what I do in my spare time. I not only do weddings I also do other ceremonies.

    I enjoy doing lunch even though this is few and far between when I do it I enjoy it.

    I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in July of this year and have lost almost 30kg;s since then .

    Please feel free to add me as a friend- friends are so very important especially on the journey we are on now. :flowerforyou:
  • RunswithFred
    RunswithFred Posts: 14 Member
    Hi There, my name is Anne, and I live in Guelph, Ontario. Thank you for the invitation. This looks like a fun and spirited group. :wink: I have been married to my best friend for 21+ years. We have no kids, but we do have one cat who is my little sweetie. I have worked full time for the past 19 years in the financial industry. I have been "dieting" for years, but with my 50th birthday (yikkes) looming in the near future (January), I decided that this was the time to do something about my weight. I did originally join Weight Watchers on line and lost 20+ pounds there. Then a very dear friend, Deborah encouraged me to move to this site. Since doing so, my motivation has been renewed, and the weight loss continues. I have met some wonderful people on this site, and we do have a lot of fun. I try to exercise at least 5 days per week. I want to turn 50 closer to my ideal weight, and enter that decade healthier, stronger, and hopefully wiser.

    I enjoy gaming (on my Nintendo DS), watching and reading syfy and horror fiction. My favourite day is spent puttering around the house, cooking and watching old movies on Turner Classic Movies. Hubby and I tend to be home bodies, but we enjoy going out to the occassional movie, shopping and going to restaurants from time to time with good friends.
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    Hi! My name is Linda and I turned 60 this year. I've been with MFP for 2 years and have lost 30 pounds - unfortunately, due to a crazy summer (kids returned from Peace Corps, daughter got married, etc.), I gained 10 pounds. I'm down 5 again and am working to lose the other 5 + another 5 (I hope!!!!).
    I walk a lot plus use my Gazelle pretty much every day. I'm more fit than I was at 50 and probably more fit than I was at 40 - all thanks to MFP!
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Thank you for the invite! I am Kim and live in the South East of the UK. I am 41 and three quarters and have 2 teenage boys, 4 cats, a dog, a hamster and a lovely boyfriend! I work as an Estate Agent and absolutely hate my job (sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day). I love going out with my friends and boyfriend. I have only been on here for 5 weeks. I have lost 4lbs, or had until I had a bad week (haven't braved the scales yets!) but am determined to lose the 28lbs I have gained over the past couple of years.
    Everyone on here seems so encouraging and friendly.
    I normally don't eat back my calories so that I can go out for a large glass of wine or 6 at the weekends but starting to think this may be stopping me from losing weight as I tend to have a bad food day the morning after (which sometimes lasts 2 days!)
    Anyone feel free to add me. I look forward to getting to know you all on this site
  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    Thank you for the invite. My name is Jodi, I live in Pittsburgh, PA and I am 40 years old, married for 15 years and have 2 boys 9 and 11 and one girl who is 2 1/2.....they all keep me very busy. I have never been terribly overweight but after I had my last daughter I had a really hard time loosing the weight. We had a weight race at work and then I found this site through one of the other participants so I started watching what I ate and exercising and I have lost most of it. I have about 6 or 7 more pounds that I would like to lose but I still have a huge stomach and really need to tone up. When I hit 40 I decided to go back to school so I'm on my second semester (just one class at a time) and it's getting really hard to work full time and take care of 3 kids and go back to after this semester I may put it on hold and wait until my youngest is a little older.
    Since this semester has started I again became lazy and not exercising but I'm still watching what I eat so I haven't put the weight back on but the holiday's are coming and I really need to start taking better care of myself.

    I really don't have too many hobbies since I've had kids but I still love to read and I used to cross stitch but haven't done that in a long time. I am also a little bit of a shopaholic but mostly for the kids especially since I've had a daughter...there is way too much cute clothes for little girls.
  • lucht
    lucht Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks so much for the invitation to join your wonderful group.
    I am a lady over 40 who is enjoying this site very much (although at this point I am only logging in).

    I love new recipes, tips, ideas and support and I love being involved with a group of women. Women friendships are a priority in my life.

