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  • Megdonald1
    Megdonald1 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the invite.

    My name is Meg. I am 43. I don't have any idea of how much weight I want to lose. I have lost 37 pounds and I like (for the most part) how my body looks now. My goal was 165 but that might be too low. ANYWAY.... I live in Durham NC. I love to eat. I love to cook. I hate feeling like I am continually cooking the SAME OLD THING! Living in the south means we don't generally cook healthy so I am hopeing for some new ideas on old comfort foods! With the holidays coming up baking is my passion! I am super excited to be involved in this group and hope we can all get support and great ideas from one another.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Hi I'm Helen. I live in the UK, in West Yorkshire, with my partner, 1 cat and 4 chickens. No children, but I do have a nephew who I try and see as often as possible. I joined MFP in September, but I'd been losing weight since April using Fitday. MFP is easier to use as it has UK specific foods on here and I don't have to enter much from scratch.

    I have gradually been putting on weight for the past few years, but started a new job with a lot of travel, a lot of staying over in hotels and hence a lot of eating out and went up from 148lbs to 169lbs in about 2 years, when I realised I was over 12 stone and starting to have to buy size 16 clothes and had gone up from a 36C to a 38D bra I decided I had better do something about it before I got any older and it became harder. I'm 5'9" so I decided 147lbs would be a good target.

    I got down to about 150 in the summer and had a bit of a break whilst I went on holiday - well you can't go to Italy and not eat all that lovely food. Then we had a few music festivals and so that meant eating rubbish and drinking beer. I had a couple of months break and started again in September. Since then I've shifted the last 3 stubborn lbs.

    My aims are to keep the weight off, keep running 3 times a week and keep eating healthily. I wasn't too bad at the latter when I was at home, I just needed to be more aware of portion sizes. I need to try and eat more healthily when I'm away too, although there is a lot of temptation around with all that nice food. So no more starters, just main course and if it's just me I think I can dispense with the glass of wine. Sometimes. I now try and book into hotels that have a gym, and I'll get up early and go to the gym before going to visit clients.

    Phew that was a long one.

  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Thanks for the invite! So many stories on here sound so similar to mine.

    I am a young 48 year old who is happily married to the man of my dreams! My husband is younger than me and keeps on my toes! I have one grown son who I am very proud of, he did 4 years in the Navy (as did I) and now he is living and thriving in the financial world in Dalls, TX. I work as an administrative in the legal field in downtown Kansas City and we live out in the country about 45 min. away.

    We are very active and on the go - we do motorcycle trials so we travel a lot which is a hinderence to my schedule of working out and eating healthy but I love it. I'm learning to ride also so it has been a lot of fun.

    I was always small and could eat whatever I wanted growing up. After hiting 32 or so I started gaining a little here and a little there. I had gotten way up there and about 5 or so years ago I went on a lifestyle change diet (Jay Robb Fat Burning Diet) and lost a lot of weight and felt great. After meeting my husband I slowly started back on the bad habits and have gained over the last 3 years about 15 to 20 pounds back.

    I've been on MFP for about a year - not being very succesful because I haven't been very strict. I have been doing good at exercising and working out but not my diet. I have not had any symptoms of menopause but I did just go off the pill about 8 months or so ago so now my cycle is completely different - harder and longer periods and definetly more cramps and back ache but so far no hot flashes.

    Time to get really focused and lose this weight - I think this group will be great for me! I post alot - feel free to friend my and let's five each other the support we need.
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks so much for the invite!!

    My name is Janice, I am 47 and live in New Brunswick, Canada. I am married, I have 3 grown children (28, 24 & 20), 2 step daughters (27& 23), 2 wonderful grandsons and 3 cats.

    I love to cook, baking is my stress relief. I found out this year that I have a gluten intolerance, so I am having to learn a whole new way of eating and cooking. I have to admit it has been a struggle but I finally feel like I am getting the hang of it (well most of the time anyway). I hope to get some great ideas here that will help me become more healthy. And of course be able to share any of my experiences and tips as well.

