Latest A1C showing good progress

Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
Just got the latest 90 day results and the progress continues in the right direction. A1C is down to 6.1 and my goal is to get to 5.9 for the next test using good diet and exercise.

My cholesterol dropped 50 points, mostly due to better eating and of course, exercise. Good reports.


  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    Great results!
  • wcucats77
    Congratulations!!!! You can celebrate ( a little). Question, if I may, dropping 50 points with Cholesterol, are you also on statin and may I ask which medicine. Do you think it was the exercise for such terrfic results?

    Again, congrats
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Great! Congrats!
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Congratulations!!!! You can celebrate ( a little). Question, if I may, dropping 50 points with Cholesterol, are you also on statin and may I ask which medicine. Do you think it was the exercise for such terrfic results?

    Again, congrats

    I am indeed on a statin, Simvastatin I think it's spelled. I believe it's a combination of three things:
    1. Proper diet - Not a diet in the sense of some flash in the pan thing to lose weight but proper eating. This was huge in the last 5 months

    2. Exercise. Very key

    3. The statin to a lesser degree. I was on it before for about 6 months with very little to show in progress. The dietary change and exercise I believe are the biggest key.

    My next goals are get the A1C below 6 and raise my HDL with more exercise. Both are achievable.
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    Great reports & well done! :happy:
  • wcucats77
    Cyngen.... Again , congratulations!!!! Thanks for the information with regard to statin. I, too am on statin ( Lipitor) and my numbers for cholesterol are great, I take 40mg, 1,000 niaspan, full asprin and 1,500 of fish oil. Since my first reading crossing the 6.0, actually 6.4 A1C, i have become religious as to my health. I have lost 10 pounds 3 weeks and keeping carbs to 100-150. I am not on Metfornin at this time, but I think or hope the eating and heavy exercise 6 night week riding a schwinn air dyne 17 miles burning up 600-700 calories will help my HDL and Tri's along with getting my A1C back in to 5's. I was tipping scales at 201, now 191, with goal of 183.

    Thanks a million for your response!!!

    WCU CATS77
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Congratulations Cygen! Good to celebrate the hard work. I don't go for my first follow-up A1C until October. Like you, I am hoping that proper eating and exercise will show improvements. Any drop will be encouraging. I've lost 9.2 lbs in 4 weeks and hoping for another loss on my next weigh-in.

    Keep up the good work! It is encouraging to us all. too bad they don't have the thumbs up smiley so here's :smokin: it!
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    :smokin: That's smokin!

    :drinker: Cheers to you!

    You're on track, very happy for you!
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    thanks to all that responded. I took being diagnosed with Diabetes pretty hard for a few weeks those years ago, but then decided as Clint Eastwood would say "got mad dog mean about it" and am working hard to keep things more in check. I did get lazy with things for a time, had a right poor (read craptacular) doctor who could only say one thing "lose weight". He's been 'fired'.

    The new doc is amazing, she's funny, listens to me when I ask about things, offers sincere good advice and while suggesting some weight drop would be beneficial, doesn't put me down. I tell you, the right doctor makes such a difference. Remember, they work for us, we pay their salary.

    And to the others here, keep working it.

  • Jacquis59
    Congratulations!!! I just got mine down 4 points in the last two months time!
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    way to go.....:flowerforyou:
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Thanks for sharing your good news Cygnen. Success stories are always welcome because they remind us that the MFP programme, properly applied, really does work. It also provides an incentive to the rest of us to keep striving. Well done on your success and best wishes as you try to raise the bar even higher.
  • Jacquis59
    Kudos to you! I got mine down from 11.4 to 7.3 in two months. I want to see it get to under 6, and that's my goal for this next month.