    I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • Dianne1
    Dianne1 Posts: 19 Member
    HI first I would like to thank Alice for the invitation to join the group. I am going to be 60 next month. I have been "dieting" pretty much for all of my adult years. And even though I have been on and off MFP numerous times I rejoined May 25/12 with a new determination. Having painfully arthritis in my right knee and my love for walking spurred me on. MFP is a lifestyle change and I am thrilled to sal that as of Sundays I have lost 30 lbs and have 11 more to go. We can all use all the support we can get and am very happy to be a new member to the group!
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    Hi and thanks for the invitation!

    My name is Jennifer, 46, and I live in Glendale, Az. There are lots of mountains here so it's a great place to hike. I hike about 3 times a week. Recently started biking and discovered all the bike trails here as well. As a family, we have started biking's awesome!

    I'm the mom of 3 boys. My youngest son is 11 and my middle son is 25. My oldest son passed away in April of 2010, he was 25. It's been hard not to be an emotional eater. I've been fighting it. Before he passed, I was exercising almost every day. When he passed, I quit exercising for about 6 months....starting exercising again for a few months then stopped again and started eating more. Found this site through a friend and was horrified how many calories/sugar I was consuming. Decided to give it a try and it's working! I've become more active as well, trying to do some sort of exercise everyday.

    I have 2 part time jobs which I absolutely love.

    I love QT! Every morning I get my unsweetened green tea!
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Hello and thanks for the invite to join this group.

    I'm 48 and started getting serious about exercising and eating healthier in 2009. Joined WW online and after losing 30 lbs & reaching my goal, gained bacl 10 lbs and was on the yo-yo to get it off for good. Ran my first 5K last Sept and another this Sept and beat my last year time by a minute or so.

    I exercise for a min of 30 min a day and have made Monday's my active rest days where I usually just walk. When it was warmer I would walk our dogs but now that it's getting lighter later and darker earlier I use our treadmill in the a.m.'s. I like morning exercising best so I make sure to fit it in in. I switch between JMichaels workout DVD's, running on the treadmill and I also use our exercise bike.

    I quit WW on line last fall because I was yo-yoing the 10 lbs and got tired of paying for my lack of being able to keep it off. I continued to track "points" in a small notebooks but finally decided to upgrade my cell phone so I could track calories on-line and found MFP.

    My hubs and I have 3 kids, the youngest is a jr in HS and busier than ever so we're adjusting to more alone time :) Our middle child moved out in Aug and our oldest is a sr in college. I used to like baking treats for my family but have moved beyond that with healthier eating and enjoy trying new meal recipes now. But my go-to meal is still a salad. My family jokes that if I try a new recipe its usually is a new-to-me/us way of cooking chicken -- but I'm ok with that.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone here!
  • pattyk0517
    pattyk0517 Posts: 5 Member
    Alice and group ~ thanks for the invite! My name is Patty and I'm 45. I've got two teenage kids (ages 11 and 14). My husband is supportive in my losing weight. He cooks for himself and kids while I go exercise. I try to eat healthy during the week (day) but the weekends and evenings are my downfall. I'm great during the day but come night time, I love to munch on chips, etc and will have my glass of wine on the weekends. Hence, I have the yo-yo effect and will lose 3 lbs and then gain them back. I wish to lose 20 lbs.
  • ladylemoncurd
    Hi, I'm Julia - live on the Yorkshire Coast in the UK. I love cooking and baking in particular and do still have cake, only smaller pieces

    I love entertaining too and can happily spend hours menu planning - am currently doing my Christmas season menus and apart from the traditional Christmas Lunch, I'm doing lots of Moroccan. My favourite recipe book is called Moro and it's sort of mediterranean with an eastern slant. Yum.

    Work full time and have a dh (who is also a member here) and 2 daughters.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Thank you for the invite. My name is Silvana, I'm 52 and live in Northern Ontario Canada in a very small isolated town. The nearest city of 80,000 is about 2.5 hours away. I am a mother of two grown sons (ages 29 & 31) and a grandmother or "nonna" to one beautiful granddaughter.