    My long term goal is to lose about 55lbs - but this time around I am just looking at 5lbs at a time, otherwise I find I get too overwhelmed with the big numbers and not reaching a goal quick enough. I have committed and recommitted so many times now that I am frustrated with myself. But I am at a point in my life that this is very important to me and my family, so it is time for me to get very serious and find my "inner goddess" that I know is hiding under the extra layers on my body!

    I am really looking forward to getting to know you!! :smile:
  • kimboj41
    kimboj41 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello All,

    My name is Kim and I live in Woodbridge, VA by way of Macon, GA....I have a 13 year old daughter and for the longest I blamed my weight gain on baby weight....well my weight really sky rocketed two years ago when I was laid off for 7 months ( I am an emotional eater). I went from 190 to 215, as of today I am 190 and looking forward to getting down to a healthy weight for my 5'11 frame which is between 135-175, I am shooting for 165.

    Thank you for the invite and I look forward to sharing recipes, workout tips and more with you all....btw I am 42 years old.
  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! Diana here. I just turned 57 last week. Among my Bunko group, I'm known as the one who can tend to go overboard when it's my turn to be hostess! Most of the group likes to be fairly casual, but to me that's just too boring!! I'm also someone who likes variety in what I eat and my food diary usually reflects that, except for some fairly regular Peanut Butter and Jam toast for breakfast and Quest Protein Bars for snacks. I admit that I actually like to cook. On the nights I'm not into it, my husband and I like to eat out. Balance in life is good, right? I look forward to this group and checking out the posts as I get time. :flowerforyou:
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the group invite. I'm Karen from Illinois. I'm about a week away from 49 and I'm happily over 50 pounds lighter than I was a year ago. I have about 20 pounds to go. These are the hard ones. :)
  • lovelore1
    lovelore1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello to everyone out there! :-) My name is Teri and I live in Tucson, Arizona. I love the weather here because I can be outdoors 95% of the time. I love cycling, hiking, gardening, reading, and cooking/baking. I have 2 grown children (daughter 28 & son 25) so its just my husband and I and we both love that. I own a health/nutrition company and my husband is a certified personal trainer and martial arts instructor. We both pretty much set our hours and can really enjoy life as it was meant to be instead of "punching a clock" and living by another person's idea of how it should be.

    I'm a vegetarian (the only thing keeping me from being a true vegan is cheese & sour cream, which I love). I've been slowly experimenting/converting old family recipes to my eating lifestyle and have found nothing is impossible :-D My son is also vegan so we have a great time experimenting in the kitchen. I've even gotten my husband enjoying the food in a healthier way; although he still likes an occasional burger. Our whole family is super sensitive to what is (and has been) happening to our food. We support our local farmers, shop at the farmers markets, and only buy foods from companies that support GMO labeling and are 100% verified organic. The Food Movement is this country is real and growing. We all need to stand up for ourselves and what is right for our families and future generations.

    Did I mention I love being outdoors?? I feel a strong connection to nature and am passionate about protecting it for future generations to enjoy. I'm an advocate for alternative modes of transportation and am working to bring agencies and communities together for safer infrastructures so more people will want to get out and enjoy it like I do. I only drive my vehicle 1-2 times per month if I really need to; otherwise I'm on my bike. I bike everywhere: grocery shopping, banking, post office, library, visiting friends and clients, event training, you name it. I never would have thought I would be on this life path a few years ago. I was in a horrible biking accident 26 years ago and vowed to never get back on a bike. Funny how life heals you and opens your eyes/mind to a world of possibilities.

    My husband and I are registered for Tucson's biggest race: El Tour de Tucson (111-, 85-, 60-, & 42-mile events). We're signed up for the 60-mile this year. My goal is to be able to race the 111 in a year or two. The race is always the Saturday before Thanksgiving. This year marks the race's 30th anniversary and it happens to be our anniversary as well. What better way to spend it!! Race day also marks the 2-year anniversary of me getting back on a bike.

