Fitness for 50 Days?

Hello All!

Joining this group has inspired me to re-start the Couch-2-5k jogging program I started over the summer but then let slide. I'm interested to hear how others are stepping up their workouts for this 50 day challenge :)


  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    For me, I'd like to get to the gym at least 5 times/week! I slacked yesterday (yep - day 1!) so today through Friday I'll be there and then perhaps Sunday afternoon I'll be able to get some time in. :-) I don't like to leave the gym if I haven't burned at least 400 calories!! (I wear a heart rate monitor)
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 170 Member
    I am ready to be fit in 50 days...:explode:
  • nursy14
    nursy14 Posts: 34 Member
    hi i just started today i am 59yrs old and determined to lose the weight i am gaining
    since i stopped smoking i have been very careful with diet but its not working i do not want to get overly depressed but im getting there, any support out there i will accept i am taking the 50 day challenge!!!!!!!!
  • I started Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut" workout plan yesterday: high-intensity intervals/strength training 3-4 times/week. I'm filling the other days with Bikram yoga and spin classes so that I'm working out 5-6 times/week. The plan is for 30 days. So, after that plan finishes, I'm going to evaluate whether it worked for me. Maybe I'll do it again, maybe I'll try something else; we'll see! I just finshed my first marathon in early October and my personal trainer of 1 year left my gym, so my workout plan has been suffering the past 3 weeks. Ready to get back on the wagon!!
  • Fitby31
    Fitby31 Posts: 95 Member
    I kinda suck in the exercise dept. I will find any excuse not to. I was doing & need to re-start Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown, I really love it, but stopped when hubby was out of town for work & I had a toddler with the flu.. got no sleep for a good 5 days.

    I'my gonna try to start it back up next week....well I guess I could start tomorrow. see - I love excuses UGG haha.

    Frogger- Bikram Yoga is some serious *kitten*! i've only done it a handful of times. Good for you!!
  • I have a broken foot that is limiting what I can do right now but I am going to go for stretching and floor exercises 5 days a week.
  • New to early retirement I have recruited a personal trainer. Time span for 10 sessions will take me to Christmas, so this fits well with the 50 day challenge! Good session in gym today that pushed me further than usual on running and rowing machines and set targets for weight and toning work. Happy to be accountable for this to the group!
  • @Fitby - Yeah, Bikram is a little crazy. I got a Groupon deal at a local studio about a year ago and didn't realize how intense it'd be. I've been going on-and-off since then; I'd like to make it a more regular once/week thing. I love how it makes me feel afterward, but the class may be the worst 90 minutes ever. I started wearing a HRM during class and I was really surprised how many calories it actually burns for me.
  • 18 lbs in 50 days would be PERFECT!! That'd put me at my goal weight. And before christmas, too - SWEET!!! C'mon people, we ALL can do this!! Get up, get out, and get moving!!! 1,2,3, - LET'S MOVE!!!
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    C25K here as well!! I am currently in week 2!! :D
    I've also registered for my first 5K on December 30th! Way to end 2012! :)
  • pinkflybaby
    pinkflybaby Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! What's the Couch-2-5K?
  • Angel0787
    Angel0787 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm wanting to lose 20lbs by Christmas, I'm remotivating myself to get back in the gym after a few months of slacking off. So I plan on starting back every three days for the first couple weeks, then working myself up to more often in the gym. :) Good luck everyone!
  • jennm72
    jennm72 Posts: 45 Member
    I have 4 days left of the C25K that I keep talking myself of now that it has gotten colder here. I want to finish that up. I also started back to the gym last Thursday so my goal is to make it there at least 4 days during the week for strength training. I am going over lunch for strength and then walking/jogging outside right after work. Not sure that will work when the time changes this weekend so I may need to make another trip back to the gym to get my cardio in.
  • C25K here (again) too! Got married in February and completely fell off any good health habits. Am blown away at how fast the pounds packed on. Need motivation to get back on track and shed these unwanted newly wed pounds!
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    I want to PR in the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. And be on track for a spring half marathon.

    I also really want to get back into lifting/Cross Training.
  • I've been going to Aqua Zumba 3 times a week and I'm adding on 2 Zumba classes and a Yoga class starting next week. I'm also going to try to get in my Winsor Pilates 20 minute dvd 2-3 times a week. I've heard on the couch to 5k thing, I might have to look that up. Good luck everyone!
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    What heart rate monitor do you use? I want to get one so I have a more accurate method of figuring out how many calories I burn.
  • tiffanepiphany
    tiffanepiphany Posts: 58 Member
    My plan is to simply do 30-60 mins any kind of heart pumping physical activity (whether its a walk, HIIT session, circuit class, elliptical, zumba, bike ride...whatever feel like on any given day) six days a week, to include 2-3 days of weight training.
  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    I have some really high hopes for this challenge! When I logged on this morning I was looking for something just like this and I am ready! I have been slacking off and allowing myself to be lead into some bad eating/skipping workouts, but NO MORE! I have a pretty good workout routine going and now I have to concentrate on my intake.

    We can do this!
  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    My plan is to simply do 30-60 mins any kind of heart pumping physical activity (whether its a walk, HIIT session, circuit class, elliptical, zumba, bike ride...whatever feel like on any given day) six days a week, to include 2-3 days of weight training.

    I really wish I had someone who could show me what I need to do for strength training but I absolutely cannot afford a trainer. Any good sites you can recommend?