    I have every major chronic illness in my family, so my genes are trying ot work against me. I have been active all my life, but at the same time have had to battle my weight. I currently have about 15-20 lbs to lose, and am fortuante to not have any of those chronic diseases that claimed the life of both my parents and my eldest brother.

    I am a marathon runner and ran my first Ultra run this past summer with my husband. We celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary on the 12th of July and on the 14th ran a 55km moutain trail run together (our first big run together as hubby is not a runner).

    Besides almost every outdoor activity, I love to cook and entertain, read, listen to music and watch movies.

    Look forward to getting to know you. :happy:
  • BettyIW
    BettyIW Posts: 103
    Hi, I am 63 years old and live in Minnesota. My husband and I work part-time with an agency that takes special need individuals on their desired vacations. Consequently, we travel frequently--one or two trips a month. Eating out so much gets to be challenging! When we are able to be in a vacation home and do some cooking, we are able to eat healthier. And to top things off, I have discovered I am NOT able to eat salads in restaurants. Let's just say It has a very negative effect on my body!! Not good! How close is the bathroom????? They must spray some preservative on the veggies or something......not good for me! :grumble:

    We always had a busy household and I was always cooking for 7 people most the time. Now we are empty nesters and cooking for two is challenging. But I'm learning............I don't try out new recipes as often as I once did because of being empty nesters. My husband used to call me the recipe queen.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Hi all! My name is Kim & I live in Columbia Missouri. I turned 40 this year. I'm 5'3" and want to loose about 20 lbs. I've lost & regained about 15 in the last couple of years. Not an excuse but about a year and a half ago I had hip surgery. Prior to surgery I was at 145 but with the pain I had I couldn't walk or do much of anything. Its been a long road and I am working through some issues in physical therapy still. So exercise can be tricky but I am trying!

    Anywho--I have 4 beautiful children & home school 3 of them while the 4th is already flown the coop to college.

    Short term goals for me--move my body 4x a week, get the soda out of my house(serious weakness for Pepsi), get more VEGETABLES in my menu.

    Blessings . . . .

    My oldest son goes to college in Fayette, MO. CMU!! LOL!
  • ljdavis1223
    Hi my name is Leilani. I am 58 and just starting this process. I really need to lose a lot but I will take anything I can get. I will be 60 in December of 2013 and would like to lose between 60-100 pounds by then. I live in WV and have 2 grown married children, a son in Philadelphia and a daughter in St Louis , 3 grandchildren and another due in April. My husband and I own an insurance agency and I manage the offices. I am having knee trouble with my left knee causing problems with exercising.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,050 Member
    Hi, I'm Vicky from East Tennessee. I am 53, 5' 6" tall, and currently at 135 pounds. I have been a widow for 6 years. We had no children, but he had 2 who were grown when we got married. So, I have 2 step-children and 5 step-grandchildren ranging in age from 21 to 5 months who all live in FL, so I don't get to see them as often as I would like.

    I am retired from the Air Force and now substitute teach, just to make a little extra money...very little, and get out of the house and be around kids. I also volunteer a lot for Relay For Life, as my husband died of brain cancer. I am on the county committee for the event and an active member of a team, so that takes up a lot of my time also.

    I am one of those people who have tried all sorts of diets and would lose and gain back. That's why the yoyo part of my username. I got serious about my weight loss in Sept of last year and started using MFP like I should in January. From my highest weight, I have lost 31 pounds, 25 since January, which is what my ticker shows. I have surpassed my original goal weight and would like to lose about 5 more, just so I can have some wiggle room and not feel guilty about overindulging every once in a while. I credit my success to counting calories and running, which I started in earnest in Sept last year. I can now run a little over an hour non-stop...5.3 miles. I'm very proud of that accomplishment as I have never been a runner.

    When I was married, I loved to cook and try new things. After my husband died, it took about 4 years before I cooked much at all. I just didn't see the use in cooking for myself. I ate a lot of peanut butter and frozen meals. I still don't cook as much as I should and would love to find some good, quick meals for one.

    I am looking forward to interacting with everyone and will spend some more time reading up on who everyone is when I have the time.