    I signed up with MFP on January 15, 2012 after researching food journaling apps for a friend who was looking for a way to get back on track with eating. I use food journaling as a method of accountability so when I saw an app that had everything I was looking for, I was excited. I've lost 30 pounds so far (which was my original goal) and would be super happy to lose another 5-10. I believe it is completely possible considering my activity level. I laugh every time I pull something out of my closet that was too small for so long that is now too big.

    Feel free to read my profile & my few blog posts and/or send me a friend request.
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks Alice for putting this all together and for the invite! I've been struggling to loose weight for years. I haven't been satisfied with my weight since my first time quitting smoking (I believe I've quit three times). I'd always been tall (5'9") and slender but, with a big appetite. And, I grew up with four brothers and you just didn't waste food. So, I've got this habit of eating everything on my plate. This was a problem when we went out to dinner. I knew I shouldn't eat it all, yet I didn't want to waste food.... Now, I get my husband to eat it or take it home in a doggie bag(leave it in the fridge so long that it gets thrown out anyway) LOL! Well, I've tried several methods to lose weight and haven't quite found the one for me.

    I've just purchased (a month ago) an elliptical trainer and have been using it everyday for at least 20 min. up to 60 min. in a day. I DIDN'T lose weight. My husband says it's fat turning into muscle. Hmmmm. O.K. I'll take that - for now.... I have learned to twink some meals, but I have to learn portion control - which is where I'm at right now. I'm not giving up!! I've got to win this!

    I want to wish all of the ladies here in this group the best on this journey of weight loss and health. And, I'll help out where ever I can. Looking forward to sharing and caring!
  • lorriannly
    lorriannly Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, my name is Lorri. I live in Baton Rouge, LA. I am married (20 years) and have 2 kids left at home (11 & 13) and a grown daughter who is married with 2 kids of her own. I started MFP (for real) 9/12/12. I told myself for my 44th birthday (June of 2012) that I would lose 44 pounds for my next birthday. Well, I don't really want to lose 44 pounds (129 - would be too skinny for my body), but am planning on losing at least 28 (that wold get me to 145, my weight when I met my husband).
    I have tried dieting and exercising to lose weight, but never at the same time. Lol, I'm glad I finally realized that the combination of both at the same time actually works.
    I love to cook, but mostly desserts. I am having a hard time cooking meals I CAN eat and my kids WILL eat.
    Hopefully, I will get some great info from you ladies
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, thanks for the invite! I'm Traci and I'm from Sacramento, CA. I'm 42 years old, married and have a 3-year-old daughter. Yes, I was a "late in life" mom who had her first (and only) child at age 39. Then I hit menopause at 41 and wasn't able to have any more children. So I'm very lucky to have my little blessing!

    When my daughter was almost 2, I realized I was still carrying some extra baby weight and decided that was the time to take it off (plus, an unflattering pic taken of me from behind was a great motivator). MFP has been a great tool! I do workout videos at home in the morning before I go to work. That's really the only time I have to exercise. I managed to get down to my pre-baby weight, but my body shape was totally different! Clothes don't fit the same anymore. It's so weird what happens to your body after having a baby. Like most women, my biggest problem area has always been my stomach. My goal is to try to firm it up before our vacation next year. :smile:
  • HauteT
    HauteT Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! My name is Elise. I currenlty live in the Texas Panhandle. I struggled with being "chubby" all my life but became obese after having children. Just last year I decided I had finally had enough and needed to try AGAIN to lose the weight. Well, I really thank God I did because I have successfully lost 70 pounds and totally changed my life and way of thinking. I started out walking, then running, then hired a personal trainer and now I love HIIT and weight lifting! Never thought I'd learn to do so much at 42 years old. With my trainer's encouragement and my family's support I am training to earn my personal trainer certification. I even have my first (non-paying) client as part of my course work. Fitness has given me a brand new life that I love!
  • SuzieQ430
    SuzieQ430 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you for the invite to the group, I am happy to be here! I am from Michigan. I have to wonderful children, ages 23 and 20. My daughter just recently got married to a wonderful young man, so he is a nice addition to the family. I am happily married to my husband of 26 years. The weight has slowly crept up (30 pounds) over the past ten years. After seeing pictures of me at my daughter's wedding, it is time to get serious!
  • TPS65
    TPS65 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I'm Tracey I am 47 from the UK, I have struggled with my weight most of my life. I have 3 grown up children and 2 gorgeous grandchildren and I want to be healthy so I can enjoy them as they grow up.
  • toyamac2012
    Hi everyone, my name is Toya and I am 46 from Birmingham, AL. I have struggled with weight all of my life, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. The past 10 years has been a steady gain of weight for various reasons and I feel like it's time to lose the weight and change my life for good. I'm realizing I just can't do it without support and the ideas of others who are on the same journey or have been this way before so here I am. I have 2 grown step-children with 3 step-grandchildren and 1 on the way. I have 2 children at home 18 and 15. I want to be healthy and fit so I can enjoy life again.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hi I'm Laura (accepted the invite last weekend but no time to respond then) 58 in Denver, Colorado. Married for 39 years the 10th of November with 3 grown sons & 3 grandsons.

    This is my second round of being on MFP and I have just reached my goal. Since I failed on maintenance last time I'm not leaving MFP this time because I know I need the accountability that being here gives. I plan 90% of my meals and I cook on the weekends preparing for the coming work week. I love to cook and challenge myself to find new receipes that will work for this new lifestyle.

    I have found that if I eat in moderation I can still have my occasional treats but am always looking for a lower calorie way of making my treats.

    Everyone have a great day.

  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
    Just checking in...I am 49, will be 50 in February. Did an overhaul of my exercise and eating habits. Feel much better, and younger too! WIll enjoy sharing tips and thoughts with everyone in this group.
  • 666izzy
    666izzy Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, My name's Izzy, I'm 49 and I live in Ipswich, Suffolk. My weight tends to creep up and down so, this time round, I'm trying to make a few, simple lifestyle changes to ensure it creeps down, and stays there. So far I've lost just over a stone; I'd like to lose another two, and then stay steady at 10st (140lb; no idea what that is in kilos!)
  • tbruegg
    tbruegg Posts: 283 Member
    Thank you for the invite. I'm 59 years old mother of 4, 2 girls and 2 boys. Children all grown have 5 grandchildren oldest is 20 youngest is 6. When your granddaughter is 20 you know your getting old......
    Was married to a physically and mentally abusive husband for 30 years, divorced now 7 years "Yeah for me". Now I'm getting healthy again emotionally and physically. I have a little dog named Harlee he's my best friend always there when I need someone to be close. Lost my beloved Mother 2 years ago to Ovarian Cancer. I come from a family of 6 counting me, my Father left when the youngest was only 3 so my Mother raised us alone and sacrificed a lot to do it. She was a great lady.
    I've been battling the same 25 pounds like forever. My biggest problem is that I don't like to cook and I say that because I don't know how to be a creative cook. Was married to a farmers son who just ate meat, potato's and bread. So would love to learn how to use spices in recipes.
    On a happier note I have learned to love life and look forward to everyday. Have wonderful friends who are there when I need them. I like this site and hearing everyone's ideas( I'm going to be trying the cake and pumpkin recipe). One I found since being on this site is the no cook Oatmeal in a cup, I can no longer eat oatmeal any other way.

    1/2 cup old fashioned oats
    1/2 banana or fruit of choice I also like 1 tablespoon of raisins
    1/2 cup almond milk(unsweetened) or regular milk
    sweetener of choice
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

    In coffee cup put 1/2 of oats add sliced banana add remainder of oats. In a shaker put milk, sweetener and cinnamon, pour over oats cover and put in fridge for tomorrow. Some like it cold I personally like it warm 1 1/2 minutes in the microwave. It's delicious......
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you for the invitation. I've just slid into 50 in August, 2012. I have been married for 29 years. I have a son-25 and a daughter- 21 and a beautiful granddaughter- 16 months. I decided last November 24th, that my health had to become a priority for me. I was tired of feeling so terrifble. So I started doing something about it.

    My goal is to be at 100 pounds lost before or by November 24th, my 1 year anniversary of starting a new lifestyle. That will put me halfway throught the weight loss leg of my journey. I am close. I always welcome weight loss advice.